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Yasir Qadhi | A Brief Statement Regarding the Situation in Egypt


Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

The recent events in Egypt have left us all completely and totally astounded. The mass protests, organized via impromptu SMS texts and Facebook messages, has shown the world that there is still life and honor in Muslim lands!

And amidst all of this clamor abroad, Muslims here in America are asking others, especially their scholars and clerics, what they should be doing. And it is here where the situation becomes more complicated. Some people try to quote traditions that seem to prohibit fighting against the rulers, as if suggesting that the people of Egypt (and Tunisia) have done some type of wrong and incurred sin upon themselves by protesting their conditions. Others, lost in the exuberance of the moment, seem so sure of positive change and so obsessed with getting rid of the current evil, that they do not think two steps ahead, and do not plan for the possibility of failure.

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Sometimes, no response from a scholar is in fact the best and safest response. This is especially true when a scholar is sitting thousands of miles away, comfortably in his own chair, pretending to know better than the people of that land. It is because of this that I cannot comment on specifics, and shall restrain myself to generalities. I leave it to the scholars of Egypt to instruct their own people what in particular they should be doing.

But for those here in America, who dare criticize the Egyptian masses based upon their own understandings of a set of hadith, I say to them, “Hold your tongues! You are not living in their situation. You have not experienced years and decades of economic, social and political repression. You have no right to pass verdicts on the situation of a people other than your own. Live their lives for a decade, and then feel free to comment on what they are doing.”

I say this loud and clear: as Allah is my witness, my heart jumped for joy as I heard news of these protests, and saw the masses of Egyptians pour out onto the streets, wanting positive change, tired of the puppet-regime that had ruled them for three decades, confronting tanks with their bodies, prostrating to Allah in front of the troops even as they are doused with water guns. How can the heart of ANY believer not be overjoyed seeing the courage that the average Muslim has in opposing the tyrannical regimes that they are living under? And note as well that the protesters are unarmed and non-militant – this is not ‘fighting against the ruler’ but rather protesting against injustice! Lastly, we turn to the scholars of that region to actually pronounce a verdict on those rulers, and to comment on whether their ‘rule’ was even an Islamically permissible one to begin with, such that we can can quote ahadith in support of such rule!

Yet, even as a write these words, I also must point out that a sense of complete happiness and blind cheer-leading is premature. This is not the first time that people have protested against a tyrannical regime, nor even forced a brutal dictator to flee. Sadly, all too often, when one dictator flees, another who is even more brutal takes his place. The very country that we are witnessing these protests in is a testimony to this fact: let those who learn from history see who the current dictator’s predecessor was, and by whom was he removed, and how he was removed, and what the effects of that removal were.

Therefore, in my humble estimation, instead of immediate triumphalism, the wisest course of action for us here in the West is to have a sense of tempered joy, a feeling of cautious optimism. Yes, we wish for the people of Egypt and Tunisia and many other lands to enjoy the freedoms that our religion allows them to enjoy, and to live peaceful and joyous lives in this world so that they may better prepare for the next. But the lessons from history also allow us – dare I say even require us – to feel a sense of hesitation and perhaps even trepidation. A healthy dose of skepticism is wise if it causes us to form better plan of action.

There is little that we can do from afar other than to make du’a for the people of Egypt, and for all Muslims around the world. But there are some moral lessons that we can derive from the events that we are witnessing:

Firstly, that the calls by the militants and even by the political Islamist parties did not, in and of themselves, bring about the type of protests that came from the hordes of masses. These groups have been calling for such demonstrations and wanting to see such protests for decades, yet they could not accomplish even a fraction of what the masses have done in this last week. And in this, we learn from the Prophetic methodology: change must begin at the ground level, bottom-up, and not top-down. Change begins in the heart and in the home, and it shall eventually reach the streets and shake the foundations of government.

Secondly, we should truly appreciate and thank Allah for our own situation here in the West, where, despite all the negatives of foreign policy and the beginnings of Islamophobia, the two greatest blessings that man needs are still available to us, and we thank Allah ‘…who has given us food to save us from hunger, and protected us from feeling scared’ [Quraysh; 4]. Not everything about ‘the West’ is evil, and we thank Allah for the good even as we strive with every legitimate means to change the bad.

And lastly, we should realize the Sunnah of Allah, as we are witnessing it unfold before our very eyes. For indeed, Allah might give a tyrant some respite, but He never neglects such a person, and when Allah’s reckoning comes, it is swift and just. Tyranny is darkness, as our Prophet salla (Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, and injustice will never be allowed to go unchecked. And if this is happening here, in a Muslim land, how about injustices being perpetrated by others who do not believe in a God nor do they have any humanity left in them? What will entire states who practice injustice against innocent civilians and occupy their lands do when the Lord of those peasants and the Protector of the weak calls the tyrants and occupiers to task? Let them pay heed if they have any heart to do so, for their time shall surely come as well.

May Allah guide the people of Egypt to do what is best for Islam and the Muslims!
May Allah protect those protesting on the streets against the tanks and guns and weapons of the regime!
May Allah protect their loved ones from the plunder and looting of thieves and criminals (those in office and on the streets)!
May Allah bring about a state of honor and glory for this religion, where righteous people are shown respect and given office, and the unrighteous are discarded and ignored!
And May Allah protect us all, in this world and the next!

Ameen ya Rabb al-Alimeen!

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Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi is someone that believes that one's life should be judged by more than just academic degrees and scholastic accomplishments. Friends and foe alike acknowledge that one of his main weaknesses is ice-cream, which he seems to enjoy with a rather sinister passion. The highlight of his day is twirling his little girl (a.k.a. "my little princess") round and round in the air and watching her squeal with joy. A few tid-bits from his mundane life: Sh. Yasir has a Bachelors in Hadith and a Masters in Theology from Islamic University of Madinah, and a PhD in Islamic Studies from Yale University. He is an instructor and Dean of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib, and the Resident Scholar of the Memphis Islamic Center.



  1. Amal

    January 31, 2011 at 4:54 PM

    Correction (I think):

    “รขโ‚ฌหœรขโ‚ฌยฆwho has given us food to save us from hunger, and protected us from feeling scaredรขโ‚ฌโ„ข [al-Ma`un; 4]”

    I think Surah Al-Qurayysh, verse 4 is what was meant…

    As-salamu ‘alaikum
    jazakum Allahu khair for the article

    • Ify Okoye

      January 31, 2011 at 5:04 PM

      Wa salaam alaykum, yes, it’s been corrected, jazaki’Allah khayr!

  2. Mansoor Ansari

    January 31, 2011 at 4:57 PM

    Ameen ya Rabb al-Alimeen

    A real heart warming article :)

  3. Umar

    January 31, 2011 at 5:07 PM

    The biggest regret I have and the saddest thing about it is the way they have chosen to protest. 174 people dead, rioting, looting, no police etc.
    If they were going to protest, why not protest in a more civilised manner? There was no need for a single soul to die, no need for vans to be set on fire, and 5,000 prisoners to escape.

    Despite the nobility of their goal, and the major impact it appears to be having, this whole thing could easily have been done in a much more humane way.
    When the cameras of the world are on you, why show yourselves to be lawless, rioting, uncivilised people?

    • Zaydoun

      January 31, 2011 at 5:59 PM

      I think it is easy to judge from far away that this upheaval could have been done more peacefully and in a humane way.

      It actually did. But in the face of a 30 year military regime,t censorship and brutal crackdown on protesters, 130 dead, if that is the number, is in the low end and I am glad it is.

      Instead of judging, god sent us to witness. It is he who judges whether this was done in a humane way or not.

      There is nothing uncivilized about the way things are going, at least, from the people’s point of view. What is inhumane is the dictator clinging to power and using all his force to crush a legitimate freedom of expression.

      I do not know you in person, nor do I disagree per say with that you said in general, as we would love to see no deaths and “civilized” expressions, but in the face of power and tyranny, this is what you get.

      All I am saying, I feel your comment is misplaced, and comes at the wrong time, when people are suffering and would like to live another day in peace, while you pass on judgment about the civility of their behavior.


      • Asmaa H

        January 31, 2011 at 6:25 PM

        Agreed with Zaydoun. In a country of over 80 million people, a revolution – which is what this is – cannot magically be orderly and “peaceful.” I am actually surprised at how peaceful the protests have been so far. For the huge amount of people, the incidents of deaths and injuries is not shockingly high. I wish very much that there were no injuries or deaths, but I think it is inevitable when fighting against a regime that has oppressed its people for 3 decades. The amount of violence that occurs is mostly the regime’s choice, not the people’s choice.

        • zq

          February 1, 2011 at 8:20 AM

          there’s a lot of speculation that most of the looting and violence is in fact being carried out by plain clothes cops to deligitimize the cause of the people.

          • UmmAdam

            February 1, 2011 at 8:44 PM

            I agree with the speculation stated by “zq”. I am hearing from friends who are in touch with those in Egypt, that Egyptian police officials are raiding homes in the middle of the nite and killing innocent people. Also, on MSNBC tonite (Rachel Maddow show), it was stated that several looters who were hospitalized for injuries, had police identification on them….showing that indeed, the police are doing looting.

          • Mahmoud S

            February 2, 2011 at 12:29 PM

            Yeah, I believe that the speculation is true. Like UmmAdam I’ve been hearing that from a lot of friends in Egypt.

          • Umar

            February 2, 2011 at 4:27 PM

            Two days later…after seeing todays clashes between pro and anti Mubarak, would you not now condemn the way the Egyptions are acting?

            One man kicking to death another simply because he wanted Mubarak to stay.

            It this the way Muslims should act? Is this the method of the prophet sws? Both parties are Muslims, and the are lining against each other and charging against each other like they are at war.

    • Miyagi

      February 1, 2011 at 2:42 PM

      Looting is not done by protesters. The cowardly police forces beat the protesters, ran them over with cars, and fired live shots at them, killing 300 across the country according to the UN, then withdrew shamefully leaving the country without security, where thugs and hoolgians are able to come out.

      The honourable citizens have created street patrols and have the security situation largely under control. Today saw the most massive protests yet. Over 1M in Cairo’s central Tahrir square. Close to 900K in Alexandria and all over the country.

  4. AK

    January 31, 2011 at 5:14 PM

    I don’t know if this is crucial
    but the name of Surah 106 is just Quraysh not al-Quraysh

    anyway mash’Allah on the interesting article!

  5. Dawud Israel

    January 31, 2011 at 5:19 PM

    Hey Amad- shaykh Yasir used to the word “Islamist”. :P
    Just wanted to point that out to you after yesterday hhehehe.

    • Amad

      January 31, 2011 at 10:40 PM

      The difference being it isnt being mentioned here in the same spirit of being or confirming a negative connotation or “dirty word”

  6. Sundus

    January 31, 2011 at 5:21 PM

    I agree with Umar. To be honest I dont care what happens in egypt. There are far more serious things happening in the world. What about the people in Palestine?! OR the somalians who are starving??? What about the REAL muslim issues!! Why didnt the protest for an ISLAMIC cause and made a riot over that???? So many people are miserable in this world. egypt is far from it!!!

    • Asmaa H

      January 31, 2011 at 6:21 PM

      I am both shocked and disgusted by your comment. To insinuate that what’s happening in Egypt right now is “less” of an Islamic/Muslim issue is flabbergasting. I didn’t realize that only SOME issues deserve our attention as Muslims. What a notion!

      Also, if you haven’t lived as a regular Egyptian in Egypt, how would you know that these people aren’t miserable? They have been under a dictatorship for over 30 years – they’ve had family members taken by secret police, tortured and killed unlawfully. Illiteracy is wide-spread, most Egyptians cannot afford any kind of luxuries that we have the option of having – no, they struggle daily to put bread on the table for their families. The religious amongst them are persecuted and oppressed. If you have a beard, you are in danger of being snatched up by the police and tortured for no reason. There is unmitigated governmental corruption. Don’t assume you know what their experiences are.

      If you don’t want to care what happens in Egypt, nobody is forcing you to. But don’t speak about things you have no knowledge of.

