Thoughts on the “Arrivals” Video Series + Radio Panel Session with Ulema in S. Africa
GuestsGuest-post by Loga’Abdullah, originally posted here. Below that is audio of a panel discussion with ulema in South Africa (uploaded on Youtube by Dawud).
Bismillah. At the outset I’d like to honor the pursuit of the truth and the efforts the video makers made in seeking understanding as opposed to hate. This is a noble venture and the points below are not aimed at discrediting that.
A note of caution: The documentary repeats and replays images of lewdness, music, sexuality and drug use. Likewise, there are some differences of Aqeedah mentioned within (such as the idea that Allah created the universe with laws and left it or the Shi’ite perspective of Islam).
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I’ll try to stick to the main points regarding the factual presentations given and one can read about the issues of Aqeedah on other posts. Remember: It is a form of shirk to associate the Power and Will of Allah with anyone or anything other than Allah. Saying that Shaytan gives someone power and makes people powerful is not from the Aqeedah of Ahl Sunna because Allah is the only One who Decrees what Will be. [The following points will follow relatively chronologically along with the episodes – they are not in order of importance]
1) In The Arrivals many theories and ideas are presented as if they are one cohesive body (conspiracy), however the linking data or linking evidence to connect these ideas is not given. I am not saying that these theories are wrong or right, rather than they are presented as if they are all connected without supporting evidence. These ideas and theories include:
a. The planned and strategic usage of sexual imagery in children’s television and the greater promotion of lewdness and degradation of sexual morality.
b. The imagery of the Lion/Horse crest on government/cigarette/alcohol symbols (based upon Biblical prophecy).
c. The symbolism of the Freemason Architect “eye” and membership of powerful elite.
d. The secret possession from Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades that gives power and control (originally found by Templars).
e. The skull and crossbones symbolism.
f. The illuminati and its relation to the music industry.
g. Emergence of the “new world order” of wars and globalization.
h.The symbolism of pyramids and tapping of the earth’s hidden energy grid.
i. The global support of the state of Israel.
j. The occult, paganism, magic and Satanism.
k. The theory of energy and vibes/vibrations and other related theories.
l. The concept of sacred geometry and sacred mathematics.
m. The proliferation of mass media, music, television, movies and the like.
n. Belief that ancient pyramids facilitated global communication and special power sourcing.
o. The belief that the Dajjal is a system not a person (as described in the Sunnah).
p. The death of Michael Jackson and the plots behind it.
q. That freemasonry is actually based upon Kabbalah, or Jewish magic and magic that pre-dates Judaism.
r. Hollywood’s stereotyping of Arabs, Muslims and the Arab world.
s. Alternative 9/11 explanations.
t. UFOs and the New World Order’s plan to stage a UFO attack on the world.
u. That all powerful elites and world leaders are Satanists.
v. That the Pharaoh’s bloodline is the current ruling Monarch in Britain.
Each of these theories are in need of reflection and consideration, however one cannot assume that they are connected and linked in a planned effort by a single body without sufficient evidence to make such a claim. The Arrivals presents these theories as if they are all a plot from a specific group (empowered by Shaytan), however it does not account for any other factors, such as: the market demand for sexual imagery and the advantage that sexual imagery has in advertising; the supply and demand and ease of world trade in globalization; the “crest” image is not exact representations on each product, rather these are similar logos and there is a historical usage for such emblems; the distinct membership and separation between the organizations related to the freemason symbolism and the skull and crossbones symbolism; the structural advantages to the pyramid in ancient times (ex: ease of construction, ability to increase height and durability) that facilitated its global usage in pre-modern times; and the socio-political, geo-political and religious reasons that the state of Israel has gained support; the fact that the lion is a common symbol because of its power and dominance in the animal kingdom; the role of superstition in everyday life and that is it often correlated by the mind but does not necessitate a plot to confuse the masses; the factor of green in global business as it affects the new world order and globalization as well as the use of sexuality in advertisements and the proliferation of goods such as alcohol and cigarettes; the role of addition in the sale of products such as alcohol and cigarettes; the effectiveness of using geometry and geometric patterns in construction and for aesthetic purposes; the demand and profitability in mass media; the freedom within mass media, to create such shows as The Arrivals; the other factors that played into the war on terror, such as the existence of actual extremist groups executing acts of terror; the geo-political and economic reasons for invading Iraq and Afghanistan; certainly the events of 9/11 have been called into question as it related to the US government’s explanation, however no clear alternative has yet emerged and thus we cannot assume that our best guess is correct, et cetera.
2) The condescending attitude of “soon you’ll know” and “soon you’ll understand” and “soon you’ll be free” makes the viewer feel as if the documentary makers have some secret information they’ve yet to share with the audience. However, the continual blaring of this messaging is using the similar tools and methods which were “evidence” that media came from Shaytan.
3) The use of cult movies, such as the Matrix, Fight Club and the Lord of the Rings throughout, clearly undermine their message as they are promoting the mainstream Hollywood media which they claim to be a part of the master plan for the new world order.
4) “Connections” are made between relatively unrelated topics to promote their theories. For example: Part 11 begins with Hamza Yusuf talking about the Sun God of the Pharaohs and its relation to the Freemason Architect “eye” along with the word “ray” coming for that Pharaonic origin and then the title of Madonna’s album “Ray of Light” is portrayed as something seemingly shaytanic. This connecting of unrelated imagery and tidbits of information without factual evidence to link them is not evidence at all.
5) The idol worship of celebrities is considered shaytanic when done for pop stars that are supported by the claimed illuminati-dominated music industry, however cult like following of Michael Jackson, Bob Marley and Diana (called our hero) is not deemed so. Again, selective use of information to promote an idea.
6) The evidence of the music industry’s dominance by illuminati and their agenda being encoded in all forms of messaging revolves around only a few people, in particular the documentary focuses upon Madonna and Britney Spears. And, no evidence is provided to show that these people in particular or their bosses are in fact a part of Illuminati – rather it is given as if it were fact (for argument’s sake, one needs to prove the point not just state what one believes to be truth).
7) The use of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as “evidence” when clearly this document is a forgery as has been deemed so by Western academia and Islamic scholarship, its roots, agenda and plagiarized portions are well-known.
8 ) The lack of “smoking-guns” and reports from previous workers – for example: if Disney has a master plan to indoctrinate the children through sexual imagery in cartoon films, there would be at least one editor/artist or otherwise who would come forward speaking about the fact that he’d be told and/or directed to create a cartoon based upon the imagery of sexual organs and other sexual imagery. And yet, such has not happened in the case of Disney or any of the others.
9) On The Arrivals own website Part 21, Part 23 and Part 37 are missing (there are files but they direct you to the following section)
10) The section regarding UFOs conveniently mixes actual images with Hollywood and other footage of UFOs. Granted, UFOs may be explained by the testing of yet to be released military technology, but that of itself is not proof that the “New World Order” is plotting to use UFOs to stage an attack to finalize their control of Earth.
11) The film confuses the “satanic” hand sign (which is shown) with the American Sign Language sign for “I love you,” which is close to the “satanic” hand sign but it also extends the thumb. The documentary mixes these two images / hand signs as if they were the same and had the same meaning.
12) The Dajjal being our ruler as a system goes against many ahadith in the Sunna. It puts aside the physical description of a person, it leaves aside all the ahadith that describe the Dajjal and what he looks like, it does not discuss the ahadith regarding the precursors and timeline that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has related for us. The Arrivals selectively uses some ahadith to “prove” that the “Architect eye” is the one-eyed Dajjal system and that the Dajjal is alive and ruling us. They have interpreted the ahadith of “one year” to mean one heavenly year and this it equals 1000 years and goes forth with a theory of who ruled the world during this time, after the speech given by a speaker there is no authentic evidence to advocate this understanding of the ahadith, nor the rest of the narrations relating to Dajjal, which were not mentioned at all. One who is slightly versed in the Dajjal as is presented in the authentic Sunna will realize this argument and this idea of the Dajjal being a system is not correct.
13) The aspect of why all the leaders are practicing and embracing Satanism and dominating the world, who are working to eradicate religion and the belief in Allah, neglects to address the fact that the Most-Powerful and the Most-Merciful is Greater. Allah is All-Knowing and not unaware of the plots of Satan for surely the pen has been lifted and nothing occurs without the Knowledge and Will of Allah, Most-High. Let us not forget this crucial and important point as we are told that Satan is taking over the world through the whims and pacts of the elite and leaders.
14) The Arrivals states that only evil jinn “cross the dimensional boarder” and therefore we do not and cannot encounter good jinn. They also state that only sacrifice “opens the door” for that cross dimensional communication, symbolized by a cross checkered floor, and that all leaders of the world today practice these rituals of sacrifice. I don’t feel the need to comment on this. Had there been authentic religious evidence for the former one might consider it and had there been anything beyond opinion for the latter is may have be entertained.
