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June 22, 2007 at 11:46 PM
Assalamu alaikum,
Masha’Allah, this will be a very useful tool for many, myself included (as I do not know how to read The Qur’an in Arabic, but am interested in learning). A while ago, I was just wondering about whether there was something like this available online (transliterations along with the corresponding English and Arabic verses). JazakAllah khair to the brother who has been working on this, and may Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala reward him for his efforts. :)
-A sister in Islam
June 23, 2007 at 12:08 AM
mashallah it looks very useful – is there any way to get the words/roots in arabic instead of english? i didnt play with it too much yet but the trilateral roots looked like they were in english. great job though inshallah i think this will become an invaluable tool for muslims
June 23, 2007 at 1:28 AM
I have one word to say NICE!
June 23, 2007 at 12:08 PM
some other useful links:
Ahmad AlFarsi
June 24, 2007 at 12:51 AM
Assalaamu alaykum,
It looks like the last link in Samina’s previous comment ( is a similar tool except with the ability to browse the three-letter roots in Arabic.
Mujahideen Ryder
June 24, 2007 at 3:32 PM
yooo google needs to get up all into that site so we can use google’s powerful search engine on that.
did the brother submit it to google?
Abu Bakr
June 24, 2007 at 5:25 PM
For those really interested and willing to spend a little money, there is a book called al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras Li-Alfadh al-Qur’an al-Karim that lists all the words of the Qur’an by root, giving every place it is used throughout the Qur’an
this openburhan site looks very useful, jazakillahu khayran for the link
Al Hadrami
June 24, 2007 at 10:32 PM
JazakAllah khayran for the link. It’s excellent!!
June 26, 2007 at 11:36 AM
July 3, 2007 at 4:08 PM
maybe this comment is late, but I just discovered that this website
that is given above used the translation from Rashad Khalifa. Please beware!!
JazakAllah khair… you are right… everyone should note this fact. -MM
July 14, 2007 at 12:28 AM
AA ans,
can you please give ref that the site uses rashad kahlifas trans, i need to tell other people, but need ref for it.
brother abu bakr: other useful books for root words: Anwar ul bayan. it’s in urdu though.
Mufrida tul quran (arabic- free download available)
August 9, 2007 at 2:10 PM
ukht samina,
if you still referring to this post, the ref is stated in the site itself. They clearly state that they use Rashad khalifa translation. I can’t give you the link for the moment because I can’t access it.
August 19, 2007 at 1:45 AM is a mirror and has few more features now. It now has multiple translations as well.
August 19, 2007 at 2:10 AM
Farooq, can you please clarify the following:
-Does the site use Rashad Khalifa Translations?
-Which translations does it use, because I could not find the answer easily on your site?
-Any reason for using Tahir al Qadri, a known Braelwi in lieu of Mawdudi RH for Urdu translation?
August 19, 2007 at 11:46 AM
Salam and thanks Amad,
This is a learning tool for research and education. It provides 20 translations and additionally the following:
1. Quran root word to surah index.
2. Translation of most words.
3. 17 English translations for each verse- including ***clearly marked and warned** disputed ones to show what is different among these translations.
4. 3 Urdu translations without prejudice. 4th Urdu translation is being reviewed, it is from Quran Asan Tehrik. Since it is a word to work translation, this will be on the first page.
5. English Translation on the first page is by Yosuf Ali and is clearly marked. Which I plan to change with literal meanings.
If you have Unicode translation for Mawdudi, I will be glad to add.
You may click on sura:verse number to see all available translations.
To insure correct understanding of translations, Incorrect translations have been marked with these warning:
** – Read with caution – These Translations, marked here with **, are considered either incorrect, far-fetched, non-conforming or misleading. Care must be exercised for certain verses or an alternate translation should be considered.
Objective of this site is reference, research and edcution and not promotion of any given sect or hero worship of any individual.
August 19, 2007 at 12:01 PM
You may find my personal blog here
August 19, 2007 at 12:04 PM
^ Dr. Muhsin Khan’s translation is marked with a ** ?!?!?!
what nonsense.
August 19, 2007 at 12:05 PM
Very good forum in Urdu.