    • Umer

      January 31, 2011 at 7:37 PM

      Regardless of where Egypt comes among the issues we have, I am surprised to hear any Muslim say they don’t care what happens in Egypt.

      What is a more REAL Muslim issue than that of millions of Muslims starving due to poverty?

      You mention the people of Palestine. Mubarak receives the fourth highest aid from the US of all world countries, after Afghanistan, Pakistan and Israel. What, do you think they receive it for humanitarian work whilst they coincidentally take part in the same crime that Israel do, namely contribute by their borders to the blockade of Gaza.

      Al-Ikhwan have a very real chance of coming to power. Would this not be a step towards establishing the kalimah in the land?

  7. Garad Osman

    January 31, 2011 at 5:36 PM

    So al-Hasan said: รขโ‚ฌล“I see not to fight him. If this is a punishment from Allaah, then you will not be able to remove it with your swords. If this is a trial from Allaah, then be patient until Allaahรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs judgement comes – and He is the best of …judges.รขโ‚ฌย

    So they left al-Hasan, disagreed with him and rebelled against al-Hajjaaj, so al-Hajjaaj killed them all. About them, al-Hasan used to say: รขโ‚ฌล“If the people had patience, when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be before Allaah will give them a way out. However, they always rush for their swords, so they are left to their swords. By Allaah! Not for even a single day did they bring about any good.รขโ‚ฌย

    What do you say about that??

    • Garad Osman

      January 31, 2011 at 5:50 PM

      Ibn Saรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd relates in Tabaqaatul-Kssbraa (7/163-165):

      A group of Muslims came to al-Hasan al-Basree (d.110H) seeking a verdict for rebelling against al-Hajjaaj. So they said: O Abu Saรขโ‚ฌโ„ขeed! What do you say about fighting this oppressor who has …unlawfully spilt blood and unlawfully taken wealth and did this and that?

      So al-Hasan said: รขโ‚ฌล“I see not to fight him. If this is a punishment from Allaah, then you will not be able to remove it with your swords. If this is a trial from Allaah, then be patient until Allaahรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs judgement comes – and He is the best of …judges.รขโ‚ฌย

      So they left al-Hasan, disagreed with him and rebelled against al-Hajjaaj, so al-Hajjaaj killed them all. About them, al-Hasan used to say: รขโ‚ฌล“If the people had patience, when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be before Allaah will give them a way out. However, they always rush for their swords, so they are left to their swords. By Allaah! Not for even a single day did they bring about any good.รขโ‚ฌย

      • broahmed

        February 1, 2011 at 12:27 AM

        Perhaps there is a difference between an armed rebellion against a ruler and a peaceful (albeit purposeful) protest?

      • Inqiyaad

        February 1, 2011 at 12:33 AM

        Some quick points here:
        1. Rebellion against a ruler is understood as stated in the quotes, “…not to fight him…” “However, they always rush for their swords.” That is to say, taking up arms against the state or the ruler. Before you ask me for evidence, I would like to stress that, the onus is on you to provide evidence that ‘swords’ can be understood as ‘speaking against an oppressive ruler’.
        2. As we can see, these protests are as peaceful as they can get. Most of the casualties are a result of violence from the police.
        3. Mubarak, the ruler as you say, enforced a certain ‘constitution’ that allows people to protest peacefully (at least as per the Egyptian military, here.).
        4. When the people are using nothing but their speech (or other means of communication) then it is considered a part of ‘amr bil ma’roof wa nahi ‘anil munkar’. Now, you may want to argue about the wisdom aspect of going about it. It seems like the message had to be ‘amplified’ to this level for the deaf to hear. In that respect, it is apart of wisdom to seek the ‘means to amplify’.
        Oh wait, not just that, they were being tortured for รขโ‚ฌหœspeakingรขโ‚ฌโ„ข. Now, the oppressor and his stooges find it hard to torture the thousands that are speaking up. To get your message across while allowing least amount of harm is another part of wisdom.
        5. Now, are you going to tell me that ‘being patient’ means ‘being mute’?
        If that were the case then you would not have been able to quote Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, as you did in a post below. When he was invited to corrupt belief, he spoke against it. Because he spoke, you are able to quote him today. Sadly you quote him only to confuse people, to twist the message, and to forward your own agenda.
        6. Also donรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt forget that the ruler has to be a รขโ‚ฌหœMuslimรขโ‚ฌโ„ข ruler. What did Ibn Taymiyyah think about the Tatar Kings that enforced another law apart from Shariah? What does Mubarak think about the Shariah or even religion? I guess there are some quotes of his (Mubarak) on this topic in the latest news.
        DESPITE THIS CAVEAT, the preceding five points remain valid.

        • Garad Osman

          February 1, 2011 at 7:57 AM

          Akhi I dont have a agenda. Im just a student of knowledge. I have done research regarding this and the Kibaar Al Ulema of this time. Have commented on this and I take there opinion.

          Their will come leaders who will not follow my guidance and not follow my Sunnah. Their will be among them men who will have hearts of devils in the bodies of humans. He (the companion of the prophet) asked, “what shall I do, O messenger of… Allah, if I reach that?” He replied, “you should hear and obey the ruler even if he flogs your back and takes your wealth, then still hear and obey.”
          (Saheeh Muslim)

          SubhanAllah what I’ve noticed in years is that Dawatu Salafiyah is backed by the Ulema and Research

          While the Hizbees propogate there evil with heresay with out any references :(

          Wallah I use to love Al Maghrib and there “crew” but it has come clear to me that they work with the people of innovation (i.e Hamza Yusuf ) who is the biggest enemy to the Dawah of Salafiyah

          I know this comment will be most likely deleted

          May Allah guide us to the haqq. Ameen

          • Fatima

            February 1, 2011 at 8:06 AM

            maybe you should be a little more open minded. the qabaair ulema are not in particular places or situations to understand or comment on the muslim conditions. they live in saudi where there are all muslims. they dont know what it is like to live in majority non muslim lands. You dont have to associate with Hamza Yusuf, etc.
            but the kabaair ulema also say take the haqq whereever it comes from. so if almaghrib is saying the haqq then we should take it, alhamdulillaah. iam on da’watus salafiyyah but open minded enough and educated enough to evaluate all of the evidences before me.

          • Garad Osman

            February 1, 2011 at 8:35 AM

            -Comment deleted. Irrelevant videos.

          • Abu Zayd

            February 1, 2011 at 9:19 AM

            Not only is your “Dawatu Salafiyah” backed by “Ulema and Research” but also by the Saudi monarchy and all its resources, who clearly have a vested interest in perpetuating this type of pacivist thought.

          • Amad

            February 1, 2011 at 10:07 AM

            But (the otherwise unknown), Sh. Rabee Madkhali, said so ;)

          • Amad

            February 1, 2011 at 10:08 AM

            I didn’t know that “Dawah of Salafiyah” had appointed a representative. Mashallah, can you share with us your representation credentials?

          • Hassan

            February 1, 2011 at 11:08 AM

            But (the otherwise unknown), Sh. Rabee Madkhali, said so ;)

            Hmm, like Sh. Bin Bayyah unknown-ness?

          • Stacey

            February 2, 2011 at 10:31 AM

            May Allah reward you for your efforts. I was also under the false notion that Al-Maghrib were from Ahlul Sunnah and I fear this is the case with numerous friends of mine as well. May Allah guide us all and rectify our situation. Ameen.

          • Hassan

            February 2, 2011 at 10:42 AM

            I was also under the false notion that Al-Maghrib were from Ahlul Sunnah

            What is that supposed to mean?

      • Memsaab Gidhoogo

        February 1, 2011 at 8:50 AM

        Salam alaikum Garaad, this article is not about ahlul bid’a or Hamza Yussuf so please take your hate elsewhere. It’s not needed here. Jazaks.

      • Garad

        February 2, 2011 at 1:52 PM

        Asalamu aleykum,

        For those who are attacking me I ASK YOU TO FEAR ALLAH. I only want proof and the position of the Salaf regarding this. If you attack me just Know we will meet on the day of judgement. I just wanted clarification and you guys curse Shaykh Rabee who has been recognized by the Kibaar as the Imam Of Jarh wa Tadeel of this time. FEAR ALLAH

        • Amad

          February 2, 2011 at 2:05 PM

          Shaykh Rabee who has been recognized by the Kibaar as the Imam Of Jarh wa Tadeel of this time.

          Seems like you are a new recruit brother. There are many among us, who have “been there, done that”.

          Let’s just say the Madkhali influence extends out to a few in the West (probably more in the West than even Saudi). He is hardly known in Saudi , let alone in in the Middle East region (where I now reside).

          I know it’s hard to hear anything against the “allama”, so I’ll finish off by saying that no one is cursing him (so no need to imagine it), we respect him for the knowledge he has, but at the same time, we don’t elevate him to the sky. Let’s not make this a madkhali kibaar debate– no one really gives a hoot about it.

        • Haya

          February 7, 2011 at 11:12 AM

          รขโ‚ฌล“The most excellent Jihaad is a truthful word spoken to an oppressive ruler.รขโ‚ฌย The hadeeth was related by Ibn Maajah (no. 4012), and Ahmad (5/251); and it was authenticated by Shaykh al-Albaanee in Saheehul-Jaamiรขโ‚ฌโ„ข (no. 1100).

      • Abu Abdullah

        February 10, 2011 at 12:45 AM

        Let us inshallah be cautious with our statements. We should know there are two opinions as to what is happening in Egypt, based upon; Are peaceful protests part of Islam (in which case there should be evidence to support it) or are peaceful protests not part of the deen (hence are allowed unless explicitly not allowed with evidence).

        Remember PEACEFUL protests, as soon as there is anything haram in these protests then there is no question they are not allowed, ie. fighting, etc.

        There are scholars in Egypt, living under this situation supporting both opinions.

        We should respect the opinions.

    • Muhammad Wajid

      January 31, 2011 at 5:54 PM

      Asalaam Alaikum,

      one marvels at those that can sit in the comfort of their homes and criticize those that risk everything including their lives so that they may live away from tyranny relying on 3rd hand accounts of how civilised the protesting is.

      one marvels at those that use the words of Al-Hassan to justify inaction and servitude when they ignore the deeds of Hussain (R) who did the exact opposite.

      one marvels at those that are so heartless as to be unable to connect with the suffering and the aspirations of their fellow Muslims halfway across the world when many non-Muslims are able to do so without hesitation.

      • Garad Osman

        January 31, 2011 at 6:01 PM

        Okay I reply with the same thing Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (rahimullah) said to the Ameer who was inviting him to the corrupt belief “give me something from the Quran and Sunnah so that I may follow you”

        • Umer

          January 31, 2011 at 7:42 PM

          Garad, I do not know the full shar’i rulings on the situation, but anyone can see the similarities are very limited.

          In this case the shari’ah is not being established but only purely secular man-made law, which according to some major scholars (such as Muhammad ibn Ibrahim aal-al-Shaikh, Ibn Uthaimeen) is major kufr.

          Secondly, as Ibn Taymiyyah stated, even if it is permissible to revolt against a ruler, one further takes into consideration whether the outcome is likely to be positive or not. It is very likely that Mubarak will be de-seated and the bloodshed – whilst tragic enough – was not something comparable to even normal warfare in which one emerges the victor.

          I am not claiming to know what the final ruling is but I’m pointing out that the evidence you claim to use does not necessarily apply here.

        • Ibn Migdad

          February 1, 2011 at 12:55 PM

          So you’re saying that there’s no evidence that rulers who actively work against Islam and it’s people should not be opposed, not even peacefully? Was as a certain person named Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab also guielty of bid’ah by the same token?

  8. UmmNour

    January 31, 2011 at 5:40 PM

    SubhanAllah, why do we Muslims constantly feel we have to perfect our image in the eyes of the ones who disbelieve in Allaah and are at war with Muslims [i.e Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc]?