15) Much of the theories and information regarding the plans of Shaytan rely upon one long interview from an unknown source taken by unmentioned journalists and presented by an unknown speaker. How can a logical person take this as the “key” to unlocking this truth? This is pure opinion given by an unknown source regarding Satanism and is the foundation for the latter part of the entire series. In sum, we have a collection of antidotal evidence and a listing of various controversial theories. It is stated that there are a lot of things going wrong. There is a massive negative trend in society. However, a collection of images, photos and music and movie clips does not prove that the Freemasons/Illuminati/Pharaohs are running society. As was mentioned in the film, there are a lot of people who have similar world views, but they are not necessarily working in concerted efforts. Those similar views include greed (globalization, sexual marketing), control (New World Order, clubs of secret societies), power and the like. Although many of these above mentioned plots are said to have a Shaytanic origin, many have had positive effects and thus the dichotomy is not as black and white as is presented. Occam’s Razor states: entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity. I rest my case upon Occam’s Razor until facts, sources and ideas are connected justly.
Wa’Allahu ‘alem.
Radio Panel Discussion in South Africa
A radio panel discussion (h/t Dawud Israel):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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May 3, 2010 at 12:54 AM
While I always suspected it, this post is the clear proof I needed to conclude that MuslimMatters is undeniably part of the Global Masonic-Zionist-Illuminati-Satanist conspiracy.
For those who doubt, you need only look at the MuslimMatters logo which contains 6 pyramids, two of them inverted.
Get off this site now! If you submit a comment they will be able to read your mind.
May 3, 2010 at 1:59 AM
dang, u broke the code! Glad you didn’t locate the one-eye!
May 3, 2010 at 2:03 AM
Well … the default gravatar pic kind of looks like an eye; a cat’s eye as a matter of fact. The ancient Egyptian used to worship cats! They also made pyramids!
It all makes sense!!!
The truth is out there!!! (x-files theme)
May 3, 2010 at 3:21 AM
I think I’ll have to send one from the forces of the Illuminati to extinguish your internet privileges as you know and said too much.
May 20, 2010 at 7:59 AM
lolz@amad; the pun was good
Abdullah truth seeker
February 25, 2011 at 9:59 AM
You disgust me
May 3, 2010 at 2:35 AM
The part about the staged UFO attack on the earth scared me stiff.
May 3, 2010 at 2:39 AM
heres another review of the Arrivals by a prominent south african scholar (Sulaiman Khindi)
Abu Ibrahim
May 3, 2010 at 3:23 AM
I saw this Arrivals stuff, and while some of it was interesting, a lot of it was a lot of bunk. Especially all of that pyramids and energy mess.
There are better sources online about The Dajjal and The Anti-Christ.
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May 3, 2010 at 4:50 AM
good post, but i know one good thing that came out of it- a brother that i know gave up music after watching the Arrivals. Alhamdulillah.
May 3, 2010 at 7:55 AM
I agree. I know of some cases too -Alhamdulillah.
Apparently another good documentary set to watch is The Industry, seeable on youtube. It uses more evidence and is more like a documentary. It is not Islamic in any way though.
some good
May 3, 2010 at 6:49 AM
It was also one of the factors which pushed me to give up music and see it for what it was. that said, the Arriavals was an early stumbling block on my path of strengthening my deen. I may have possibly came to that realisation through another means.
Andrew Purcell
May 3, 2010 at 7:03 AM
During the 1938 radio broadcast of “The War of the Worlds”, Orson Welles convinced many people in the United States that Martians had landed in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey.
You have to try harder.
But I did start my day with a chuckle.
May 3, 2010 at 7:21 AM
Sorry, totally clueless…the Arrivals is a documentary aired on U.S. tv or something else?
May 3, 2010 at 3:23 PM
It’s a youtube sensation. like 51 parts of 10 minutes each I think.
Hamza Isa
May 3, 2010 at 7:53 AM
I thought that the article is poorly written and the arguments were very poor and basic
There are just too many points made in the post that are simply bad, unfortunately i dont have the time or the inclination
May 3, 2010 at 8:01 AM
salam Br.Hamza
Making some strong negative conclusions on the article without providing any corroboration isn’t being fair to the author, is it? If you didn’t have the inclination to explain, why the inclination to criticize at all? Without explanation, such judgments become non-constructive. I hope you will take the time to say more so we can all learn.
Abdullah truth seeker
February 25, 2011 at 10:07 AM
the article itself says stuff that are truly false and make assumption to what the video maker was actually is telling. You and whoever wrote this discussion are sick. My argument are at the end if you want to have a look and comment
May 3, 2010 at 9:15 AM
I have to agree with Amad here. Isn’t is self-defeating to make an argument that another argument is poor by not providing one?
Ibn Masood
May 3, 2010 at 9:51 AM
May 3, 2010 at 8:21 AM
I’m watching parts of this series. They talk about sexually explicit imagery, and then the very next scene is Britney Spears. Hypocrisy??
May 3, 2010 at 8:33 AM
And amazingly, Muslims watch wide-eyed, so that they may learn something from the dance scenes! I was almost forced to watch the first few parts of it, and I am still trying to figure out how any logical person would accept the garbage. My only reasonable explanation is that there is (a) some truth mixed in it (like the parts of Hollywood depiction of Arabs) that becomes the glue to hold all the other falsehood and innuendo together, and/or (b) some Muslims are perfectly prejudiced to accept this because it allows them to blame everything on some imaginary figures, making it someone else’s problem instead of being part of the problem.
May 3, 2010 at 9:13 AM
It is certainly interesting how many people took an interest in this series and also clear that many of the ideas go against Islamic aqeedah and others are just plain wacky.
Ibn Masood
May 3, 2010 at 9:50 AM
MashaAllah.. finally! Someone did it! After looking at how so many brothers and sisters were glued to this, watching a few senseless episodes myself… I always wanted to get down to writing such a critique to the series but this article/author does a fantastic job. Although you do steal the ajr for it lol.
May 3, 2010 at 10:32 AM
BarakAllah fiikum. I felt the same way ibn Masood.
Brother Hamza my goal, and Allah knows best, was to point out the aspects whereby this series goes against Islamic teachings and how these arguments are made without justification. I apologize for my mistakes and ask for forgiveness if my arguments were not made well. I, like ibn Masood, noticed many people getting confused and caught up in the series so much so that their faith was being negatively affected and decided to attempt a review of it. InshaAllah constructive criticism and commentary will further facilitate the understanding of this series. Let us simply view this as a starting point for conversation, for I am by no means a scholar.
May Allah guide us all and forgive our short-comings.
Ibn Masood
May 3, 2010 at 11:05 AM
One other thing akhi, is that a this vast conspiracy plot madness makes a person forget the wisdom and planning of his Creator. Regardless of what happens, good or bad, it is the Qadr of Allah alone, and the video series tends to make people wary of other people, instead of helping people to acknolwedege Al-Qadeer.
May 3, 2010 at 11:12 AM
Yes, very true. Alhamdulilah. JazakAllah kheir.
Abdullah truth seeker
February 25, 2011 at 10:17 AM
12) The Dajjal being our ruler as a system goes against many ahadith in the Sunna. It puts aside the physical description of a person, it leaves aside all the ahadith that describe the Dajjal and what he looks like, it does not discuss the ahadith regarding the precursors and timeline that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has related for us. The Arrivals selectively uses some ahadith to รขโฌลproveรขโฌย that the รขโฌลArchitect eyeรขโฌย is the one-eyed Dajjal system and that the Dajjal is alive and ruling us. They have interpreted the ahadith of รขโฌลone yearรขโฌย to mean one heavenly year and this it equals 1000 years and goes forth with a theory of who ruled the world during this time, after the speech given by a speaker there is no authentic evidence to advocate this understanding of the ahadith, nor the rest of the narrations relating to Dajjal, which were not mentioned at all. One who is slightly versed in the Dajjal as is presented in the authentic Sunna will realize this argument and this idea of the Dajjal being a system is not correct.
great justification, really, no really, i laugh so much at you,why criticize something that is actually the opposite what the person actually said, go read my comment of the comments anoying person, how much i hate you
abu Nusaybah
February 26, 2011 at 5:32 AM
It is just an opinion, no need to hate me.
February 26, 2011 at 11:44 AM
I agree with your point, but arrogance is a sin my muslim brother. It is so heavy that whosoever has even a little arrogance in their heart will never see paradise. So lets keep the discussion friendly and try to bridge each-others understanding instead of insulting our fellow muslims.