My articles on this forum about ” What Quran Says”:
Do not assume from these articles that I from Rashad Khalid and company. Thease articles are about “Our joint responsibilities” vs. “Individual Responsibilities” as mentioned in the Holy Quran.
August 19, 2007 at 12:07 PM
There are two translations from Dr. Muhsin Khan and Hilali. 1st one is marked the second one, which he corrected, is not. Carefully check that please before hitting the emotions button.
August 19, 2007 at 12:09 PM
Look at H/K/Saheeh for the second version as was revised by Dr. Muhsin Khan. He himself felt a need to correct the 1st one. We should stop worshiping heros and keep them at the human level :)
August 19, 2007 at 12:12 PM
Aarij, if you end up saying oops – spoke too soon – then please check the mirror carefully :) it has both meanings :)
August 19, 2007 at 12:16 PM
wasalam Farooq. Thanks for the info.
I believe the asterix against the Noble Quran translation is misplaced too. I understand that Shaikh Hilali and Sh. Muhsin added a lot of tafsir into the translation, but all of it is based on textual evidences.
If anything, the “doubtful one” is Ahmad Raza Ali Khan– the founder of Braelwism
A better approach would be to remove those that are clearly not even Muslims (remove Rashad– whose followers don’t even call themselves Muslims). Then add little biographies including criticism for each. This way you let the reader decide what is “doubtful” and what is not. You should be able to find Mawdudi’s Urdu translation anywhere in Pakistan. If you can add Ibn Kathir (it is available in English, Urdu and Arabic– see here, then that will be outstanding.
Other than that, I have to say that this is quite an effort.
August 19, 2007 at 12:31 PM
To further review about what others say about these translations, I have provided a pointer to another site, where each of them are discussed.
Removing non-muslim’s translations or certain sects’s translation will take the objective of comparison and reference away. As I said this is not for promotion of one sect. It is meanings of holy Quran as has been percieved by verious persons. Muslims, non muslims, translators of words etc.
The Arabic is protected with Qirat from AlHusari and is provided from Saudi Arabia. I do not plan to judge which sect is right or wrong. People are doing a good job of such judgment. It is a showcase platform not a promotional platform. Hope this explains.
August 19, 2007 at 12:33 PM
A comparitive study is not possible without right vs. wrong. Hiding it from here will not hide it from the net. What most muslims belive to be an incorrect translation is maked. Whereas this is not the case with others. Send me your email address at farooqsarwarkhan at yahoo dot com and I will be glad to explain the objectives futher.
August 19, 2007 at 12:50 PM
“What most muslims belive to be an incorrect translation is maked.”
I don’t know what you meant to write with that last word. But I’d like to know what you consider “most Muslims”?
Interestingly, you mention that you “do not plan to judge which sect is right or wrong”, yet you turn around and make a judgment right in the next comment. It is not me that you should feel a need to clarify to, but all those who may question the objectives or the apparent coloring of those objectives. I have read the other article that you linked to. You should know that fortunately Muslims do not judge the “right” Quranic translation based on how “other” religions would feel about it. Perhaps it may not be the most appropriate translation (because as I said it has more than translation) for others (because they may not have the context), but that doesn’t preclude it from being “authentic”.
August 19, 2007 at 7:31 PM
Please read this line as:
โWhat most muslims belive to be an incorrect translation is marked”. Here by most muslims are the people who complained to me about the author’s beliefs, about the writing found in their text and which are completely against muslim beliefs.
These are the opinions forwarded to me with references from their work.
1. Khalifa in his texts claimed to be a prophet attempted to prove it in his translation.
2. Dr. Shabbir QXP, in his text, refuses that Adam ever existed and Mary was not virgin and Joseph the carpenter was Jesus Father.
3. Hilal/Khan 1st version was full of prejudice, I have provided other”s opinion and a web site as a link why it is marked with “caution”.
I have not recieved similar published on the web references about the others. If you have similar proofs with pointable bublished references you may send them to me.
This site contains multiple translations, some of them have been found in multiple research papers to be “studied with caution’ – so have been marked.
Please read disclaimer about “authencity or accuracy” about the quality of these translations.
What are you looking for?
What is your exact obective please outline in a clear sentence so that I can understand.