    We are so obsessed with trying to fit into the ‘image’ the West wants us to fit in, that we are willing to give up doing anything good- anything that is good for our Ummah, like standing up against our dictators, bringing Islaam back into our lands, defending the honor of our Muslims brothers and sisters….anything that ‘taints’ our image, we give up and apologize for it.

    This Ummah is about us, not them. This Ummah is our family. Our first concern is our brothers and sisters who believe in Allaah and recite the shahadah. We will deal with our own problems, in our own way. And maybe if one day, we can learn to put our Ummah before ‘others’, we can bring back the ‘izzah [honor] this Ummah once held.

    It is very easy for us, who have not suffered serious pang of poverty, where our fathers or husband have not been lingering in torture cells, where our mothers are not humiliated, to get upset when we see a Muslim torch a tire and scream and yell. But that act itself- speaks volume. It shows how abandoned a Muslim in our world has become. His fellow brothers are either the one torturing him or they are his audience. Our inactivity, our disunity, our insincerity towards such people, drives them to do acts that we find so abhorrent.

    • Ikhlaas ul 'Ilm

      February 2, 2011 at 9:05 AM

      JazakAllahu Khairan UmmNour. Those are very good points. Unfortunately, the west is something that has really gotten to some of our hearts. So much so that even some of the practicing brothers and sisters are being influenced in how they work in the west for the deen.

      But not all of us are so easily influenced that there is no hope. There are many du’aat (i am not even mentioning mashaa’ikh) that are keeping us in check. As long as we continue seeking knowledge and read even two ahadeeth about brotherhood/sisterhood in a year, i doubt we will get to the level that you speak of in the post. Such as us all being apologetics.

      Speak for Zaytuna, speak for certain scholars but please- don’t speak for all of us.

      The majority of knowledgeable brothers and sisters, in islam, would not open their mouths at what our brothers and sisters are doing in other countries. This is because the majority of us know, all of our sins aside, that the words that come out of our mouths will be judged one day.

      And the one who judges them will not care if we lived in the East or the West but that we followed what he told us to follow. And that we took care of our own business (the Da’wah in america) and kept our mouths shut on the business of others that does not directly concern us (the people of Egypt/Tunisia).

      Sorry if i was a bit rude.

  9. Hannah Tamimi

    January 31, 2011 at 5:50 PM

    Thanks YQ JazakAllah khair! <3 this article. I like how the whole picture is painted. mashAllah.

    I care about BOTH countries. I do agree that the hype for the people of Palestine has not brought such energy in recent years, but this occurance should only remind us of them and perhaps maybe make two posters during our protests and of course more events. There are miserable people livingeverywhere around us. We should be mindful and heartful for them too.

  10. ahlam

    January 31, 2011 at 6:27 PM

    You know, watching the thousands of youth marching in the streets and knowing that mashAllah Egypt is 80 million strong,if only 20 million was protesting, I thought : what if the borders opened and they spilled into Israel! Wallahi they could overwhelm it in minutes:D

  11. Asmaa H

    January 31, 2011 at 6:42 PM

    Jazakum Allahu khairan Sh. Yasir for the well-worded article. I’m disappointed at a couple of the comments, but such is the nature of an open forum. May Allah (swt) protect them and make this a means for the betterment of our ummah. Ameen to this and to your du’aas as well.

  12. nazradeen

    January 31, 2011 at 6:51 PM

    Alhamdulillah! Thanks so much Sh.Yasir Qadhi for your timely article.I learned from it. It was simple and clear.
    I liked your last point. i wish if you can further elaborate it inshaAllah.
    May Allah reward you immensely.

  13. Nayma

    January 31, 2011 at 8:20 PM

    JAzak allahu khairan Sheikh Yasir Qadhi. Your article was very much needed and appreciated.

  14. muslim 101

    January 31, 2011 at 8:43 PM

    The Egyptian Uprising 1432
    Abu Adnan discusses the shariah perspective of protesting and its evidences, the current situation in Egypt, the tyranny of the current regime, naseeha and advice to the scholars of Egypt and ways to move forward.

    Sheikh Abu Adnan Mohammad has completed various courses over 15 years period starting in the early years of his life studied various Islamic studies (Lebanon) Studied, Aqeedah & Fiqh under some of the prominent Sheikhs. He is also a Graduate from the American Open University with a B.A in Islamic Studies. He is currently undertaking his Masters degree majoring in Aqeedah and Tawheed. The Sheikh has also been awarded an Ijaรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยขรขโ‚ฌลกร‚ยฌรƒยขรขโ‚ฌลพร‚ยขza in Quran Tajweed. He derived lessons and course all over Sydney and around Australia. He is currently the Imam of the Global Islamic Youth Centre (GIYC), conducting weekly courses on various Islamic subjects, General lessons and Friday prayers. He is also the vice-Principal and teacher of the Islamic College of Australia

  15. BrownS

    January 31, 2011 at 9:10 PM

    Jazakallahu khair Shaykh Yasir for contextualizing this for those of us not in Egypt but whose hearts are with the people of Egypt. I especially liked your point about how some of the overtly Islamic political groups were unable to inspire such a popular stand against the regime and how a truly Islamic change begins bottom-up, not enforced top-down. Ameen to all your du’a!

    • Mansoor Ansari

      February 1, 2011 at 1:41 PM

      This revolution is NOT abt Islamic change, if it was abt Islamic change then these very ppl would b sitting home. And if they did happen to come out due to some miracle & protested in the very same way.. they would b condemned by the whole world including Muslims & our scholars. By now these protesters would have been labelled extremist, Islamist, radicals & khawarij for sure.

      Let’s not be in de-Nile abt this sad fact!

  16. abdullah

    January 31, 2011 at 9:38 PM

    Subhanallah you lot argue quite a bit. May allah guide us all to the str8 path ameen. Be patient muslims. Everything is in steps.

    Concentrate on ourselves and what WE are.doing not what others should be doing. Allah questions us on our own actions. Jazakumallahukhairun

    Beautiful article. Tho we are far away we can stll do so very much. May alah increase us in sincerity and allow us 2 wake up for Qiyam Al Layl to make duaa to allah 4 egypt when he is asking. Who will ask of me so that I may give him???

    Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

  17. Shiraz

    January 31, 2011 at 9:49 PM

    Mr. Yasir Qadhi should consider staying in his realm of expertise — religion.

    This is not his playing field — all this article does is mislead people further.

    • 'Uthmaan

      February 1, 2011 at 5:35 AM

      As-salaamu ‘alaykum Shiraz,

      Is it not the case though that Islam as a religion is all-encompassing? It is much more than just a ‘religion’ as the word is conventionally understood in the Western world. It is a deen – a way of life – and so it’s scope is not confined to abstract theology and ritualistic worship

      Islam does have something to say about what is going on in Egypt and therefore it’s right that scholars should talk about it.

    • Amad

      February 1, 2011 at 6:44 AM

      Did you actually read the article?

      It didn’t offer any direction, so how could it mislead?

      Pls detail for us how this CAN mislead, and secondly how it does mislead.

  18. HadithCheck

    January 31, 2011 at 9:53 PM

    ร™ฦ’ร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร˜ยฉ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยดร™ล ร˜ยฎ ร˜ยนร™โ€žร™ล  ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยญร™โ€žร˜ยจร™ล  ร˜ยญร™ห†ร™โ€ž ร˜ยฃร˜ยญร˜ยฏร˜ยงร˜ยซ ร™โ€ฆร˜ยตร˜ยฑ

    ร™ฦ’ร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร˜ยฉ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยดร™ล ร˜ยฎ ร˜ยนร˜ยจร˜ยฏร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™โ€ก ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยนร˜ยจร™ล ร™โ€žร˜ยงร™โ€  ร˜ยญร™ห†ร™โ€ž ร˜ยฃร˜ยญร˜ยฏร˜ยงร˜ยซ ร™โ€ฆร˜ยตร˜ยฑ

    ร™โ€กร™โ€ž ร™โ€ฆร˜ยง ร™ล ร˜ยฌร˜ยฑร™ล  ร™ยร™ล  ร™โ€ฆร˜ยตร˜ยฑ ร™โ€ฆร™โ€  ร˜ยซร™ห†ร˜ยฑร˜ยฉร™ย ร™ล ร™ยร˜ยนร™ลฝร˜ยฏร™โ€˜ ร™โ€ฆร™โ€  ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยฎร˜ยฑร™ห†ร˜ยฌ ร˜ลธ

    ร™โ€šร˜ยงร™โ€ž ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยญร˜ยณร™โ€  ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยจร˜ยตร˜ยฑร™ล  ร˜ยฑร˜ยญร™โ€ฆร™โ€ก ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™โ€ก: ร˜ยฅร™โ€  ร™โ€กร˜ยฐร™โ€ก ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™ยร˜ยชร™โ€ ร˜ยฉ ร˜ยฅร˜ยฐร˜ยง ร˜ยฃร™โ€šร˜ยจร™โ€žร˜ยช ร˜ยนร˜ยฑร™ยร™โ€กร˜ยง ร™ฦ’ร™โ€žร™โ€˜ ร˜ยนร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร˜ล’ ร™ห†ร˜ยฅร˜ยฐร˜ยง ร˜ยฃร˜ยฏร˜ยจร˜ยฑร˜ยช ร˜ยนร˜ยฑร™ยร™โ€กร˜ยง ร™ฦ’ร™โ€ž ร˜ยฌร˜ยงร™โ€กร™โ€ž

    Narrated Abu Musa al-Ash’ari: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Before you there will be tribulations like patches of a dark night in which a man will wake up a believer in the morning but will be a kaafir in the evening, and a man will be a believer in the evening but will wake up a kaafir in the morning, he who sits during them will be better than he who gets up, and he who gets up during them is better than he who walks, and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. They (the people) asked: What do you order us to do? The Prophet peace be upon him replied: Keep to your houses. [Abu Dawud]

    The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: รขโ‚ฌล“Worship at times of turmoil is like migrating (making hjrah) to me.รขโ‚ฌย [Narrated by Muslim 2548]

    Narrated Abdullah: Allah’s Apostle said to us, “You will see after me, selfishness (on the part of other people) and other matters that you will disapprove of.” They asked, “What do you order us to do, O Allah’s Apostle? (under such circumstances)?” He said, “Pay their rights to them (to the rulers) and ask your right from Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari]

    Narrated Usaid bin Hudair: A man came to the Prophet and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! You appointed such-and-such person and you did not appoint me?” The Prophet said, “After me you will see rulers not giving you your right (but you should give them their right) and be patient till you meet me.” [Sahih Bukhari]

    Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet said, “Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which (religious) knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and general ignorance will spread, and there will be Al-Harj in abundance, and Al-Harj means killing.” [Sahih Bukhari]

    Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: I heard the Prophet saying, “Do not revert to disbelief after me by striking the necks of one another.” [Sahih Bukhari]

    Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “There will be afflictions (in the near future) during which a sitting person will be better than a standing one, and the standing one will be better than the walking one, and the walking one will be better than the running one, and whoever will expose himself to these afflictions, they will destroy him. So whoever can find a place of protection or refuge from them, should take shelter in it.” [Sahih Bukhari]

    Ibn รขโ‚ฌหœUmar (may Allah be pleased with them both) related that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: รขโ‚ฌล“The believer will continue to be encompassed by the mercy of Allah so long as he does not shed blood that it is forbidden to shed.รขโ‚ฌย al-Bukhari (6355)

    The Prophet peace be upon him said: If the inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth were to take part in the spilling of a believer’s blood, Allah would throw them all into the fire. [Tirmidhi]

    The Prophet (sallallaahu รขโ‚ฌโ„ขalayhi wa sallam) said: รขโ‚ฌล“Whosoever leaves off obedience and separates from the Jamaaรขโ‚ฌโ„ขah (united body) and dies, then he dies a death of jaahiliyyah. Whoever fights under a blind banner, angers for a faction or called for a faction, or gives victory to a faction and he is killed, then he has died the death of jaahiliyyah. Whosoever revolts against my Ummah, striking its righteous and its disobedient ones, not excluding the believer and not honoring the treaties of those under protection, then he is not from me and I am not from him.” [Sahih Muslim]

    I do not see how any one can encourage the people of Egypt to participate in the protests which are currently taking place over there. Shouldn’t we be trying to bring people back to their senses and to advise them to avoid the fitna rather than encourage them to be a part of it? Under what banner are these protests taking place? Should we be encouraging such protests in which both groups (Muslims) are fighting each other and people are being killed? Is it the proper Islamic ruling, according to the Quran and Sunnah and not according to our emotions and feelings, to be happy about such events and encourage the people to protest in such a manner and cause more fitna and more blood spill and destruction? Is it from the sunnah to encourage the people to revolt against their ruler rather than be patient, even if he isn’t fully implementing the laws of shari’ah? And is this revolution an Islamic one to begin with, or are the people protesting for worldly matters? Is it from wisdom to encourage the people to participate in these tribulations rather than take the prophetic advice of not getting involved in the fitan and take shelter in your home? Do we really expect anything good to come out of something such as this? As the scholars say that what is built upon something corrupt will be corrupt itself. If we are not even certain of the outcome and the harms that might come out of this, is it wise to encourage the people to go through with their protests and revolution?