May 3, 2010 at 11:24 AM
This post was needed about a year ago! You forgot something else, the “speech” by JFK is actually a forgery, the entire transcript can be found online, and he’s not talking about “secret societies” the way its made out to be, he’s asking reporters to not be talking about everything in the media because of the Cold War.
On a side, although I am not a die hard conspiracy theorist, there are certain facts that show evidence for some sort of underlying motives. Par example: Masons themsleves in their own books speak about how “Solomon’s Temple” is the “holiest of holies”, and one must admit they do have atleast some political influence. It does seem like that would be high on the priorities right? I mean, if the only superpower in the world was a country in which Muslims had influence, and Mekkah was under the regime of non-Muslims, that would be high on our priorities too.
I’ve seen another video by a retired FBI agent named Ted Gunderson, and I must say he does bring documented evidence to the table for some sort of influential satanic cult.
Your thoughts?
May 3, 2010 at 12:01 PM
BarakAllah fiikum Sayf. I mentioned, in response to some of the many comments on the original post that:
I did not say that this film was 100% wrong, and if I came across that way then I apologize. Regarding the various groups the film has mentioned (freemasons, bones, illuminti et cetera), I did not say that these groups do not exist or have no power. Rather, I said that lumping all these groups into a documentary along with New Age ideas and a plethora of other theories does not in itself act as a proof – and, to me it weakens the argument, since I disagree with many of these ideas because they oppose Islamic teachings (such as these New Age ideas and others that I mentioned).
If we are seeking knowledge, let us seek if properly, and in its proper place. Uncited conspiracy video clips mashed together on YouTube is one source I am not willing to adjust my Islam upon – rather, I suggest for myself first and foremost to spend those hours sitting with a scholar to learn my religion rather than YouTube, because the true protection from Dajjal and from misguidance will be understanding this diin. May Allah guide us to be among those who truly seek knowledge for His sake. amin.
May 3, 2010 at 2:46 PM
Amin to the dua’s bro. I wasn’t implying that you held any particular viewpoints, I actually agree with you. I was merely trying to start a discussion and figure out what other people thought on the phenomena I spoke of.
July 21, 2011 at 4:07 PM
Masha’Allah. Definetly, sit with a scholar, learn the subjects related to it. And when you have enough knowledge, please do come to us here in the forum & then comment it.
May 3, 2010 at 1:38 PM
asalaam o alykum wa rahmatullah,
i watched The Arrivals on DVD in 3 days and it was a shocker, it was so scary, i couldnt sleep for days-subhanAlllah
I just have one thing to say, although i dont agree with everything those two Arab guys Noreaga and Achernahr said i do agree with the crux which says that the Muslims should unite and stand up to their opressors.
I believe that we should take good from everything we see; the good we learn from shaytan is that he is persisitent, he works 24\7 agiainst us and to counter that we have to work 24\7 too inshaAllah.
Everything has a good, bad , and ugly to it, but the good of ‘The Arrivals’ is that it made me realize the strength of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, even in the Quran He subhanahu wa ta’ala says that they are planning and plotting but Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is the Best of Planners. subhanAllah. After watching these series, i could understand the Quran better because they made me realize that Satan is our sworn enemy, i mean i already knew that but they woke me up [hence ‘the wake up project’] and i left TV, havnt you guys noticed, in all soaps on TV there’s a gay sibling or a family member, im talking brothers and sisters, ugly betty, desperate houswives etc – they are promoting some serious astagfirullah stuff to desensitize us and its good that the arrivals helps us understand that hannah ?
I esp liked this part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsImM40BY04
i was perturbed by those dances of Madonna and Britney etc- they shouldnt have shown those astagfirullah, but you see their target was the whole world, not just the Muslims, they had to prove what they believd in.
I came across alot of info on Dajjal through AlJummah Magazine’s Volume 11 Issue 9 Ramadhan 1420 H Issue called ‘2000 IS JESUS COMING’ and it talked about alot of things that scared me big time, ill quote some here inshaAllah perhaps pertinent to point #12 that the brother makes :
page 26 :
His(Dajjal’s) time will be filled with extreme trials as Allah created him to be a test for people. Only those whose faith is strong will resist the great temptation and might of the Dajjal. He will rule on earth for forty days but they would not be like other days. They are: “Forty says, and one of these days will be like a year, another day like a month, yet another like a week, and the rest will have the same length as normal days. The companions who were always concerned about the matters of faith and worship, asked Prophet Muhammad sallallhu alyhe wa sallam: ‘O Messenger of allah, for the say which is like a year, will one day’s prayer be sufficient?’ He said:’ No, you must estimate the time and observe the salaah.'” (Muslim). This means that the day will truly be lengthened, and it will not be due to the people’s imagination. -Alia Amer
Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala knows best.
JazakAllah khayran kaseeran for this article brother, and lol MM is not satanic rofl
May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala protect and guide us all ameen. peace be with you all
p.s sorry this turned into another article lol
May 3, 2010 at 2:00 PM
I agree with you in the essence of your comment that we can take good from it as well.
My issue, and the reason why this series is concerning so many people, is that the problems with the series far outweigh the benefits in it; benefits that could have been gotten through other means in a much more authentic and less-conspiratorial environment. Do we need the arrivals to learn about Dajjal, about shaytan and about our enemies, more than what is found in the books of hadith, scholars, etc.?
Some people, like you, can take a measured view of it and avoid the harm mashallah. But many others are so compelled by this video that all they see, day and night, are Illuminatis hanging over them. Every single event becomes a conspiracy. Every event has to be taken with a grain of salt, to the point that they stop believing everything. Can you imagine living in a world where you can’t take anything for face value? I can’t. I would rather swallow a few “real” conspiracies for the sake of my sanity.
Also, what this is doing to a lot of people is making them fatalistic and in some ways, defeatist. “They” control everything, so what are we to do? And I keep asking, what is the tangible benefit EVEN if somehow you knew all the world’s secrets? Are you going to stop what you are doing?
Instead of focusing on what others are doing or who is controlling the extreme complexities of this globalized and free system (anyone can blog about anything, which itself is a challenge to this theory), let us instead focus on what WE as individuals, as groups, can do to improve our own lives, our family’s lives, and the lives of the people in our communities, IF each of us does a little bit, the result would be such a massive REAL Islamic awakening, that any imagined control would completely run out of control!
May 3, 2010 at 2:16 PM
subhanAllah, Let me reiterate this: “Let us instead focus on what WE as individuals, as groups, can do to improve our own lives, our familyรขโฌโขs lives, and the lives of the people in our communities, IF each of us does a little bit, the result would be such a massive REAL Islamic awakening, that any imagined control would completely run out of control!”
Lets make Our Wake up ya Ummah series lol.
May 3, 2010 at 2:25 PM
This “film” has no traction for American Muslims. Very few US Muslims have heard or seen this “film”. I wonder why are Muslims in other parts of world so gullible and fascinated by this movie. Maybe because this type of material hasn’t been presented to non-US audiences before? I haven’t wasted my time watching it because I’m 1000% positive there isn’t anything in there I haven’t heard before. Maybe instead of having an Ailm debunking the movie’s claims there should a class teaching media literacy to gullible Muslims in other parts of world. I can’t believe anybody could take this film so seriously that a shaykh had to debunk it.
May 3, 2010 at 2:34 PM
The British Muslims are also all over this video series as well.
But you bring up an interesting point… I mostly deal with Brit Muslims where I live now, and there is no doubt that a mentality difference exists vs. American Muslims. I talked about this in old post long time ago, and I see it on the ground now. Generally, what I have seen is the Brits being much more anti-integration and much more angry about everything! I guess demographics of Muslims in America vs. Europe also has a lot to do with it.
May 3, 2010 at 2:56 PM
That’s a very interesting point about European Muslims, I remember it was brought up in one of my tutorial classes for Islamic history. From that discussion I heard that it has to do with how the neighborhoods are built too, i.e. you have certain ethnic districts separated in London, is that accurate?
Although here in Toronto the schools and neighborhoods are highly multicultural, I’ve still noticed a TON of Arrivals hype. I’ve been voicing my criticisms of this series for about a year now, but the freemason conspiracy theories have been around for as far as I can remember.
May 3, 2010 at 8:52 PM
I believe Canada has a more recent Muslim immigrants than the US so that may account for differences. Most Us Muslim immigrants have been in the states for decades as well as we have a huge convert community. These two factors has allowed for conspiracy theories to debunked very easily by common muslims.
However the Mason conspiracy does come up every now and again.lol
May 4, 2010 at 10:09 AM
Most of the american muslims are educated and middle class. The amount of muslims who are really poor especially from the other countries are not that much in US. Most of the US muslims who came here as immigrants were well to do like doctors, engineers etc.