August 19, 2007 at 7:41 PM
Only effort I make is to keep the trnaslations accurate to their publication. If you think there is an error in the provided text then please bring it my attention so that I can fix it. If it does not serve the purpose which you wish to use it for then simply do not use it. Again this site is for educational research and reference and not for promotion of any given sect. Obective is that one should be able to see meanings of each word, literal meanings and how various translators have percieved the meanings of a given verse. I hope this is helpful.
August 19, 2007 at 7:43 PM
Additional word index of Quran provides a mean to see all verses where a pirticular word has been used. This also helps in undertanding the word, constructs and the meanings. If you have concrete suggestions, I will be glad to hear them.
April 9, 2009 at 12:52 AM
I’m using Mozilla’s “Personas for Firefox” since two days. Today I could see AlMaghrib’s persona there… cool purplish.
October 17, 2010 at 4:57 AM
Dear Farooq
you may want tafheemulquran in unicode so it is online now at
i have also unicode file but i didn’t see any attachment file option.
if you still want let me know by mail i will send to you inshaAllah.
February 24, 2016 at 11:06 PM
Read the following you would get the answer for how to respond “When Anti-Muslim Websites Use Bogus Translationsโฆand Then Try to Cover it Up!
Chapter-18-Dedication-Yamama and Our Amal-Nama
Does anybody know how many Prophetโs companions [R] were approximately killed in all the major wars that were fought during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad [P]?
Kindly see the list of all major wars and the approximate number of Prophetโs companions [R] who were killed inclusive of all the major wars that were fought during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad [P]:
Badr 14
Uhud 70
Khaybar 17
Mu’tah 12
Hunayn 5
Total: 118
But when a person called Musaylimah claimed himself as the Apostle / Ambassador / Prophet from Allah [SWTA] as every companions of the Prophet knew well that Muhammad [P] is the last Messenger and Prophet, Abu Bakkar [R] has ordered for a war against Musaylimah, and that war was called Yamama!
Does anybody know how many Prophetโs companions were approximately killed in the battle of Yamama? It was 1200 companions among which more than 1/3 i.e. more than 400 were hafiz-e-Quran and they were Prophetโs closest associates [R]!
Have you noticed the number of Muslims who were killed in Yamama was more than ten times when comparing it with all the major wars fought during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad [P]!
This battle played a major role in motivating Abu Bakkar [R] to complete the compilation of the Qur’an. Hence 400 hafizes were killed at Yamama upon the insistence of his future successor Umar [R], Abu Bakkar [R] has ordered the collection of the pieces of the Qur’an into one copy.
The battle of Badr was almost similar to Yamama in one way but it was contrast to it in another way! Let me explain the contrast first; In Badr Prophet [P] was alive but during Yamama Prophet [P] was not alive.
Now let us see in which way Badr was almost similar to Yamama?
That was during Badr Prophet [P] was imploring to Allah [SWTA] saying that if we get defeated then there wonโt be a single person to worship you alone in the whole earth! The very similar situation rose after the claim of Musaylimah as an Apostle and when thousands believed in him and followed him blindly!
What does this history tell us? What is the respect we have for that 400-Hafizes who get killed in Yamama, which by Allahโs plan paved the way for the collection of the Quran, which we read, and enjoying every-day?
All we need to do is after Muhammad [P] if anyone claims that he is a messenger or a prophet, we need to identify and witness how evil he is with all the feasible and possible proofs and that can be the only tribute that we can do for the 1200 Sahabisโ who get killed in Yamama!
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have written a small book called “Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa with Quran-Alone”; this small book is the result of years of data gathered interacting with people for and against Rashad Khalifa in internet forums and in real life, including my personal experience and research.
Many have contributed to this book, directly and indirectly, knowingly and unknowingly. I request you very much; kindly help me for this e-book to reach all your Muslim contacts for two reasons:
1) In-order to warn the humanity to be aware of the tricky works of Rashad Khalifa [Who claimed himself as a Messenger of Allah [SWTA].
2) In-order to ensure that our response to the deviant group-Khalifates [who have taken Rashad Khalifa as their idol] is comprehensive, clear, and precise, Insha Allah.
In-order to view my complete E-Book- “Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa, with Quran-Alone”,
kindly visit:
July 14, 2021 at 8:15 AM
Masha ALLAH Great deed you have shared.