    I am sure that some will not even read the above ahadith, while others will just jump to accusations and insults, and others will dismiss them as not being applicable and out of context without truly reflecting and acting upon them, but indeed in the statements of the Prophet peace be upon him there is much truth and guidance for the believers.

    I ask Allah to show all my brothers and sisters the truth in this matter and guide them to following it, and I ask Allah to make things easy for our brothers and sisters in Egypt and in every part of the world, and that He guides them to what is right and fix their affairs and restore the situation to peace before a lot more harm comes out of this.

    • Amad

      February 1, 2011 at 6:48 AM

      Interesting. so, first you wanted us to get our “MM scholars” involved and now it appears that you are not ready to accommodate it because it doesn’t accommodate YOUR interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah.

      I think sometimes we should recognize our own level of knowledge. It’s beyond listing hadith… Abdulhasib has responded better than I could.

      • Hassan

        February 1, 2011 at 9:39 AM

        So does he have to agree on what “scholars” of mm says? Do you know the brother? Perhaps he is more knowledgeable than you think.

        • Amad

          February 1, 2011 at 10:06 AM

          In most matters, you’ll take the one you know (and his qualifications) over an anonymous voice on the internet.

          Why does it change in this case?

          Would you accept advice from Dr. Baba or Medical-checker online? Think about it. Just because an opinion doesn’t agree with your viewpoint doesn’t mean it should change the way you judge situations.

          We’ll be happy to hear about hadith-check’s name and scholarly background. Anonymity has its pitfalls, credibility is one of them.

          • Hassan

            February 1, 2011 at 11:04 AM

            Why does it change in this case?

            Haha, and same thing baffles me. I must admit I am quite layman as you know, but to me consistency is a key. It seems that the scholars of muslimmatters and you follow 2 different methodologies or if the single methodology is followed than there is built in dualness (I do not want to use double standard as it is harsh and inappropriate to scholars).

            So when I read HadithCheck and whatever he is saying, (perhaps wrong?), he has consistent methodology, similarly when I read and hear what AA from Yemen or people like him say, I find their methodology consistent as well (but most likely wrong).

            So I find (perhaps in my naivety) the methodology adopted by western scholars or muslimmatters scholars in particular not consistent.

            And I am talking about j-word, american wars and aggression (funny thing, I was reading article and replacing Hosni mubarak with American foreign policy, and all things were fitting so well I got tired, and did not go more).

            Not only that, also methodology related to politics in general, how to deal with ahlu-bidah etc. I mean how can someone be more comfortable and friendly with people who allow shirk while condemn day and night to people who do not commit shirk and are in general calling towards sunnah including J-word? I know they may be wrong (fiqh ikhtilaaf or aqeedah??), but they deserve better treatment than people of shirk and bidah?

            So that is why I feel more comfortable with hadith check (who is anonymous indeed, but what he is saying is said by muslimmatters scholars half of the time as well).

            He could be totally wrong, I can be wrong, whallau’alam, I ask Allah to guide me to right, we pray day and night for guidance.

          • Amad

            February 1, 2011 at 11:11 AM

            Sometimes the conflict is in the readers minds when they have already determined a situation to be this or that.

            But point understood. I disagree that there is any inconsistency when you consider the importance of contextualization and of situational analysis.

            I would never take medical-checker online over Dr. Baba, even if the former seemed more consistent. That’s just me.

          • Hassan

            February 1, 2011 at 11:17 AM

            Point taken, I although know alive people/student of knowledge who take that approach (hadith-check).

            Sometimes the conflict is in the readers minds when they have already determined a situation to be this or that.

            Perhaps you have already determined that reader has determined? Are you flexible to change? If you are why would you assume I would not be?

    • someguysayshi

      February 1, 2011 at 10:13 AM

      This is the disease of the modern day “Salafies”. They regurgitate hadith, but when it comes to interpreting it, contextualizing it, and applying it, you could have a non-Muslim doing a better than job than these baseless ignoramuses.

      • Mansoor Ansari

        February 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM

        These r not Salafis but Madkhalis.

    • Stacey

      February 2, 2011 at 10:51 AM

      Allahumma ameen!

  19. Mezba

    January 31, 2011 at 10:02 PM

    Thank you Sheikh Yasir. Every time I read your words I feel enlightened. You probably gave the best statement by any North American scholar on the Egyptian issue.

  20. Ahmed

    January 31, 2011 at 10:31 PM

    As a Muslim and an Egyptian, I am both dismayed and flabbergasted at the wretched quality of the commentary on this blog post with few exceptions.

    Jazak Allah kheir Br. Yasir. We have family and friends on the streets and in their homes in this transition period and we pray for them. Appreciate you raising your voice in this dark commentary. May Allah guide us to the right path and give us tranquility.

    People really need to look deep into their souls and reflect. And please read! Read! And talk to a sister or brother in Egypt. And to repeat an exhortation, hold your tongues! If you can only speak ill, please hold your tongues.

  21. Muhammad

    January 31, 2011 at 10:39 PM
    ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยดร™ล ร˜ยฎ ร™โ€ฆร˜ยญร™โ€ฆร˜ยฏ ร˜ยญร˜ยณร˜ยงร™โ€  ร™ห† ร™โ€ ร˜ยตร™ล ร˜ยญร˜ยฉ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ฐ ร˜ยดร˜ยจร˜ยงร˜ยจ ร™โ€ฆร˜ยตร˜ยฑ
    Shaykh Muhammad Hassan, advice to the youth of Egypt

    • Mohammed

      January 31, 2011 at 11:41 PM

      If you don’t mind, can you please summarize what the sheikh said…for those of us who dont understand Arabic.

      Jazakallahu Khairan

  22. Faraz Omar

    January 31, 2011 at 10:51 PM

    A very balanced response!

  23. Kwame Madden

    January 31, 2011 at 11:08 PM

    Shukron brother Yasir a very good article !We pray for our brothers and sisters get through this.

  24. Abdullah

    January 31, 2011 at 11:30 PM

    @shiraz, our religion has something to say about all aspects of our lives

  25. Suleman

    January 31, 2011 at 11:37 PM

    Fear Allah people.
    Protesting is not from the sunnah!
    Besides, Egyptian people are not protesting for Islam… but for democracy and nationalism. No Muslim should support these political events.

  26. Ameera Khan

    February 1, 2011 at 12:02 AM

    JazaakAllah khayr Sheikh Yasir! I’ve been coming across different kinds of opinions on this but yours has described the middle way, without trivializing anything! :)

  27. Sara

    February 1, 2011 at 12:31 AM

    Assalaam Alaikum,

    JazakAllah khair for this eloquent, balanced and timely response on the Egypt issue brother Yasir.

    I think that it’s crucial for the Muslims living in North America to understand that it would erroneous to speak about what is going on in Egypt from a ‘Western’ perspective, without understanding the evident subjugation the Egyptian people have been facing for years. It is easy for us to label this desire for change as a ‘nationalist’ cause, but when I see my brothers and sisters in Egypt out on the streets campaigning for change, only briefly ceasing their chants to make sujood to the Disposer of all affairs, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, I know that this is just as much a Muslim issue as any. Our beloved brothers and sisters in the so-called Islamic nations of the world do not need to settle for oppressive regimes any longer.

    Ameen to the prayers that have been expressed. I continue to make du’a as well for Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala to protect the innocent, and do what is best for Islam and the Muslims.

  28. Aly B - DiscoMaulvi

    February 1, 2011 at 12:44 AM


    Jazak’Allah Khairin Sheikh. Based on the events of Tunisia and Egypt there have been calls for “revolution” in Pakistan too. But if you ask these “revolutionaries” who will step in once the “corrupt government” is removed and they have no clue.

    May Allah protect us all and guide us to what is best for Islam.


    • Brother

      February 1, 2011 at 7:45 PM

      The “revolution” already occurred in Pakistan. Musharraf got forced out of office and the people elected Zardari. I hope the Pakistani’s are happy with his leadership and the change he has bought.

  29. Kashif Dilkusha

    February 1, 2011 at 1:13 AM

    Masha Allah

    very good approach.

  30. Alomgir Ali

    February 1, 2011 at 2:01 AM

    Assalamu ‘alaykum,

    Although I do not disagree with the protesting, I found your statement quite puzzling:

    But for those here in America, who dare criticize the Egyptian masses based upon their own understandings of a set of hadith, I say to them, รขโ‚ฌล“Hold your tongues! You are not living in their situation. You have not experienced years and decades of economic, social and political repression. You have no right to pass verdicts on the situation of a people other than your own. Live their lives for a decade, and then feel free to comment on what they are doing.รขโ‚ฌย

    Correct me if I am wrong, but you are also not in Egypt? It seems as though you are passing a verdict to legitimise their actions? (Again, I am not condemning their actions). If that is the case, then why?

    From what is apparent from western media is that people are calling for freedom and democracy, which in reality could lead to more of a secularisation and westernisation of Egypt. But, I suppose, if one wants to support a cause like that, then naturally the events in Egypt will please one. Personally, I am being careful to control my emotions at what is happening. I am delighted to see that perhaps the tyrant of Mubarak will probably and insha’allah be ousted, but I fear that he will be replaced with an ultra-secularist who will advocate a strong westernisation of Egypt. The people of Egypt has suffered for years and without guidance from the people of knowledge, they might not choose an alternative which would be best for them; the Shari’ah.

    It also rages me that people are quick to mention that it is not the ‘Islamists’ who called for the recent events. This is the same line taken by the likes of Quilliam Foundation and their cohorts. It is as if we don’t want any ‘Islamists’ to be behind what is happening. What would be wrong if they were behind it? Have we really gone that low that we now show discontent to those who call for the Sharee’ah in the form of a political entity but rejoice in the fact that people call for democracy?

    And finally, it is true that not everything here in the west is ‘evil’ but I think we should not be naive to express the standard of living we experience here in the west to simply be a blessing. We are after all living amongst kuffar about whom Allah has said:

    If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life), We readily grant them – such things as We will, to such person as We will: in the end have We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein, disgraced and rejected. 17:18″

    Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them) 15:3.

    As in the case of those before you: they were mightier than you in power, and more flourishing in wealth and children. They had their enjoyment of their portion: and ye have of yours, as did those before you; and ye indulge in idle talk as they did. They!- their work are fruitless in this world and in the Hereafter, and they will lose (all spiritual good) 9:69.

    Are (these two) alike?- one to whom We have made a goodly promise, and who is going to reach its (fulfilment), and one to whom We have given the good things of this life, but who, on the Day of Judgment, is to be among those brought up (for punishment)? 28:61

    Let us therefore praise Allah (swt) for what he has given us, but let us fear that everything we have been given in this life, from the basic needs to the luxuries, will be asked about on the Day of Judgment.