Europe is a different ball game altogether. The muslims there come from many walks of life and are also quite close to there homelands due to many factors including distance, number of muslims etc.
In US the muslims do not live together rather they are spread out among the non-muslims. In UK you will find many communities that are totally muslim.
So there are many differences among the communities themselves and the attitude among the population differs based on experiences.
My opinion on this is that American muslim myself included are prone to fear more than the european counterparts in many aspects because of the way they lead there life here. Most of them are middle class americans with a good job. They are afraid to lose it. This is mostly the case with the immigrant community and there kids. Secondly American muslims also have the same problem that Indian muslims have i.e. Nationalism. Both of these communities are very much affected by this disease. Also the community in Europe has matured because of it being much more older than US muslim community. Time plays an important role in the lessons you learn when you live as a minority.
European muslims also have the same thing as american muslims when it comes to the middle class with jobs but they also have a sizeable community of people who are poor and that includes the immigrant community. So the way they deal with issues is starkly different compared to the US muslims. And being much older community than US muslims they have gone through more stuff than US muslims. Also think about the time when they used to be basically second class citizens in Europe.
another white brother
May 4, 2010 at 11:55 AM
I had posted a reply but something happened to it. Allahu `alam.
One thing I noticed in my travels to to England vs here in the US is that while both have the aim of establishing Islamic communities (England being much farther along in this respect), the UK is establishing communities more focused on Islam and muslims where everything here is filtered through a white liberal outlook.
While I’m not portraying the UK as some Madinah-esque atmosphere, there is something to be said about communities who actively strive to live near each other, will pool their money buy more masaajid that are close (many store front masaajid that are full for salawat vs the big “back home” masjid that is off in the countryside plot and is only kinda full for jumaa, and will actively forbid munkar (example: how many pubs are there in the Desi and Somali areas of Birmingham these days?). Here, its just kinda like “just be a good muslim in the masjid, keep your halal meat, and everything is good.”
Ify Okoye
May 4, 2010 at 12:10 PM
Salaam alaykum,
Your previous comment was caught up in the spam filter and queue, probably due to the choice of language.
May 4, 2010 at 12:38 PM
I know what you mean about England(from experience Birmingham specifically).My brother once said its about Muslims increasing their positive influence in an area ,slowly, until it becomes completely halal.
Like in Birmingham, there are these streets that have shop after venue after shop after venue, selling Islamic books/items or are Muslim-owned restaurants.The whole atmosphere is just comfortable and Islamic,it feels good walking through those areas.
May 3, 2010 at 5:39 PM
Jazaka Allahu khayran for this! :)
If you want to run through the entire Ulema panel discussion, you can follow this playlist:
The original talks had 4 parts, but they didn’t fit on Youtube, so I divided them into 11 youtube clips, which is the link above. May Allah bless them for tackling this!
I personally think the fact there are so many Muslims who have been stuck into this says something about the state of Muslim intelligence and perhaps, that we are lapsing into a new jahiliyya, where conspiracy theories have replaced superstitions. I find many people who are attached to this series are very emotional. I think we do have the capacity to learn to discern and sift through things for ourselves, at least in the West, maybe not so much in the Muslim world where the “taqlidi” mentality dominates, where they simply want someone to inform them. I think what this demonstrates is how vulnerable the mind is, how susceptible it is to manipulation and how ANYONE can use this to defame Islam and make Muslims looks like a bunch of fools. There are cultic vulnerabilities we should be aware of.
We are at precarious key stage where if Muslims aren’t pushed to literacy and education (religious and secular hybrided) then we may remain with a medieval mentality. I fear we are nearing the Epistemicide of Islam, see this for more ways in which Islamic knowledge is being destroyed, having it’s reputation tarnished, circumvented and repressed and having it’s future taken away from it: http://muslimology.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/the-epistemicide-of-islam/
May 3, 2010 at 5:52 PM
After watching arrivals, if parents learn not to expose Disney movies to their children, then this alone is enough of positive step, especially for Muslim parents. You do need to watch these series with a grain of salt…there are lot more evils out there (not just in arrivals’ lessons) than we think.
Some people, the weak ones perhaps, yes they may be go toward wrong direction by Arrivals. But for the one who wants to think and research further, who is already drowned with Music world, who is engulfed by worldly pleasure, Arrivals is just a mere soaking of the foot at the edge of the river. It is pure entertainment that suggest to do further research, it is not a religious lecture, and to take it such way is just foolish.
I took few messages out of it, not directly due to arrivals’ message, but outside of arrivals lesson, my own reflection of overall picture: 1. Trust in Allah 2. Strengthen Muslim Brotherhood (also human brotherhood). 3. Know that Allah is the ultimate Planner. 4. Watch out for traps (stay away from Music, as it has subliminal messages) 5. Go back to nature (live a simpler life) 6. Promote human bond (promote love and peace) 8. Yes conspiracy does exist, but its not easily defined, not everything is a conspiracy. 9 Don’t trust your leaders without knowing their true motives, don’t become blind in trusting your leaders (political, national, or international), etc….the list goes on….
I also became aware of my health. Allah Knows best. Not because of Arrivals only, but also Wake UP Project videos inspired and lead me to people who are passionate about integration and about human rights. Also, I discovered a sister who (quantumsolution-youtube account) who helped to get out of my reliance on prescription drugs (get out of medicine and go for natural way to cure everyday sickness like cold, fever, high cholesterol, gastric, etc.)
Sorry to make this comment so long. This is just my opinion…pure opinion. Take it however way You Want it. I do pray that Muslims who watch these series may not go astray, but start seeking out valid Hadith, or just go to the Quran/tafseer of Quran for guidance. Ultimate Guider is Our Creator, Our Sustainer, Allah (swt). Forgive me for my shortcomings. jazakAllah kheir.
Abdullah truth seeker
February 25, 2011 at 10:28 AM
Strange you learned all of this from the arrivals. so why Amad al loga’s abdulla failed to see that are they weak muslims so derived by their ego failing to understand the message, im happy to see another person that actually as the same level of understanding like me
May 3, 2010 at 8:33 PM
Assalamu Alaikom,
“The use of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as รขโฌลevidenceรขโฌย when clearly this document is a forgery as has been deemed so by Western academia and Islamic scholarship, its roots, agenda and plagiarized portions are well-known.”
Brother are you 100% sure about this? I’ve personally seen copies of this book still being sold in Arabic in countries like Saudi Arabia, in major bookstores too. Plus the fact that western academia deemed it as a forgery does not mean anything, since clearly Zionists have all the incentive in the world to call it a forgery. Let’s not forget their strong influence on most spheres of society.
I’ve actually read a significant portion of the protocols, and it is extremely scary how things have unfolded since the book was released to the public, it’s really as if all the corruption that has happened in the last century was somehow planned using the protocols as a guideline. Only truly evil people could have written such things.
Allah knows best but I think that the authenticity of the book is still disputed, and it isn’t correct to make blanket statements like that. But insha’Allah I’m open to seeing any evidence that supports your statement.
Wa Assalamu Alaikom
May 4, 2010 at 12:14 AM
Copies of a book being sold in Arabic in Saudia Arabia is not proof of anything.
May 4, 2010 at 12:33 AM
Agree. Just as we hate people who pedal Islamophobic material and lies against Islam, we should avoid doing exactly the same thing to others. If Jews are supposed to have written this, and they are telling us they didn’t and having nothing to do with it, well then that is sufficient for me to accept it. Had I found this in every temple or stated as a reference in their charters, it would be another thing. But that is not the case.
Bottom line, the protocols is a FORGERY. We can’t believe about other people what they don’t believe for themselves, just like we don’t like being told what we believe.
May 4, 2010 at 6:16 PM
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,
Whether the author (of the original or the forgery) is a Jew or not is not really relevant I think. The title shows clearly that it is a ZIONIST. Let’s not conflate Jews and Zionists because they are not the same.
I would think it a little more than coincidental that things have progressed much along the lines laid out in that ‘forged document’ till date.
Also, a forgery is a copy of something original. Something to think about…
November 1, 2010 at 12:22 AM
It’s funny how so many people will easily dismiss something as a forgery on account of nothing more than the claim that Western academia has discredited it as such. Have the same people actually looked at the evidence Western academics have provided in suggesting it is a forgery? Have they ever consulted different opinions, even amongst Western researchers, as to the nature of the work and whether or not it actually was certainly forged before taking an aggressively opposite stance towards it? What makes somebody who is stubborn on the basis of unresearched statements any better than many more-or-less young, zealous and ignorant youth glued to this youtube series?
May 3, 2010 at 8:45 PM
reminds me of the Shadows audio series that was popular in the UK in the late 90s. Halaqahmedia i believe was the company. It was interesting but did a similar thing where it just connects everything to the masons, subliminal messages in backtracked songs, new world order etc. Looking back I kinda laugh that I found it so intriguing back then.
