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MuslimKidsMatter | Cherished Blessing: Salah


Cherished Blessing: Salah
by Tania Maseera
All human beings have certain dreams.  Many of us dream of visiting the Eiffel tower, Taj Mahal or Disney Land. I do too. We try to save each and every penny we have earned to fulfill our dream and the ticket to visit such wonders is very expensive. Imagine if we ever go on a trip to Disney Land for 10 days and we enjoy it as much as possible. After returning from this trip, we spend the next 10 days describing our trip to our friends, posting our pictures on Facebook. At the end of the day we realize that we have enjoyed our trip but unfortunately we have missed our salahs, lost the time, the time we had to pray. So I ask you, was the trip worth it? Why don’t people dream of jannah? For this we don’t have a ticket but we have to earn it by doing good deeds. The best deed described in Quran is Salat that is our ticket to jannah. Jannah is the only place where enjoyment never ends.  It lasts forever and ever. It is not for a short period of time and we will never get bored of it.
Salat is one of the most important pillars of Islam which is obligatory for every  Muslim. My very first encounter with salah was when I was five years old when my mother used to stand for her salah.  I stood with my mother and imitated every action.  When it came to surah recitation, all I could hear standing next to her was a very feeble murmur.  “Psst.”  So salat was like an exciting game for me.  Stand, Bow, Prostrate, whisper, see to right, then left and my salah came to an end. And this way of performing salah continued for a while. Come to think of it now, it’s very hilarious. Then when I got a bit  older, I finally realized that we actually recited surahs.  Even when I came to know about it my salah wasn’t perfect.  I didn’t even know the meaning of the surahs I recited. I used to stand for salah but my mind used to drift from salah to worldly affairs like movies, school, and friends. Till yesterday my salah was fast and furious like an express train. At times I even forgot  in which rakah I was, which surah had I read in my first rakah? All sort of questions rose in my mind. I used to pray only 4 times a day. Fajr was not applicable for me, I thought. Praying four times a day was enough for me. Now I think how did Allah bear me for these many years? Allah was not only patient with me but he did not even reduce a single blessing.  Subhanallah!! Allah is indeed the greatest, As Sabur (the most patient) who doesn’t give up on his servants. Where can we find a love that is so pure and true? Allah is the one who turns and softens hearts. Allah’s most cherished blessing that he has bestowed on me is the consciousness of salah that I am in the process of developing.
I pray and hope my salah is being  accepted.  Now I try to know the meaning of the surah I recite. But it is not as perfect as it should be. But I try my best  to keep my concentration on my salah.  Now my struggles are in understanding the quran. Once we learn Arabic we will enjoy reading Quran and benefit from the immense ocean of knowledge and insight for hours and our legs may go numb but we will be totally involved and lost in the amazing word of Allah-The Quran that we will not be able to feel the numbness of our legs. This happens to me when I read my favorite book. I am lost. May Allah give us strength, determination and barakah of making Quran our favourite book. Ameen!
Allah has sent us to this world for a purpose. Life is an aeroplane in which we are travelling.  It is a journey full of ups and downs and we are the passengers in it. Our purpose is  to reach Jannah – a place where they are no tensions, no restrictions, no tears, and no fears. We have already boarded this plane and have started our journey.  Now we have to see that our journey is safe without any obstacles or crashes. All we have to do is follow the manual the word of Allah – The Quran. Let’s all gear up for the ticket to jannah which  indeed needs no money but sincere love for Allah and obedience.
About the Author
Tania Maseera is 14 years old and lives in India.  Her favorite subjects are English, math, history, and physics, and she is in ninth grade.  Writing poems is her newly developed interest.  Tania likes horses and dreams of learning to ride a horse one day, insha Allah.

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  1. Bismillahfille

    April 7, 2014 at 4:04 AM

    MashaAllah. This makes me want to go pray. May Allah reward you

  2. sammy

    April 7, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    sooo young and sooo much mature very inspiring

  3. Samreen

    April 7, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Lovely article, mashallah…

  4. Ahmed

    April 7, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    The way you described about life being a journey…is brilliant

  5. tania maseera

    April 7, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    thank u very much for your kind words.

  6. Bint Kaleem

    April 9, 2014 at 3:43 AM

    Beautiful! For such a young age, this was very inspiring..
    May Allah keep you, me and all believers steadfast on the right path and help us help each other to Jannah, Aameen!

  7. Ayesha

    April 10, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    Very inspiring!

  8. Khansa

    April 13, 2014 at 7:37 AM

    That was so sweet and mature..!! at your age,I hardly prayed even though my parents kept asking to…or I used to lie about it…subhanallah …Allah was so patient with me….took care of us..and patiently and lovingly guided us….ya Rahman..

  9. adeeba jahan

    April 20, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    wow tania its such a wonderful and inspiring article.. !!!im proud of u my friend

  10. Firasath

    December 5, 2016 at 4:54 AM

    Wonderful article

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