    • UmmNour

      February 1, 2011 at 5:00 PM

      Exactly. Why are we so scared of Shareeah being implemented in our countries? Oh, is it because the west told us to give it up and to work for democracy? Democracy is shirk- it is giving the man the right to legislate laws, which belongs to Allaah.

      Enough with democracy, democratic rights etc, we have our own system given by the Lord of the Heavens and the earth- a complete system that leaves with no need to steal their system and their words.

      • Mantiki

        February 1, 2011 at 7:24 PM

        Why are people scared of Sharia Law?

        Because it is easier to change bad laws written by men than to change laws written by men who believe they alone understand what God wants.

        • Muzzammil

          February 1, 2011 at 8:41 PM

          Are you saying that the shareeah which is in the qur’aan and spoken by Rasool Ullah, and implemented by the ijmaa of the mu’mineen whom allah has promised Jannah … equivalent to “laws written by men who believe they alone understand what God wants?”

          Are you not insulting the main purpose of Islam and Rasool Ullah? To establish the law of Allah, and the Haqq on this Earth, and to remove the Batil in all it’s forms from this Earth?

          • Mansoor Ansari

            February 2, 2011 at 1:48 PM

            Sadly most Muslims these days think in the same way as mantiki does.

  31. Wael -

    February 1, 2011 at 2:09 AM

    Beautiful and touching statement, and well balanced. Your “cautious optimism” expresses my feelings exactly. My heart, like yours, leaps at the people’s demands for freedom from oppression, their throwing off the shackles of decades of fear. But I fear for them. I want a good outcome for them, and may Allah bring it about.

    On a side note, pure comedy from Syrian President Bashir al-Assad who says, The Middle East is diseased with stagnation and its leaders must upgrade themselves and their societies to keep up with the demands of their people.

    Tell us another one, Bashar! How about the joke about the second generation dictator, the rabbi and the priest…

    • Wael -

      February 1, 2011 at 2:22 AM

      P.S. To those who have denounced the protesters, or claimed that their behavior is un-Islamic: you are embarrassing yourselves. Seriously. Your interpretation of Islam, which claims that unarmed protest against decades of corruption and fitnah is illegitimate, is totally out of touch with reality, and misrepresents Islam badly. Don’t you know that speaking truth in the face of oppression is one of the highest forms of Jihad? By taking such a stand, you have made yourselves irrelevant and allied yourselves with torturers and dictators.

      • Abu Zayd

        February 1, 2011 at 9:34 AM

        well said

  32. Alomgir Ali

    February 1, 2011 at 2:11 AM

    Can someone please edit my last comment. I can’t seem to align the paragraphs correctly for some reason.


  33. Mariam

    February 1, 2011 at 2:38 AM


    Waleikum as’salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

    JazakAllahu khair for commenting on the situation, I was waiting for a scholar to give their opinion :)

    There are so many people who are saying that we shouldn’t support the protestors because it is wrong, but this clears it all alhamdulilah.

    salam alaikum.

    • Ikram

      February 3, 2011 at 1:34 AM

      Assalamu alaikum ya Mariam,

      Can you please tell me/us what did he clear up exactly? He didn’t use any proof from the quran and sunnah, so what clarity have you received from reading this article. If your idea of clarity is seeing what Yasir Qadhi thought of the situation, mashaAllah definitely you got clarity because all he expressed were his opinions void of any consensus from the religion. But If you were looking for islamic understanding of the situation, please enlighten us with what Yasir Qadhi clarified for you. BarakaAllahu feeki :)

  34. Salih

    February 1, 2011 at 2:38 AM

    Shaykh, very well said. I like best these statements, “sometimes, no response from a scholar is in fact the best and safest response. This is especially true when a scholar is sitting thousands of miles away, comfortably in his own chair, pretending to know better than the people of that land. It is because of this that I cannot comment on specifics, and shall restrain myself to generalities. I leave it to the scholars of Egypt to instruct their own people what in particular they should be doing.” This is what differentiate a real scholar from a mediocre one. May Allah keeps you humble, and keeps you in good health and eman to benefit the Ummah. Ameen.

    • Holly

      February 5, 2011 at 10:42 PM


  35. abu Rumay-s.a.

    February 1, 2011 at 3:07 AM

    Barak Allahu feek…

    I believe you echoed all of our emotions witnessing these miraculous events, not only of Muslims, but any decent human being, any person of conscience, any person that respects human rights and values must have felt some of the joy which you allude to below..

    I say this loud and clear: as Allah is my witness, my heart jumped for joy as I heard news of these protests, and saw the masses of Egyptians pour out onto the streets, wanting positive change, tired of the puppet-regime that had ruled them for three decades, confronting tanks with their bodies, prostrating to Allah in front of the troops even as they are doused with water guns. How can the heart of ANY believer not be overjoyed seeing the courage that the average Muslim has in opposing the tyrannical regimes that they are living under?

  36. Somayah

    February 1, 2011 at 3:16 AM

    Amen, YaRabbal-Alamin.
    Masha-Allah, a very good insightful judgement over the incident.
    No one knows more than the people of Egypt themselves.
    No one can feel what they feel, unless he is put in their shoes…
    May Allah protect all sincere Muslims, and help the humanity to live in peace and harmony…

  37. Mohammad

    February 1, 2011 at 4:46 AM

    Islamic groups and organisations have been working tirelessly to bring change to the Muslim world from these tyrants and it is quite clear that people are slowly but surely moving towards change which Islamic groups have been talking about for a long time. Egypt was in response to Tunisia and in Tunisia we saw groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir taking to the street to protest against the harsh treatment for the brother who set himself on fire.

    Secondly, its amazing how scholars in America and Europe do not seem to articulate an Islamic soultion for this situation, but the governments of those countries are working tirelessly to get their people into Egypt so that they can maintain a grip on those lands. I wonder if we would have the same attitude towards Palestine, which is a million miles away and which we do not know the ins and outs of like the scholars of that region.

  38. Recent news...alh

    February 1, 2011 at 9:46 AM

    Alhamdulillah that a scholar has decided to speak about this issue, I agree with everything written. Sheikh Qardawi has also publicly called for Mubarak to go, Mubarak&regime helps Israel keep Gaza in a prison. If he truly cared for his people he would have given up already.


    February 1, 2011 at 9:50 AM

    Jazakumullahu khayran Sh. Dr. Yasir for this judicious, succinct and fair statement.
    Please everyone, read the article again and again before posting your comments. Jazakumullahu khayran.
    By the way, it is suratu ‘ QURAYSH’ without the ‘ Al’ :)

    • Amad

      February 1, 2011 at 10:03 AM

      Jazakallahkhair Shaykh Mamdouh… Your affirmation, both as another shaykh and as an Egyptian, is doubly important :) for all of us students of both you and Shaykh Yasir

    • Ify Okoye

      February 1, 2011 at 10:05 AM


  40. suleman

    February 1, 2011 at 10:17 AM

    why do my comments keep getting deleted?

    [Mod: Your comments were deleted because they were deemed inappropriate, commenting is a privilege not a right. Please refer to the FAQs]

  41. Yahya Whitmer

    February 1, 2011 at 10:40 AM

    Abu Ammar! Ma’sha Allah brother, you’ve expressed exactly my thoughts and feelings on the issue. My heartfelt thanks and may Allah preserve you and the good people of Egypt.

  42. Taufique Aziz

    February 1, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    My dear brother, InshAllah let it go. Alhamdulillah you made your efforts and if you are sincere in it, which I believe you are bi idhnillah, you will see the reward later InshAllah. This is only going to go back and forth without people accepting it much. The Scholars of the West and some from the East have spoken and everyone will say “you’re not a bigger scholar than them”.

    @Garad Osman
    Brother, this is not the place nor time to talk about these things. No one here is discussing Al-Maghrib Institute nor Hamza Yusuf. People are only going to call you crazy and also remember a lot of people do not know anything about Da’watus Salafiyyah and they are only going to get more negative feelings and never even bother to do actual research about it. Remember, to many Muslims, all the problems the Ummah face are because of Salafis and their supposed Saudi money. Men/women who only argue about beards, niqaab, shortening pants but never do anything. So please let’s not play a role in propagating such notions even more. Leave it and talk about these things where it’s relevant InshAllah.

    I do have a question and like my good friend, AbdulHasib, reminded us of the ayah –
    ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยณร™โ€™ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€žร™ยร™ห†ร˜ยง ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€กร™โ€™ร™โ€žร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยฐร™โ€˜ร™ยร™ฦ’ร™โ€™ร˜ยฑร™ย ร˜ยฅร™ยร™โ€  ร™ฦ’ร™ยร™โ€ ร˜ยชร™ยร™โ€ฆร™โ€™ ร™โ€žร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยชร™ลฝร˜ยนร™โ€™ร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€ฆร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ลฝ
    ask the people of knowledge if you do not know.

    But first let me mention that as a Muslim I do not like any Muslim to be oppressed and ask Allah that He helps all Muslims all over the world to practice the Deen in the best manner and to give us peace & security.
    I am happy that a tyrant most likely will be removed but I am absolutely not at all happy at the mischief going on. I personally believe that Muslim on Muslim violence is never good and is not the solution. I firmly believe that patience, even though very difficult, is what will bring the best solution and the highest reward from Allah.
    However, Allah is not blind and He does take into account when the oppressed invoke Him and sooner or later the tyrant will taste his own medicine and that is exactly what is going on.

    Now on to my question/concern…people are saying that they are standing up and fighting for freedom & democracy.

    So I sincerely want to know and I’m hoping someone can clarify – how is “democracy” good for us Muslims or human beings in general?
    We say our governments are puppets of the West (i.e. founders of democracy) but then again we want to have democracy.
    Also, some Muslims curse the West because of these puppet regimes but at the same time are looking at USA for help in this solution. It seems to me that many of us don’t know what we want.

    How can man-made…let’s be more specific…something made by people who do not even worship Allah be the solution to our problems?
    Allah is al-‘Adl, al-‘Aleem, al-Hakeem…and as He says:
    ร˜ยฅร™ยร™โ€ ร™โ€˜ร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™โ€˜ร™ลฝร™โ€กร™ลฝ ร™โ€žร™ลฝร˜ยง ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยธร™โ€™ร™โ€žร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ย ร™โ€ฆร™ยร˜ยซร™โ€™ร™โ€šร™ลฝร˜ยงร™โ€žร™ลฝ ร˜ยฐร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€˜ร™ลฝร˜ยฉร™ย
    Indeed Allah does not do even the mustard seed’s weight of injustice…

    So in order to have freedom, justice, equality, we must seek Allah’s Laws to govern us…not democracy…which is also a deen because it is a concept/philosophy that dictates the way a society chooses to live. And Allah did inform us:

    ร˜ยฅร™ยร™โ€ ร™โ€˜ร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยฏร™โ€˜ร™ยร™ล ร™โ€ ร™ลฝ ร˜ยนร™ยร™โ€ ร˜ยฏร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™โ€˜ร™ลฝร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€™ร˜ยฅร™ยร˜ยณร™โ€™ร™โ€žร™ลฝร˜ยงร™โ€ฆร™ย
    indeed the Deen with Allah is al-Islaam..

    How do you advise someone like me who believes no good can ever come except clearly aiming to bring about change purely for the sake of Allah Alone and does not want to support to bring about something that has many things which oppose Allah’s Decisions. Shouldn’t we all have this common goal and then support each other?
    Again let me reiterate, I do not want Muslims to suffer and I want all of us to have the freedom to practice our Deen properly and live in a just society. I’m happy tyranny may come to end but do fear that emotional Muslims may end up with something worse…but I would love to be wrong.

    I’m sincerely asking this to better understand the situation.


    • abu khadijah

      February 1, 2011 at 11:58 AM

      Jazakallah khair for interstresting aritcle,

      Just a couple of quick points about democracy and freedom and what the majority of eygptians understand by it.