As Amad mentioned any benefit (debatable) obtained from these things is far outweighed by the problems with them.
May 3, 2010 at 9:17 PM
I was recommended to watch this series by my younger brother. It was the biggest waste of time in my life, the theories are the same old nonsense that people from the far-right evangelic groups, anti-semites and others have been pedalling for years. Next they will be advocating the Vryll!
Nothing in the world fits as harmoniously together as does a conspiracy theory, freemasons, Ufos, Dajjal all of these things have there own various mythologies and exegeses what the Arrivals have done is to bring them together in a form that insults the intelligence of those people with an education – you have to be pretty stupid and ignorant to believe this crap!
Lastly, if this is from a Shia source it is no wonder they have been able to make all of these links because they believe in a ‘secret’ history that none of the other Muslims know about, like the belief that Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Al-Khattab were disbelievers always plotting against the family of the prophet, or that Hafsa and Aisha poisoned the prophet, are any other number of lunacies they don’t say in those videos but if you were to look through the various Shiie books you would find a similar reasoning in those narrations as you find in these videos.
The truth is that when the prophecies of Mohammed (saw) come to pass, we will know them we will not need idiots with video editing software to tell us about…
Wa Salam Allah ‘Aliek.
May 3, 2010 at 9:17 PM
You know, the arrivals didn’t have alot of evidence to back up the claims in the movie and thats what makes us question it so much. However, I do think that there are some movies that you can’t outright deny because of the overwhelming evidence thats presented in the movie. Bottom line: You can’t argue with facts. I’d say that the following movie is pretty good at presenting a view backed up with alot of facts: Zeitgist. You can find it for free from their website: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/dloads.htm
Oh and just a note of caution. The first one and the 2nd one are worth watching. But the part about religion being one of the cause of all problems….you can just ignore this as I’m sure you know better.
May 3, 2010 at 9:54 PM
i watched Zeitgeist (as much as I could before falling asleep) and it’s just the atheist version of conspiracy theory documentaries *yawn*.
As much as I enjoy watching those for the entertainment factor, but I have to say they just work with dramatic music in the background (the arrivals too), dramatic pictures, dramatic captions, rhethorical questions etc. It’s nice for someone who is susceptible for those things, but it’s just trying to mentally influence someone else. Just the same principle that they criticise!.
Wael - IslamicAnswers.com
May 4, 2010 at 12:59 AM
Why do Muslims believe this stuff?
Because the modern world is a confusing, chaotic place. We are bombarded by information from every angle, and we see corruption spreading everywhere. We’re surrounded by strange symbols and trends that seem too bizarre to be coincidences.
Conspiracy theories give uneducated, gullible or just plain confused people a way to neatly wrap up all these disparate and baffling trends into one neat ball. The mind craves order, and conspiracy theories allow people to create order out of chaos.
People like to feel that they understand the world, so conspiracy theories give them a way to feel that they have achieved understanding. They believe that they are privy to some secrets, which makes them special and privileged, members of an enlightened minority.
Conspiracy theories allow people to avoid taking responsibility for the social problems all around them.
People are not taught or trained to think logically. Elementary and high schools teach reading, writing and math, but don’t really teach critical thinking or logical analysis. So people can be easily fooled by something that seems to explain what they see.
I think Muslims in particular can be very frustrated and confused when we look around and we see that the once-great Islamic khilafah is now a collection of dozens of warring and poverty-stricken states, ruled by tyrants and corrupt kings. We look around and say, “What happened? How did this happen to us?” A conspiracy theory that blames some mysterious, evil organization provides a handy answer.
Lastly, conspiracies DO exist. The CIA did engineer the overthrow of the government in Iran and the installation of the Shah. Muslim countries frequently do have rigged presidential elections. Neocons did engineer the invasion of Iraq, using lies and misdirection as a justification (the infamous “missing WMDs”). Because we know that conspiracies do exist, we are susceptible to believing in even grander, more over-arching conspiracies, even when the evidence is not there.
The Quran is a clear guide, and is an empowering book. Conspiracy theories rob us of power and responsibility, while the Quran teaches us to take responsibility for our own behavior. We need to turn to the Quran as a guide and a source of answers, and our confusion will be cleared up, and our hearts eased.
May 4, 2010 at 6:46 AM
I think we should have a new topic on where we are now in what stage we are now as one muslim Ummah I mean compare to the meccan period of madian period, I have heard people say we are in meccan period but I think its not 100% correct. The way I see it is we have various differnet levels within the muslim ummah.
In meccan period Islam was new the Quran was still being revealed the hukms that were revealed in madian period were not yet known to muslims in mecan period while in Madina period it was different and but whatever the case maybe all the muslims were pretty much on the same page since they were with our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) but its not the case today we find muslims are on many different levels, some are pretty much in jahiliya, some are trying to learn they are kind of in between and some have learnt the deen have been practicing the deen they know their stuff, therefore I think the obligations on muslims according to their level differ greatly, but somehow we all must get on same page about supporting one another whatever level we might be on and we must work together to get us all on same page thus eliminating all the differnet levels and eventually become one strong Ummah.
May 4, 2010 at 7:11 AM
It hurts to me to know that many people are stupid/ ignorant enough to take stuff like this seriously… come on, people, real life is bad enough without idiotic exaggeration! People need to be educated about the real dangers in the world, from authentic sources, instead of “documentaries” that make the world scarier than it already is…
May 4, 2010 at 8:03 AM
Ok, No need to be rude about it. Say it gently with kindness for kindness never enters anything except that it beautifies it.
May 4, 2010 at 8:43 AM
Welcome Sr. Zainab, always good to see your comments on MM. You know we all miss your witty posts!
Middle Ground
May 4, 2010 at 2:04 PM
Why are muslims wasting so much time and energy with these kinds of things?
May 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM
Because, as I have been told repeatedly, we have to “KNOW” the shaytan, and the dajjal. If we don’t know our enemy, we can’t do anything about it.
The problem is the reverse. By knowing or believing this secret enemy, it is paralyzing Muslims into inaction and a victim mentality.
Middle Ground
May 4, 2010 at 5:12 PM
Agreed we need to know about Dajjal, but why waste time by getting our info from a ridicolous source like this? And I agree with you, most muslims just complain but do nothing.
May 4, 2010 at 4:50 PM
because people don’t realize that “time” is a creation of Allah and belongs to Allah and not us…
Middle Ground
May 4, 2010 at 5:13 PM
Mashallah, thx for the reminder. We WILL be accountable for how we spent our time on the Day of Judgment, amy Allah guide us all, Ameen.
May 4, 2010 at 12:32 PM
Assalamu Alaikum,
I think videos, and conspiracy theories like “The Arrivals” are nothing more than an excuse for the laziness of Muslims. These theories present the notion that everything is messed up and it’s out of your hands. It’s out of everyone’s hands. Nothing can be done except sit. We must wait for the promised Mahdi and his blessed army for any good to happen. (It’s weird cuz, AlMahdi looked alot like Gandalf….I think that’s his name) They forget that the hearts of all mankind are between the fingers of Allah 3aza Wajjal. He changes them as He wishes. SubhanAllah, it only takes a little bit of dawah experience for one to realize that there is good in this world, and that many people of the world are craving Islam. They just haven’t been presented with it properly. I fear these types of theories only make us lazier, and more depressed.
The only true conspiracy is that of Ibless’ plot to misguide humanity, not that of humans. The only absolute enemy, is the enemy that Allah told us is our absolute enemy and that is Iblees.
May 4, 2010 at 8:13 PM
“I think videos, and conspiracy theories like รขโฌลThe Arrivalsรขโฌย are nothing more than an excuse for the laziness of Muslims. These theories present the notion that everything is messed up and itรขโฌโขs out of your hands”
Abu Ibrahim
May 4, 2010 at 7:03 PM
Earlier I commented on how the Arrivals video was rather silly. However, I think a lot of people are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Believing in multiple conspiracy theories to the point where you’re paralyzed with fear and paranoia is a waste of time and useless.
But Freemasonry is “Taghut”, pure and simple.
And there are several “conspiracies” working against Islam and Muslims. Whether they are Islamophobes, proggies, Zionists, Evangelicals, Communists, Capitalists, Masons, Skulls and Bones, whatever. They all have one thing in common.
They want to stop, hinder, extinguish, ridicule, emasculate, or just flat out destroy Allah’s message.
Those who’d rather turn a blind eye to these groups go right ahead.
I for one, am going to listen to an Imran Hosein lecture, re-read The Hiram Key and try to memorize Surah Kahf.
May 4, 2010 at 10:35 PM
the only thing i’ve arrived at is confused.