      What they mean by democracy is that they vote for their chosen candidate in a free and fair election and that his not imposed up on them by dictators or foreign powers. They dont understand democaracy in the sense of the west as making legislation (i.e deciding what should be halal and haram and then passing it into law, no serious muslim would except this). Research by the university of maryland clearly showed over 80% of eyptians favared being ruled over by some sort of shariah law.

      And what they mean by freedom is not to live under the yoke of tyrany and oppression, they able to live a life where they can get their daily bread, decent housing standards without the corruption and nepostism that currently exists. What they definetly dont mean is freedom to insult the the prophet (SAW) or insult sisters wearing the hijab as some sort of backward 7th century repressed women.

      The western media are playing a sneeky game as usall, a better choice of viewing whats going on on the ground would be aljeera or press tv which are a lot more balanced and fair.

      May Allah(SWT) give the eyptians ease after their hardship and may he (SWT) give the muslim ummah victory soon inshallah as he (SWT) has promised.


      • suleman

        February 1, 2011 at 2:13 PM

        The prophet (peace & blessing upon him) has prohibited giving leadership to those who ask for it. Thus, the electoral process where the candidates ask people to vote for themselves is against Islamic teaching. The muslims in Egypt should abstain from all forms of democracy and elections.

        • Uncle Tom

          February 1, 2011 at 9:10 PM

          how else do you expect the Egyptian people to elect a leader?

          • suleman

            February 1, 2011 at 10:01 PM

            The scholars and other people of influence that are righteous in Egypt should chose someone who would be a beneficial leader for them and the ummah. This is known as the shura in Islam. Alternately, someone could come into power by force and it will be obligatory to obey him as long as he is Muslim.

            When someone comes through voting and election, the system itself demands that the winner compromises in his values and morals to please the people. But under Islamic system, there is no such pressure on the ruler. The only condition is to rule according to Quran and Sunnah. Hope that helps…

    • Zeeshan

      February 1, 2011 at 1:03 PM

      I don’t understand this demonization of democracy. It’s just a form of government, a tool that can be implemented Islamically or not. If any form of government is closest to the Khalifah system of early Islam, its democracy.

      What would you prefer to that? The sort of Monarchies that are prevalent in Muslim countries? Islam crushed the biggest monarchies when it started to spread – the Byzantine and the Sassanid empires. How come no scholars are talking about Monarchy (definitely invented by pre christian west and practiced extensively by the west) to be against Islam?


      • Mansoor Ansari

        February 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM

        Actually how transfer of power happened in Khalifah especially the first 4 ones is closer to how it happens in Communist China.

        Not every Tom, Dick & Harry had to the right decide to who will be the Khalifah but those who were thought to be most knowledge ppl, those that were seen as the representative of Muslims based on how good of Muslim they were & practised Islam.. they consulted each other & decided on who the next ruler will be.

        China does the same, except those deciding r those who follow communism the best & value it the most.

        • Zeeshan

          February 1, 2011 at 3:12 PM

          That’s a very good point, hadn’t thought of that.

      • abu khadijah

        February 1, 2011 at 2:18 PM

        @ Zeeshan

        Ws Bro,

        Democracy maybe a form of government but it completly contradicts islam on a fundemental level because democracy is in essence the majority deciding what is right and wrong and then implementing it through legislation like they do in the senate etc which is fundementally at odds with islam. The fudemental source of guidance/legislation in islam is the quran, sunnah, ijma shahaba and qiyas and we definetly cannot vote to change what Allah(SWT) has said is haram to halal and vice versa.
        We as an people/ummah select/vote for who should rule us by giving baya etc but the ruler can only implement what is essentially from the quran and sunnah and not what he deems fit or the parliement deem fit, Only Allah(SWT) really knows what is good and bad for us.

        Completlely agree with you concerning kingship, I remember reading a hadith saying kingship/monachy is completely forbidden in islam like we have currently. The scholars have been a bit slack on that one i guess.


        • Zeeshan

          February 1, 2011 at 3:40 PM

          Majority rule is the dictionary definition of Democracy, but that is hardly how it works in practice. To take the example of US, the elected legislative and executive bodies are only the two branches of government, not the entire government. The third branch is the judiciary which is not elected. The judiciary can strike out laws promoted by the elected representatives and even laws voted on by a majority if it finds them to be unconstitutional, similarly it introduces and mandates rulings and amendments that go contrary to majority wishes but are in line with the constitution.

          An Islamic form of this would be where the constitution is derived from Shariah and the judiciary is comprised of Islamic Scholars. It still won’t be an exact replica of a Caliphate system, but it would be closer to Islamic ideals than what most forms of governments in present day Muslim countries are.

          I am not saying that democracy as practiced in US is the way to go, but I am arguing against this blanket dismissal of democracy as inherently unislamic. It is a tool that can be leveraged in an Islamic fashion.

          Sister in Islam,

          • abu khadijah

            February 1, 2011 at 6:13 PM

            salams Zeeshan,

            First off need to apologise for calling you a brother, knew a bro called Zeeshan hence the mistake.

            Just to further clarify my point, i’m not talking about the diffrent procedures and branches of government and how a laws is enacted and then passed through the various legislative apparatus with is checks and balances. Im talking about the very source of the laws where it is actually derived from, is it the mind of fallable and biased men/women or is it from the infalliable creator ?

            I understand your well made point that the constitution should come from quran and sunnah but the problem is democracy is the rule of the people, for the people, by the people and its underlying philosophy is to seperate the church from the state thereby making the human being soverign over Allah(SWT). I think we are basically singing from the same hyme sheet but our terminlogies differ slighly.

            Even if every single person decided to vote to say that alchol should be made halal as in the case of democracy it wouldnt make it so islamically. Our guidance and rules are already kind of preset for us. However thier is shura as you have mentioned on non-legislative things such what is the best method to adopt for high speed rail, building design etc and they are usally done with the consutation of experts and the people who would be affected by it and the general masses.

            Shariah law is a far better sytem of doing things aside from the fact its from the creator, its inherently fair and effecient and crucially its not following the wims and desires of men at a given time like we have now.

            Compeletly agree with you with what we have now is a complete mess and again its mostly down to the various regimes following their own wims and desires with a bit of islamic garnish on top to fool the masses but alhamdulillah the ummah starting to see through it now.


          • Hello Kitty

            February 2, 2011 at 3:23 AM

            There are a few flaws in what you are saying Abu Khadijah, and I don’t think you are fully grasping the gist of what Zeeshan is saying. Democracy as practiced in the United States may have separation of church and state as its underlying philosophy, but that does not have to be true across the board for perpetuating democracy. That separation is not an intrinsic part of democracy, it’s just an intrinsic part of how it’s specifically practiced in that particular place. It’s quite possible for other countries who do not want to separate religion from their government to maintain religious influence and ideals in their particular incarnation of democracy. It’s not a one size fits all type deal. It can be tailored, custom made to fit a people’s needs and requirements for their religious ideals to dictate how their country is ran. The people can have a say in how those religious ideals are interpreted and perpetuated based on the scholars they elect, etc. Having a religious basis for their constitution, etc, makes it impossible to violate those religious principles, even though a majority of people may be voting for it. The constitution, based on the laws established in the
            Holy Quran and Sunnah, would be inviolable, no matter what. It’s more like a democratic republic than the free for all democracy scenario you are using as a hypothetical. A democratic republic, with the shariah as it’s head of state and inviolable law allows citizens to have a say, but does not allow for even a majority’s say to ever be in conflict with the body of law that comprises the head of the state. In short, the American system is not the only possible way of defining democracy. It’s one of many possibilities, and no one is saying the specific US way is what would work for Egypt. They can do things their own way and still be democratic, but also in line with the shariah.

  43. Sarrah B.

    February 1, 2011 at 10:54 AM

    Jazakh Allahu Khair Shaykh Yasir! Time and again you so eloquently summarize what is in the hearts and minds of many of us. You are a much needed voice of reason and a great role model for American Muslims. May Allah protect you and increase you in benefit!


    February 1, 2011 at 11:19 AM

    The reason I asked everyone to read Sh. Yasir’s article again and again is that He based his comments on Usul (fundamentals) founded, espoused and drawn on by the Muslim scholars of this Ummah past and present.
    Talking about protesting as an initiative and how it happens are to different issues. When I say “different”, I don’t mean that they are not related. I’m only referring to the fiqhi way of looking at and handling matters.
    There is also the big concern of drawing an analogy between an act and another without being well grounded in Usul, being au fait with the current affairs and being proficient in classifying, judging and/or directing the later according to the earlier.
    My brothers and sisters, please look up to the scholars of this ummah. I had a very long conversation with Sh. Dr. Salah Alsawy yesterday about this very issue and believe me, it is not as easy as one might think.
    To those (from both sides) who pass categorical judgments, use quotes out of proportion and are driven by their sentiments, please, use the gift of listening and follow the order of Allah by asking Ahlathikr (scholars and students of knowledge) when you don’t know. Allahul Musta’an

    • Hassan

      February 1, 2011 at 11:23 AM

      Well said, jazak-Allah khyran. He has lecture today (every week on Tuesday) in Clear Lake Islamic Center, I am sure he would talk more about it. Our masjid has a lot of egyptians too.

    • Amad

      February 1, 2011 at 11:37 AM

      Shaykh Mamdouh, if you can summarize any points from Dr. Salah on the situation in the form of an article (even a short one), we would really appreciate it and we’ll be happy to receive your first contribution and convincing you towards joining us :)


        February 1, 2011 at 11:53 AM

        :) You know me brother Amad, When you have and are able to use water, Tayamum won’t be valid.
        InshaAllah Dr. Salah will post his view on his site and also he will detail it tonight at CLIC. Please make sure he is asked to do so tonight. Jazakumullahu khayran for your trust. I’m with you my brother regardless :)

    • Ikram

      February 3, 2011 at 1:46 AM

      Well according to Yasir Qadhi in this article, the people fit to do this qiyas are miles away from Egypt and he is applaud that they can have an islamic opinion over this. This whole article is really everything wrong with our western ‘shuyookh’

  45. nida

    February 1, 2011 at 11:21 AM

    I find it rather hypocritical that the same people who cite ahadith in support of suicide bombers in previous posts here on MM, are now citing ahadith to delegitimize peaceful protests by oppressed people in Egypt. Truly disheartening.

    • Amad

      February 1, 2011 at 11:36 AM

      Nida, “same people who cite ahadith in support of suicide bombers in previous posts here on MM”

      Can you please cite any links for this claim. We don’t allow this kind of extremism (support of suicide bombings) on our pages.

      • nida

        February 1, 2011 at 11:48 AM

        I am not saying that MM itself endorses these sentiments, however reading some of the comments on past “terrorism” related posts, there were commentators who have cited ahadith in support of the mujahideen and the taliban for example. Not to point fingers at anyone in particular, but as a silent reader of MM, that is just something I’ve noticed.

        Otherwise, I do appreciate this post, and feel that the Shaikh has made some wonderful points regarding the situation in Egypt.

        Much respect,

        • Amad

          February 1, 2011 at 11:54 AM

          thanks for the clarification. We try our best to moderate extremism, but at the same time complete censorship will disallow a free exchange of ideas, i.e. we can’t defeat what we cannot answer, and we cannot answer what we cannot see.

          It’s a fine line and comment moderation is always a struggle.

  46. Pingback: Yasir Qadhi | A Brief Statement Regarding the Situation in Egypt | « Hidden Souls…

  47. al-suyuufi

    February 1, 2011 at 12:44 PM

    “Firstly, that the calls by the militants and even by the political Islamist parties did not, in and of themselves, bring about the type of protests that came from the hordes of masses. These groups have been calling for such demonstrations and wanting to see such protests for decades, yet they could not accomplish even a fraction of what the masses have done in this last week. And in this, we learn from the Prophetic methodology: change must begin at the ground level, bottom-up, and not top-down. Change begins in the heart and in the home, and it shall eventually reach the streets and shake the foundations of government.”

    1. Not like the ikhwan al muslimoon have been able to get these types of results either. This had nothing to do with top down or bottom up, because it was more a result of things like Wikileaks (which sparked Tunisia).
    2. The people are not protesting necessarily for Islam, so I don’t see how this favors the “bottom up” approach?
    3. The “militants” have done in a few years (in Caucus, for example) what the Ikhwan (a bottom up group) couldn’t do in decades.

    Change should be in both directions, and meet in the middle until society is upright. That’s just my opinion.

  48. kashif

    February 1, 2011 at 12:55 PM

    Allah musta`aan

  49. Abdullah

    February 1, 2011 at 1:14 PM

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

    “It will first start with prophethood, and it will stay for as long as Allah wants and then Allah will take it away. And then it will be khilaafa raashida (guided,rightly-guided) and it will stay among you as long as Allah wants it to stay and then Allah will talk it away. And then it will be kingdom and it will stay with you as long as Allah wants it to stay and then Allah will take it away. And then it will be dictatorship(tyranny) and it will remain with you as long as Allah wants it to remain and then Allah will take away. And then it will be khilaafa on the path of prophethood (alaa minhaaji an’nabuwwah)

    I have heard the understanding that we are going through the tyrannical dictatorship stage, and there is only khilaafa after it, that’s the next stage, khilaafa. Allahu A’lim.

    Here is a narration in Arabic, though it does not mention Raashida(an?) when speaking about the first caliphs, may Allah be pleased with them, but mentions instead the minhaaj of nabuwwa in reference to them:

    ร™โ€šร™ลฝร˜ยงร™โ€žร™ลฝ ร˜ยฑร™ลฝร˜ยณร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€žร™ย ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยตร™ลฝร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€ฐ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€žร™ลฝร™ล ร™โ€™ร™โ€กร™ย ร™ห†ร™ลฝร˜ยณร™ลฝร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€ฆร™ลฝ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ ร™ยร™โ€˜ร˜ยจร™ยร™ห†ร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร˜ยฉร™ย ร™ยร™ยร™ล ร™ฦ’ร™ยร™โ€ฆร™โ€™ ร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ลฝ ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ยร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยฅร™ยร˜ยฐร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร˜ยฎร™ยร™โ€žร™ลฝร˜ยงร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยฉร™ล’ ร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€ฐ ร™โ€ฆร™ยร™โ€ ร™โ€™ร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยฌร™ย ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ ร™ยร™โ€˜ร˜ยจร™ยร™ห†ร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร˜ยฉร™ย ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ลฝ ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ยร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยฅร™ยร˜ยฐร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร™โ€ฆร™ยร™โ€žร™โ€™ร™ฦ’ร™โ€นร˜ยง ร˜ยนร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยถร™โ€นร™โ€˜ร˜ยง ร™ยร™ลฝร™ล ร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร™ล ร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ลฝ ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ยร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยฅร™ยร˜ยฐร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร™โ€ฆร™ยร™โ€žร™โ€™ร™ฦ’ร™โ€นร˜ยง ร˜ยฌร™ลฝร˜ยจร™โ€™ร˜ยฑร™ยร™ล ร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร˜ยฉร™โ€น ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร™โ€กร™ย ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ลฝ ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ยร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยฅร™ยร˜ยฐร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยดร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยกร™ลฝ ร˜ยฃร™ลฝร™โ€ ร™โ€™ ร™ล ร™ลฝร˜ยฑร™โ€™ร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยง ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร˜ยชร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ยร™ห†ร™โ€ ร™ย ร˜ยฎร™ยร™โ€žร™ลฝร˜ยงร™ยร™ลฝร˜ยฉร™โ€น ร˜ยนร™ลฝร™โ€žร™ลฝร™โ€ฐ ร™โ€ฆร™ยร™โ€ ร™โ€™ร™โ€กร™ลฝร˜ยงร˜ยฌร™ย ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ ร™ยร™โ€˜ร˜ยจร™ยร™ห†ร™ลฝร™โ€˜ร˜ยฉร™ย ร˜ยซร™ยร™โ€ฆร™ลฝร™โ€˜ ร˜ยณร™ลฝร™ฦ’ร™ลฝร˜ยชร™ลฝ

    Musnad Imam Ahmad

  50. Brother

    February 1, 2011 at 7:32 PM

    If any non-secularist Muslims come to power, surely the media will say that extremists have taken over Egypt and the world needs to help Egypt in getting rid of them. Then, Egypt will have economy killing sanctions placed on them and leading Egyptians to even more poverty and utter desperation. And all for having voted the wrong way, similar to Gaza.

    I hate saying this, but isn’t this very likely? Either that or the Egyptians vote the right way and get some worldly benefits.

  51. Z-Man

    February 1, 2011 at 10:19 PM

    asslamo alaikum
    Allah bless the peaceful protesters

  52. Fatima

    February 2, 2011 at 1:18 AM

    I don’t really understand those who are decrying the protests by saying that there’s a chance a very “secularized” or “westernized” regime will replace Mubarak. Are you all under the delusion that the Mubarak regime was somehow very Islamic? Do you think the Saudi government is Islamic, and NOT westernized? Mubarak’s regime arrested and tortured to death brothers who sported beards, b/c they were suspected of being Ikhwan. The Saudi govt. has practically given away the riches God granted them to the U.S. in exchange for U.S.-only contracts to develop Saudi infrastructure, not to mention the extraordinary perversion and corruption, personal and political, of the House of Saud. These are regimes that suppress a great deal of freedom to practice religion. So how are you defending the status quo if you are so interested in promoting Islam?

  53. amirzad

    February 2, 2011 at 1:49 AM

    Yasir Qadhi Salamualaikum,

    Here is the blog that is said to have started this revolution in egypt. Meet Asma Mahfooz

    • amirzad

      February 2, 2011 at 2:04 AM

      correction – This vlog is said to have recorded on January 18th by Asma Mahfouz, the girl who รขโ‚ฌล“helped start a revolution.

      • fearAllaah

        February 2, 2011 at 2:36 AM

        wallahu ‘alam

  54. K.Khan

    February 2, 2011 at 3:29 AM

    i do not agree with ur view that NONE of the islamic political party hv cntributed such a mass effect as these masses in egypt hv made in the last few days…i knew of one party whch is so determinant and bravely hold their protests always and display their mesg. and always call out for the change and establish Allah’s system on earth,i hvnt seen any islamic politicaL party which is carrying out this mission on such a big scale through out the globe other than HT…but the thing is they r not gven any coverage,or anythng whch wud show their accomplishments…we only sit in homes n xpect the things to cme to us rather then finding them and becoming a part of them,there are people who with Allah’s help fulfilling their duties…if the guy in tunisia wud nt hv burnt himself of the humiliation that enraged the people of tunisia,and most importantly if the MEDIA wud nt hv shown us the REALITY,no one wud hv shown their concern abt what is happening there…same goes in the case of egypt…if u notce ppl r tryn to manipulate the truth by accounting the egyptians protest as a wrongful act…but the truth always have power,hw much u manipulate it,it has its own destiny…

    I totally agree wid the thng that is written in the article tht no one other than egyptian hve this right to decide wether their protests against injustice is right or wrong,people who hv been through such worst situations only knws the reality and they must react towards it…i m a pakistani n to sme xtent i can undrstand their reaction as the situation in most of the muslim countries is unfortunately same…

  55. Abu Abdillah

    February 2, 2011 at 4:51 AM

    Internrt has just been restored following last night’s khutbah by Hosni Mubarak. Our scholars here have been divided with regards to the protests that took place, some condenming them all together, others encouraging it with an emphasis on doing so peacefully, while others choosing to avoid the fitna completely. I can say without a doubt that the majority on tension and chaos in our country has been led by the cowards of amn aldawla who have been illegally detaining and torturing Egyptians for years without restraint. They have broken prisioners out of the prisons here, been carrying shootings via ambulances, mortorcycles, etc into our neighborhoods. As I write this, following the forth night in which the people and youth, we have been setting up roadblocks checking traffic and sucuring our neighborhoods as any decent police force should have. We have caught criminals and found that some of them were actually amm aldawla (plain clotges police). The army, may Allah bless them, have been with the people, feeding them, and helping them secure their country. We ask Allah that from this trial and difficulty comes a believing, safe, prosperous, and strong nation. Wa salam. p.s jazak allah khayr shaykh yassir for your article too many judge from a comfortable seat miles away, may Allah guide us and rectify our affairs.

  56. Stacey

    February 2, 2011 at 6:52 AM

    “And as for rebelling against the rulers and fighting them, then it is prohibited by unanimous agreement (ijmร„ยรขโ‚ฌโ„ข) of the Muslims, even if they are sinful oppressors. And the ahadith are many with the meaning that I have mentioned. And Ahlus-Sunnah are united that the ruler is not to be removed on account of his sinfulness.” -Imam An-Nawaw in hisi commentary of Sahih Muslim.

    No one from Ahlul Sunnah past or present follows the opinion that this is permissible. All those mentioned who carry this opinion are deviated and the scholars have warned against many of them.

    The likes of Ibn Taymiyyah and Imam Ahmad suffered a great deal in their lives yet they still insisted on obedience to the ruler and not overthrowing the government.

    There is only one exception for overthrowing the Muslim ruler and that is if he makes clear kufr. There is only one exception to allow for disobedience and that is if he commands a thing which is haraam and even in this case, one is only permitted to disobey the ruler in the haraam action not in everything he commands.

    Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab on obeying the Muslim Ruler:

    Suwayd b. Ghaflah reports that รขโ‚ฌหœUmar b. Al-Khattรƒยขb รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Allรƒยขh be pleased with him รขโ‚ฌโ€œ once took him by the hand and said:

    O Abรƒยป Umayah, by Allรƒยขh, I know not if we will meet again after today. Fear and obey Allรƒยขh your Lord until the Day of Resurre…ction, as if you see Him, and obey the ruler (imรƒยขm) even if he is a cut-nosed Abyssinian slave: if he beats you, be patient; if he robs you, be patient and if he belittles you, be patient. And if he tells you [to do something] to the detriment of your religion (to sin), say: รขโ‚ฌล“I hear and obey, [but] my blood goes before my religion.รขโ‚ฌย Never leave the Main Muslim Body (Al-Jamรƒยขรขโ‚ฌโ„ขah).

    [Ibn Zanjawayh, Kitรƒยขb Al-Amwรƒยขl article 30; Ibn Abรƒยฎ Zamanรƒยฎn, Usรƒยปl Al-Sunnah article 205 with a slight variation in wording. Also recorded in other collections.]

    • Brother

      February 2, 2011 at 9:30 AM

      I’m not a scholar, but there are some who’ve made the same point as you so I am a bit confused about the issue. My question is: where do you draw the line?

      Yeah if the leader says he’s a kafir, then that’s pretty clear, but why would he say that if he want to retain control. Should one tolerate rape/torture/murder from the leader?

    • Ibn Migdad

      February 2, 2011 at 10:06 AM

      “The likes of Ibn Taymiyyah and Imam Ahmad suffered a great deal in their lives yet they still insisted on obedience to the ruler and not overthrowing the government.”

      Ibn Taymiyya led a jihad against Mongols, who, like Mubarak, were nominally Muslims because they, like Mubarak, worked against the religion of Allah. As for imam Ahmad, the people protested when he was imprisoned which lead to his release. Not good examples.

    • Mansoor Ansari

      February 2, 2011 at 1:57 PM


      What do u have to say abt Imam AbdulWahhab (Rahimullah) rebelling against his ruler?

      What do u have say abt King Abdul Aziz rebelling against the Ottoman Caliphate?

      • seeking knowledge

        February 7, 2011 at 2:18 PM

        Brother Mansoor, I think you should some time reading this –

        • Mansoor Ansari

          February 9, 2011 at 9:13 AM

          Br. I have nothing against Imam Abdul Wahab, in fact in my home country I would be called a Wahabbi & I have no problems if one does so.