May 6, 2010 at 5:59 AM
Clever …
May 4, 2010 at 10:52 PM
Assalamu Alaikum
We shouldn’t just blow something off, because this website said so. We must learn to think for ourselves. To be fair, The Arrivals does not discourage being an active and hopeful Muslim. It is merely a vague series that covers many things. They also told people to not take the information as truth without researching themselves. The majority of the topics are not out of accordance with Islam. Instead of watching the NBA playoffs or whatever TV program, you can gain knowledge from this series. Obviously, not everything in the Arrivals is true, perfection comes only from Allah. Yet, the intention of the producers are good and we shouldn’t bash these people as they are our brothers and sisters.
May 4, 2010 at 10:54 PM
I do not believe anyone has spoken about the people who made the film, rather the content. you point about the intentions was addressed at the outset of the article.
And, may Allah forgive all our short-comings.
May 5, 2010 at 1:45 AM
I disagree with you that it is better than watching the NBA. To be honest, when we make comparisons like this, the answer seems obvious. But instead of that, you could make a comparison against a book on dajjal from ahl sunnah. And then the answer is obvious in the flip-side :)
It is a matter of harm vs. benefit, and imho, the harm is more…better to watch sports than something which can affect your mind so negatively (its like philosophy, there is good in it, but the harm is too much). I think other commentators have weighed on the harm vs. benefit issue, including this comment of mine:
May 5, 2010 at 12:35 PM
Assalamu Alaikum,
The Arrivals is like dipping your finger in the ocean. It is a taste of a much more detailed area of learning. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said : The messenger of Allah said : “Part of someone’s being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him.” p fine hadith narrated by Termithi and others. The NBA does not concern me one bit, neither does TV. The Arrivals has honestly changed my life and my outlook on it. It addresses many aspects of life that do matter. Either way, the majority of you have not watched the Arrivals and no little on the subject.
July 21, 2011 at 4:00 PM
Exactly as you said “Dip in the Ocean”. But I wonder why these people write comments just by looking at arrivals. I would say, “Arrivals should be the last thing to watch” after you make a study of the subject. May Allah save us all from the misguidance.
Ibn Masood
May 5, 2010 at 1:36 PM
Dude… trust me… just cos someone is watching the arrivals, doesn’t mean they’re going to stop watching the NBA playoffs. Therefore, instead of watching the arrivals, why not read a book on usul ul fiqh or something which will better help you understand the problems this ummah is going through.
Uncle Tom
May 5, 2010 at 6:47 PM
I don’t get why Muslims so easily fall into conspiracy theories. Half the stuff in this series is baloney. They don’t provide proofs, just keep going on and on about structures and positive energy and some portal.
pop goes the weezle
May 6, 2010 at 12:43 AM
well, since the dajjal is the greatest trial on mankind we as muslims must be quite well informed about it.. the brothers who did the arrivals brought something to the table.. and i thank them for that.. i dont believe everything they presented, but it did change me in many ways.. positive changes rather than negative.. and the subject of dajjal is really confusing.. even if you read the hadiths a million times you cant figure most of it out.. and i dont see any scholar who have done enough on this subject.. most of em just stick to literal meanings of the hadiths (eg: dajjal will travel like the speed of the clouds or one day will be as long as 365days etc etc).. i’ll give one another example.. rasoolullah (pbuh) told that he’d be one eyed.. and in the hadith of tamim dari, who confessed he met dajjal on an island never said anything about an eye.. and that story was passed on to us by rasoolallah (pbuh).. i recommend you read the works of imran hosein (www.imranhosein.org).. his books are very different from the rest of the scholars ideas and lectures..
read em, im sure you’ll find atleast some of it very interesting, though i loved all his books :)
Sagacious Muslim
May 7, 2010 at 2:19 AM
What I found rather annoying about the Arrival series was that CONSTANT music playing in the background. The documentary, although amateur, had some great points but you couldn’t really tell because of all that noise.
Abdullah truth seeker
February 25, 2011 at 10:24 AM
the actual series didnt contain music which were the ones that some source took it down, then the new ones re uploaded contained the music
Abu Ibn Abu
May 7, 2010 at 3:28 AM
I think the “Arrivals” was made by the Illuminati or something … seriously, who has time for this? Study the Qur’an, Hadith and other Islamic sciences instead of wasting time with this nonsense.
Btw .. the first post was hilarious.
And the author of the post seems to be too influenced by Western viewpoints
Abu Zakariya
May 13, 2010 at 12:34 PM
Anybody heard ‘from the shadows’? Similarly it woke me up to some realities but really didn’t get me off on the ‘right foot’ regarding the deen so to speak. i.e. it draws out anarchistic extreme leftist paranoia-based thinking. Took me a while to take the information and contextualize myself against it. But like the above said, it spoke in a ‘language’ which was relevant to me at the age I was at (21) and gave me some incentives to give less importance to music and pop culture, so alhumdulillah.
may Allah protect us from the evils of this world and give us a correct understanding of His deen.
Riz Malek - Luton
May 22, 2010 at 6:38 AM
I have’nt read all the posts to this article, but got a the general gist of everyones thoughts.
The bottom line is that loads of muslims watch this not realising that this has nothing to do with Islam.
The knowledge you gain from this series does not give you any islamical knowledge or enlightenment.. or what every you wanna call it. you dont gain any thing from this documentry other than more sins on your scale….. loads of you wont like this bitter truth.
All you do is watch more naked women, listen to music etc……
As for those people who ‘stopped listening to music after watching this,’ well good for you.
p.s. it wasnt this series that stopped it, it was just your time from Allah to give you Hidayat.
This series is a waste of time. orphans around the world could have benefited from the money spent to make this…
What are you going to do/learn from knowing about the Freemasons…..? Jack All.
Just read your namaaz, dont listen to music and above all behave like a muslim.
Thank you, I think ive already wasted enough of my time reading and writing this.
O yeah, and this is most defiantely NOT in any way, shape or form a Muslim matter………..
= )
June 3, 2010 at 2:04 AM
As Muslims we should all unite and not argue. The Arrivals may be viewed as a starting point for people to research more and look more towards Islam the CORRECT way by refering to Al-Quran and Hadith. There is some truth mixed in there and for those who are knowledgeble about the inaccuracies…I say thank you for pointing them out. Discussions are always better than silence.
July 16, 2010 at 1:08 AM
SPAAAAM. Delete my msg too plz.
July 24, 2010 at 7:51 AM
i thing it`s ssoo nice and this is a good way to interduse islam to another ppl
August 27, 2010 at 11:47 AM
I beg to differ. I believe this is a very bad way of introducing someone to Islam. You might risk turning that person away from islam, because of its very loose (and at times non-existing) connections to Aliens, Stargates (!?), inter-dimensional travel, etc..
The most appealing thing about islam is its logic, but if we make it look like an X-files episode, the person might think we’re crazy.
February 25, 2011 at 6:53 AM
the name speak for it self. LOL, no inter dimension, the quran says there is jinn and magic and if you dont believe in inter dimension your not a muslim, go read the quran.
February 25, 2011 at 11:18 PM
Salaam Aleikum,
First and foremost, you are my brother/sister in Islam, and I wish to share some thoughts with you. I would like to point out that I am not a scholar, and my understanding of the deen is limited.
Having said that, I found it quite arrogant that you call me a non-muslim, based on a post where I voiced my views on the arrivals. Instead of writing “if you dont believe in inter dimension your not a muslim, go read the quran.”, you could reference some scholar that validates your viewpoint and displays evidence for that claim. Now, if you weren’t being arrogant, I apologize. Allah knows best.
Just as I do not like when anti-muslim documentaries/sites quote the Q’uran or our scholars out of context, I didn’t like it when the Arrivals was doing it.
Example: The pope is seen as nazi child, however, history tells us that in the WW2 era, all german boys above the age of 14 were required to be part of the youth group Hitler Jugend. According to sources, he was an unenthusiastic member that refused to show up on meetings. If this is true or not, I don’t know. Allah knows best.
Another thing, is that the Q’uran was not revealed in one go, but over the course of 23 years, with the verses bearing significance to a certain context. Therefore, it is hard for us to fit the puzzle by ourselves and attain a true understanding. Scholars have taken tremendous amount of their time to analyze the Q’uran and Sunnah.
Although I believe that the creators of the Arrivals had good intention, I am not sure that that they actually possess that level of Islamic knowledge, and this may become harmful when they use the sunnah and q’uranic material to support their viewpoints, since they might be taking them out of context. This may lead us to attain a faulty understanding of our world or our deen.
So, to clip and paste different verses, and mix it up with different conspiracy theories, it is possible to create a storyline that seems very feasible on the exterior. Add some graphic scenery and dramatic music, the storyline gains more power as it can move one emotionally. On that aspect, they were quite good at it. In my opinion, emotional involvement can override one’s logic.
Once again, I am not a scholar, and just wanted to express my viewpoint. I do not wish to put you on the spot by saying that you’re arrogant, but to enlighten you about the harm. Even if we have a little arrogance in our hearts, we will never see paradise, according to islamic scholars. You being my muslim brother/sister, I wrote because I was concerned, since my understanding of the deen is that we should assist each other.
Salaam Aleikum
August 27, 2010 at 11:42 AM
I watched Arrivals for a couple of days ago. In all honesty, I found it quite moving on an emotional level, but once I’ve settled and gotten factual, I felt quite stupid.
I do believe that these guys who made this movie had some good intention, but their work comes off as pretty ridiculous. Nevertheless, when they do bring up serious matters, they discredit them by making nonsensical connections to the occult or new age theories. Serious matters such as islam, stereotyping, war on terror etc, is connected with Disney, extra-dimensional beings, Mind Control etc.
It is making us muslims look stupid, gullible and paranoid, and if we’re all that, we can’t be sensible if we believe in islam. This is how it must seem in the eyes of a non-believer.
July 21, 2011 at 3:52 PM
You watched Arrivals couple of days ago & came to conclusion within few days without even researching the issue. Let me know what books have read with regard to these issues ?
August 28, 2010 at 10:29 AM
I watched the series and was quite hooked to it. The thing that intrigued me was always trying to understand why the world is the way it is. Everywhere I turn, regular people want to help others and do good to eachother, so why are there people starving and wars going on? The Arrivals helped me understand a little more of what’s going on. In the end what I got from this is: strengthen my iman, know that Allah (swt) is the greatest of all planners and know that one day justice will be served (in the hereafter), try to live a simple life and stay away from material things (something Islam has always taught me anyways), and try to send out some positive energy whether by smiling, helping others, planting something. I’m also giving up listening to music, not all music, just the mainstream garbage that does nothing for me but waste my time. And I haven’t watched tv in a while unless it’s the National Geographic, Discovery channel, Animal Planet etc :P
Of course there are something I don’t agree with, like evolution was given to Darwin by shaytan (lol). As a science student I’ve taken a course in evolution and it’s not really all that bonkers as I once thought. But this is just my opinion wallahu a’lam.
In conclusion The Arrivals just brought me back to square one which is first and foremost I’m a Muslim, and that there is one God, and Muhammad peace be upon him is his messenger.
crazy much
February 25, 2011 at 6:57 AM
Your a muslim and you say charles darwin theory is true, are you seriously saying Allah didnt not create adam and hawa, instead of making assumption based on nothing go read the quran, god created us as human not evolving monkeys
Happy Friend
October 7, 2010 at 3:21 PM
Download the censored and Edited version of ‘The Arrivals’
December 3, 2010 at 9:03 AM
ASA all.
I watched the Arrivals and Phase 3 done by the same producers. Let me say that the documentary managed to heighten my awareness towards the role we as individuals have to play in this world. Like one of the commentators here said that it re-inforced the message of La Illaha Illallah, Mohamedan Rasullulah. It also reinforced what we here every day about how to be aware of the shaytan and his ways.
As much as the series did contain some wild theories, it has helped me and a lot of people immensely in realizing their potential and consciously work towards bettering themselves and by extension their communities.
Phase 3 is a lot more powerful in conveying the message that WE ourselves should be in CONTROL of ourselves.
All in all – I say that the guys did a fantastic job bringing many of us to realise our potential and the need to look at the world with a different set of lens.
WLAN Router
December 12, 2010 at 12:05 PM
i love cougars that is why i love to watch Desperate Housewives and also Cougar Town -‘~
February 24, 2011 at 12:10 AM
Strange, isn’t it, you talk about people and how they are trying to control us, you say the arrivals try to attract us to the series by sexual images and etc. But yourself have done the same, i quote
“a. The planned and strategic usage of sexual imagery in childrenรขโฌโขs television and the greater promotion of lewdness and degradation of sexual morality”
so now people will go check and see. My second point is that how do we know who you are or who they are, why people are so against the arrivals why do we as Muslims go against each other and say you are kafir and so on, i am a Muslim, for that i am happy, what you didn’t understand from the arrivals is that he used media against them, just like in the movie Enemy of the state, they guy talks about using their weapons against them.
Last point to all those Muslims who say you are against the arrival, so are you saying Jinn doesn’t exist, and that Muslims do not show peace to other religions, when the quraan itself says to not harm others, and do you the writer of this article do you actually research what you are saying, my question to you why did hashemfilms and noregaaa’s chanels were getting shut down, why are muslims are scared of the new born child of one eye when the quraan says that from start of the world the dajjal was put in place, research what are you saying any assumption, and the quraan tells us not to assault or say things about people without checking and have things to support or deny what they say. Why are you Amad and loga’sabdullah so denying what proof or evidence given,when the article itself was posted by “Guests”, why are the person scared to write his name, on top of all of this, if you are a Muslim why do you watch sexual pictures, or why do you watch singers just like Britney spears. So if you really oppose Islam why are you trying to destroy islam, why are you invading people lives telling them what they must believe or not to believe.
P.S. My name is Ali and i am a Muslim, i live in the UAE, specifically in Sharjah, Kalba house number 7 in the huteen.
Truth, what is truth, where do you find it, in article such as these or in the quraan, or you trying to tell us what you are saying is true and the arrivals is wrong. Movies such as Matrix were not done for entertainment, that is the thing you cant understand which is not to believe in people until you find something to support, So who ever against Islam, will have some thing against the arrivals, because the arrival have something that islam supports. So i repeat why Titanic why is it made, they said no one can drop it, God destroyed it, NASA made the Challenger to see who is in the sky and if you read the quraan there was a whole aya about them trying to find who is in the sky, and what did god do they destroyed it, i dont care what you say, i read the quraan and what ever you say against the things i said you are against the quraan because all of what i said was supported by the quraan, and i dont believe in translating quraan to english but i will if people still deny it, i wont write it the quraan in english, i will write it in arabic and say the meaning, and you youyrself can check wether what i said was true or not
Abdullah truth seeker
February 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM
o. The belief that the Dajjal is a system not a person (as described in the Sunnah).
This is a misinterpretation, what the arrivals says is that there is a system that a waits the dajjal, by stripping the world from religious beliefs
3) The use of cult movies, such as the Matrix, Fight Club and the Lord of the Rings throughout, clearly undermine their message as they are promoting the mainstream Hollywood media which they claim to be a part of the master plan for the new world order.
This was not a promoting, since it was used to reveal parts of the mystery, the characters in it played the people of the free mind if you analyse it and look behind it aim you would actually look that it was kind of a survey, as if it aim to look whether people knew they were actually a slave for the system they created.
9) On The Arrivals own website Part 21, Part 23 and Part 37 are missing (there are files but they direct you to the following section)
Question yourself why does it take you to another section!!! If you were able to access the video part 21 you would actually see that the video of the arrivals was actually taken down, and that some source have tried to stop it from being posted, however if the people who actually saw the series from the beginning there are some stuff added to the original ones which were taken down then re posted. Part 37 is so shocking since it tells about Essa and many other things, try to seek out and watch these 3 episodes.
10) The section regarding UFOs conveniently mixes actual images with Hollywood and other footage of UFOs. Granted, UFOs may be explained by the testing of yet to be released military technology, but that of itself is not proof that the รขโฌลNew World Orderรขโฌย is plotting to use UFOs to stage an attack to finalize their control of Earth.
General note is that Allah didn’t mention anything about aliens, and from research, the human mind cant think or imagine thing behind what he sees, or told to him, so from were did the thought of aliens came from, no certain religion talk about it, so what, or who came up with it. Think use your head, think.
12) The Dajjal being our ruler as a system goes against many ahadith in the Sunna. It puts aside the physical description of a person, it leaves aside all the ahadith that describe the Dajjal and what he looks like, it does not discuss the ahadith regarding the precursors and timeline that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has related for us. The Arrivals selectively uses some ahadith to รขโฌลproveรขโฌย that the รขโฌลArchitect eyeรขโฌย is the one-eyed Dajjal system and that the Dajjal is alive and ruling us. They have interpreted the ahadith of รขโฌลone yearรขโฌย to mean one heavenly year and this it equals 1000 years and goes forth with a theory of who ruled the world during this time, after the speech given by a speaker there is no authentic evidence to advocate this understanding of the ahadith, nor the rest of the narrations relating to Dajjal, which were not mentioned at all. One who is slightly versed in the Dajjal as is presented in the authentic Sunna will realize this argument and this idea of the Dajjal being a system is not correct.
Again he never said the system is dajjal, your mistaken the person when he said the dajjal came from the word dajala, which means to cover up a disease, do you think sex, drugs and things that blow the mind like alcohol isnรขโฌโขt a disease, and it says like bear commercial its good you only live once and so on
13) The aspect of why all the leaders are practicing and embracing Satanism and dominating the world, who are working to eradicate religion and the belief in Allah, neglects to address the fact that the Most-Powerful and the Most-Merciful is Greater. Allah is All-Knowing and not unaware of the plots of Satan for surely the pen has been lifted and nothing occurs without the Knowledge and Will of Allah, Most-High. Let us not forget this crucial and important point as we are told that Satan is taking over the world through the whims and pacts of the elite and leaders.
Allah knows about their plan that why he keeps blowing up their plans, just like the NASA challenger, he says god is the greatest, but you blinded person donรขโฌโขt read the Quran yourself as we are told that there would be an age were Islam is not going to exist, and if you want to get rid of Islam you try to make people to make people to do the opposite of it, just like the theory of evolution what did it do, it destroyed Christianity by saying God did not make humans as they are, but we evolved from monkeys.
**** Just like you are trying to hide what is being said, making it seems as if they are lies who are you to do that, and tell people the opposite of the truth that is said, what I think you are one of those who create futna between people, hiding the real truth, instead of directly disagreeing from what is said and try to make the series look bad, try to support it unite with them, find things that are true and tell people about it, your only one of those who are against the truth as I analysed based on what you have written, it seems that the arrivals is trying to tell people things that will wake them up make them break out of the prison, and you are just saying and trying to tell people that all these things that are true and can be supported by Quran and other resources are full of nonsense and push them back to their prisons ****
April 21, 2011 at 2:17 PM
Just by the way one speaks and delivers his message tells a lot about a person and his/her character. Using insulting words towards others undermines yourself. Keep that in mind. And Brother (author of the article) never tried to hide the truth, instead he tried to promote truth using more authentic sources (rather than simply youtube) which in my opinion is very true, seeking knowledge from Quran and hadith provides truth without opposing views. BUT you should understand author is NOT disproving what is being said in the ‘Arrivals’ but rather questioning where the sources come from and how authentic are they, doing constructive criticism. And in my opinion, the sources used in arrivals are not at all authentic and rather a `view`, i am also not claiming everything said in the video is false because there may be some hidden sources that would better satisfy me to agree with what is being said in the video (for some parts) but thinking from an open and constructive mind, the sources used in video are simply not enough to conclude that the claim they are making is in fact true, after all isn’t that what the western educational system teaches us? finding loop holes and questioning of the sources before concluding something? Although i can say most of the stuff in the video is astonishing and does reveal truth at some level using logic, but can you suggest that the ‘planned’ 2008 recession was also tied with ‘satanic’ beliefs and the ‘same secret soceity’ was behind it? (referring to the documentary called “inside job” in which there are CLEAR evidence and AUTHENTIC sources to claim 2008 recession was planned) but only for the greedy bankers who gave themselves millions of $ when gov’t bailed them out with billions of dollars, it is a capatilist system and a lot of views in arrivals does not account for that rather says everything is ‘controlled by them’. IF YOU ARE IN WESTERN SOCIETY, THAT IS WHAT THE WESTERN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM TEACHES US FROM HIGH SCHOOL TO POST SECONDARY EDUCATION THAT ALWAYS DO CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM AND USE AUTHENTIC SOURCES TO SUGGEST THE CLAIM YOU MAKE, OTHERWISE IT IS NOT OF QUALITY.
June 1, 2011 at 1:07 PM
Salam to my bros n sisters,
I have watched all the series in the Arrivals and the Wake Up project…Truthfully,what most of our bros comment are true.Alhamdulilah,I am enlightened and wanted to research more on what the Quran said..I understand that some of you learn the Quran and understand the Quran better which makes you say that watching the videos are just a waste of time…yes,it is a waste of time because of the theories without facts…but to those who don’t study the Quran or know what is hadiths,this is a wake up call for them..it is a wake up call for me…I do want to stress to most of you that PLZZZ DO NOT BELIEVE THE VIDEOS 100%!!!It is merely a platform for you so go back to authentic sources like the Quran and hadith.
There’s a hadith by At Tirmidhee that the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said “Stick to my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs after me.Hold onto it with your molar teeth.And beware of newly-invented matters,since ever newly invented affair is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance”..
So,if you are unsure whether the videos are true or that particular knowledge is true,go back to Quran and Sunnah…As for my bros comments who said that the videos are a waste of time,let’s listen to the Prophet’s last sermon…All of us are Muslims here,either we are Wahhabis,or Sunnis or Shites or whatever sects as long as we do not practice shirk!!
I hope that we all come to the common grounds,throw away our egos and together learn what the Quran is trying to teach us all..If we cant throw away our ego,then forever will we be trapped in the dispute among us Muslims till Judgement Day…anyone of you disagree with me that we are at The End age or Akhir Zaman?
It is now up to us what do we want in this world…Lastly a reminder for you and for me
Verse from the Quran “And protect yourself and your family from the Hellfire”.(I forgot which surah)
All goodness comes from ALLAH and the badness come from my mistakes…Wallah wua’lam
June 22, 2011 at 6:58 AM
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,
Last comment from Abdullah “what the arrivals says is that there is a system that a waits the dajjal, by stripping the world from religious beliefs” has infact bulldozed the entire forum right from the base. For years together, no analysis or research has been made on this issue except “The arrivals”. I could not believe my own eyes that UAE has installed statues of Pharoah all around thier country as shown in Arrivals. I had to call my relative who was in Dubai to confirm the truth. What kind of insane forum is this that did address this issue when taaghoot/idols are put in Islamic land & simply brush aside these factors. Will this not lead to Shirk ?
A well known authentic Hadith narrated by An-Nawaas ibn sam’an in Muslim says that when Dajjal arrives, he will invite you to the new religion. I believe that Arrivals has addressed this issue.
June 27, 2011 at 4:33 PM
A lot of movie clips in Arrivals, especially Lord of the Rings. I hope folks can tell fiction from fact because it would be most disconcerting if people start saying that to defeat the Anti-Christ, we must send Sauron’s Ring to Mount Doom.
July 8, 2011 at 1:25 PM
Bismillaahi rrahmaan irraheem.
In your point no:
13) The aspect of why all the leaders are practicing and embracing Satanism and dominating the world, who are working to eradicate religion and the belief in Allah, neglects to address the fact that the Most-Powerful and the Most-Merciful is Greater. Allah is All-Knowing and not unaware of the plots of Satan for surely the pen has been lifted and nothing occurs without the Knowledge and Will of Allah, Most-High. Let us not forget this crucial and important point as we are told that Satan is taking over the world through the whims and pacts of the elite and leaders.
You are completely wrong here. It does not neglect to address the fact that the Most-Powerful and the Most-Merciful is Greater. Rather, you are blindfolded to see the truth. In the sereis, there is a quote from Surah Taha where Allah(subuhaana wa’ta ala) mentions the argument & confrontation between Moosa(AS) & Fir’aun. The Verse continues by saying that Allah’s power prevailed over Fir’aun & his army after they were drowned in sea. And that this lesson is applicable for all ages. Are we to forget that Shaitan misled our father Adam(AS) and mother Hawwa(AS) even when they were in the Garden of Eden ? Its obvios that one who practices & embraces satanism would indulge in eradicating the religion and belief in Allah. But they are bound to fail for sure in any case.
“Did I not enjoin on you O ye children of Adam that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?”
“And that ye should worship Me (for that) this was the Straight Way?”
“But he did lead astray a great Multitude of you. Did ye not then understand?”
“This is the Hell of which ye were (repeatedly) warned! “Embrace ye the (Fire) this Day for that ye (persistently) rejected (Truth).” [36:60-64].
you need to make a research on such a vast topic before putting up a blog here, brothers. this is an ocean as some one has indicated above that hardly any muslim scholars has touched this topic. I do believe that Conspiracies do exist but it is exxagerated sometimes. late 90s every single disaster has been warned aforetime like iraq, afghanistan, destabilization in the middle east, etc. But the deniers of conspiracy theories had a different explanation at that time & they have a different opinion now. someone also noted above that free masonary is taghoot which is true. such occult beliefs & worships creeps inside slowly in an environment where the foundation of Tawheed is not strong on which the rest of Islamic pillars stand. Scholars have made a study of taghoot but they dont even have iota of understanding what free masonary is.
An advice to the maker of arrivals:
1.Add references of quran & ahadiths as much as possible
2.try to black out videos that contains lewdness & sex atleast by removing its traces on the video
3.dont forget to include the phrase “wa allaahu aalem(And Allah knows best)” end of each video.
May Allah guide us all.