          The problem is these neo-salafis who talk abt not rebelling against the ruler, should ask how did the Saudi Kingdom come into place.. both the 1st one & the 2nd one? These very ppl who r on the throne now & are quoting these hadiths, came to power by rebelling/fighting against Muslim rulers. I find that quite hypocritical.

  57. Hassan

    February 2, 2011 at 8:03 AM

    There is some violence reported between protesters and pro-mubarak (what?) camp.

    • Abu Abdillah

      February 2, 2011 at 1:42 PM

      These are accompanied by the thugs of amn aldawla, they are villagers being payed and brought in on buses in tahrir to cause fights and harm the peaceful protesters. They are even attacking foreign media, this government is far from giving up power.

  58. Hassan

    February 2, 2011 at 8:28 AM

    After Tunis leader escaping, Egypt Mubarak not seeking re-election, King Abduallah II of Jordan sacking government, now Yemen is next:

    President Ali Abdullah Saleh would not seek re-election.

    Did wikileaks start all this? Or these things were scheduled and wikileaks could be used as pretext to what is happening?

  59. Hassan

    February 2, 2011 at 8:29 AM

    Check cnn live stream to see clashes happening. Anderson Cooper of CNN has also been hurt

  60. Sadaf Farooqi

    February 2, 2011 at 8:47 AM

    Ameen to your dua’s, Sheikh.
    Jazak Allahu khair for this post.

  61. Stacey

    February 2, 2011 at 10:25 AM

    รขโ‚ฌล“And as for rebelling against the rulers and fighting them, then it is prohibited by unanimous agreement (ijmร„ยรขโ‚ฌโ„ข) of the Muslims, even if they are sinful oppressors. And the ahadith are many with the meaning that I have mentioned. And Ahlus-Sunnah are united that the ruler is not to be removed on account of his sinfulness.รขโ‚ฌย -Imam An-Nawaw in hisi commentary of Sahih Muslim.

    I know I posted this bit of information before but I wanted to also note that according to Yassir Qadhi himself (which can be seen in the Doha Debates on youtube and elsewhere) it is a rule of fiqh that if any generation reaches a unanimous decision on a topic (ijmaa/consensus) then no later generation may overturn that verdict. This is not an issue since the scholars of Ahlul Sunnah are still upon the same verdict but important to note because it is a further evidence that those who do not hold the opinion that fighting rulers is prohibited (from among the scholars) are not from Ahlul Sunnah. *Of course, a layman may hold that opinion due to ignorance on the issue and still be from Ahlul Sunnah.

    Brother: One should tolerate such evils from the ruler if there are no clear signs of kufr in him. It is not that he must declare he is a kaffir but if he CLEARLY shows it (as can be determined by the scholars). If you see above from Hadith Check and Garad Osman – they mention clear evidences wherein the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalaam) has commanded obedience even to a wretched tyrant of a ruler (except in the haraam he commands.)

    Furthermore, the people are not fighting with some Islamic agenda so that cannot even be said for them. It would be wrong even if they had that intention since knowledge precedes action and this is an invalid action but at least we’d be able to make that a point in their favor if that were the case.

    Narrated Junada bin Abi Umaiya: We entered upon ‘Ubada bin As-Samit while he was sick. We said, “May Allah make you healthy. Will you tell us a Hadith you heard from the Prophet ร˜ยตร™โ€žร™โ€ฐ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™โ€ก ร˜ยนร™โ€žร™ล ร™โ€ก ร™ห†ร˜ยณร™โ€žร™โ€ฆ and by which Allah may make you benefit?” He said, “The Prophet ร˜ยตร™โ€žร™โ€ฐ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€žร™โ€ก ร˜ยนร™โ€žร™ล ร™โ€ก ร™ห†ร˜ยณร™โ€žร™โ€ฆ called us and we gave him the Pledge of allegiance for Islam, and among the conditions on which he took the Pledge from us, was that we were to listen and obey (the orders) both at the time when we were active and at the time when we were tired, and at our difficult time and at our ease and to be obedient to the ruler and give him his right even if he did not give us our right, and not to fight against him unless we noticed him having open Kufr (disbelief) for which we would have a proof with us from Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari Vol 9, Hadeeth 178]

    Are the words of the Prophet of a lesser value to us than our own intellect? Are we not thoroughly aware that Allah knows best and it was He who sent our Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalaam) with this guidance?

    Also, as Garad Osman has pointed out – The *actual* scholars have spoken out against Al-Maghrib and Yassir Qadhi and have done so with knowledge. It’s easy to make the scholars of Islaam out to be old men sitting comfortably in their home in Saudi Arabia not understanding the issues but they make it their job to study world affairs before passing verdict. They pass them based on the authentic evidence and not based on their desires because everyone would agree that an oppressive ruler is a cruddy ruler but their personal opinion about the evils of the ruler do not take precedence over the words of Allah’s Messenger who has clearly informed us that 1) There will be corrupt rulers and 2) Obedience to them in all but haraam and not fighting them except under one condition (clear kufr) is mandatory whether we personally like it or not.

    It’s important to remember that all the bad that befalls us is from our own hand (lots of evidence to support this) and that no one can take your rizq even if they steal from you. Whatever is in your rizq is determined and nothing will inhibit it from making its way to you.

    • SisJ

      February 6, 2011 at 3:10 AM

      Masallah sister, you have spoken the truth.

  62. Salafi Brother

    February 2, 2011 at 1:37 PM

    I don’t understand why people are calling it “Islamic Revolution” and asking us to make du’a for people of Egypt when they themselves view it as secular and nationalistic movement. They are chanting for democracy and nationalism (just look at all the flags). So why is it being portrayed as an Islamic revival?

    Yes, Mubarak was an opressor. But they will just replace him with another opressor. Muslims brothers and sisters in Egypt should stay away from such conflicts and avoid the bloodshed that results from such events.
    They should focus on learning Islam and praying the night prayers, etc. The solution is not from political activism. It is in following the way of sahaba.

    • Ibn Migdad

      February 2, 2011 at 2:16 PM

      I’m just waiting for you and your accomplices on this comment thread to switch from criticizing people who stood against a tyrant who not only oppressed them in terms of their worldly rights but actively fought against their religion to defending another tyrant who lives across the Red Sea and is protecting yet a third tyrant who oppressed his people in terms of their worldly rights and actively fought against their religion. When the Pharaoh crosses the Red Sea, he might as well add to his self – given title “Guardian of the Two Holy Sanctuaries” yet another one: Guardian of the Two Accursed Tyrants.

      • Middle Ground

        February 2, 2011 at 3:26 PM


        That’s been my thought for many, many years. Since the mid 90’s, there’s been a very vocal group of salafis who have screamed against ‘revolting’ against the ‘leader’. It caused a great split in the salafis back then. I was convinced back then that this was something coming from the Saudi rulers for their own protection. And I’m sure that’s what we are seeing today too. If Egyptians are allowed to kick out Mubarak, who’s going to stop the Saudi rulers from having the same fate (although the Saudi people are much more content than Egyptians)? I mean yes, for sure there are fiqh positions on revolting against rulers, but this has nothing (IMHO) to do with fiqh, but it’s all about control. And Allah knows best.

        And I agree, there’s something seriously disturbing about those people who hide behind fiqh to criticize these damn brave people. Did not the Prophet(SAW) say ‘the best jihad is to say the truth in front of a tyrant’? I am NOTHING compared with these brave souls.

      • Salafi Brother

        February 2, 2011 at 3:49 PM

        Brother Ibn Migdad, we are not opposing them for standing up against tyrants. We are opposing them because they are standing up for the wrong reasons: democracy, nationalism, secularism, etc.

        Just to remind you, these very Egyptian people stood up against one tyrant in 1952 but ended up replacing him with another one. And history will repeat itself until and unless we correct our perceptions about Tawheed, sunnah, victory, etc.

        Also, is it just the rulers like Mubarak and Zardari that are opressive? Do the masses not opress one another? Do the people in the Muslim world not mock you for growing the beard and wearing hijab because they think you are backward? Do they not call you derogatory terms like Mullah, Mutaweh, etc simply because you want to follow the sunnah? Do they not look down on you because you wanted to become a “Caller to Islam” instead of a doctor or engineer? How many of the so-called 1.5 billion “Muslims” actually pray 5 times a day?

        So let’s face the reality of our situation and not get carried away with slogans and emotions. The solution is not in changing some regimes but changing our perceptions and returning back to our deen inshallah.

        • Olivia

          February 2, 2011 at 5:17 PM

          So if this is in fact the forbidden act of revolting against a leader, can’t we safely assume that Mubarak doesnt pray and therefore it is okay to revolt against him? The Prophet (s) said that you dont revolt as long as he prays.

          • Salafi Brother

            February 2, 2011 at 6:22 PM

            You are correct sister that one is allowed to rebel against the ruler if he does not pray or becomes a kafir. However, there are some conditions in forbidding evil. One of them is that it should not lead to a greater evil than what exist.

            The muslims need to prepare themselves both spiritually and materially before they are ready to implement Islam. Clashing with the un-Islamic rulers prematurely will cause more harm than benefit as it hapened in Syria, Algeria, and Egypt. So one needs to use wisdom before pushing people into these things.

        • SomeGuy

          February 3, 2011 at 9:25 AM

          See, this is the thinking of the ignorant, modern day “Salafies”. The only reason this methodology of not revolting against the rulers is even mentioned by the “scholars” of the neo-Salafies is to protect that evil dog King Abdullah, May Allah’s curse be upon him. Why would anyone take a so-called “scholar” of hijaz seriously, when the likes of Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, and even our beloved Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, support this movement? Shaykh Yasir said it best when he said the scholars of Egypt should decide what the status of the Egyptian people should be regarding this situation.

          • Middle Ground

            February 3, 2011 at 9:35 AM

            Bro, please use manners when you talk about these kinds of things. I agree with your sentiment, but not your style.

        • Ibn Migdad

          February 3, 2011 at 10:18 AM

          “Brother Ibn Migdad, we are not opposing them for standing up against tyrants. We are opposing them because they are standing up for the wrong reasons: democracy, nationalism, secularism, etc.”

          So everyone is protesting for the exactly same (wrong) reasons? No one with an Islamic background? Let’s assume that such an obviously false contention is true; don’t you think that it’s a bit difficult to outdo Mubarak in evil, and that whoever replaces him would be very likely somewhat better than him?

          “Just to remind you, these very Egyptian people stood up against one tyrant in 1952 but ended up replacing him with another one. ”

          Exactly. And each next tyrant had to make some concessions to Muslims. Sadat had to present himself as a believer, and if I’m not mistaken, during his reign an (obviously symbolic and tactical) article to the constitution was added stipulating that no law should be in conflict with Islam. This one will have to make his own share of concessions, which in his case seems to mean resignation.

          “Also, is it just the rulers like Mubarak and Zardari that are opressive? Do the masses not opress one another? Do the people in the Muslim world not mock you for growing the beard and wearing hijab because they think you are backward? Do they not call you derogatory terms like Mullah, Mutaweh, etc simply because you want to follow the sunnah? Do they not look down on you because you wanted to become a รขโ‚ฌล“Caller to Islamรขโ‚ฌย instead of a doctor or engineer? How many of the so-called 1.5 billion รขโ‚ฌล“Muslimsรขโ‚ฌย actually pray 5 times a day?”

          What exactly is your point here, other than the one you’re making against yourself? How can we change a people completely if the ones in authority propagate, finance and enforce a completely different, un-Islamic set of values and beliefs? Some Tunisians may mock you for wearing a beard or a hijab; (former) Tunisian authorities were ready to take you in for something like that. How can you do enough of da’wah in such circumstances?

          “So letรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs face the reality of our situation and not get carried away with slogans and emotions. The solution is not in changing some regimes but changing our perceptions and returning back to our deen inshallah.”

          I think you are the one who has been carried away with slogans like “being like the Sahaba” and “obeying the ruler” which were misinterpreted by scholars financed and courted by rulers, which is why you’re unable to see the conflict of interests they have fallen into.

          • Salafi Brother

            February 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM

            Brother my point is that we are not dealing with the problem of oppressive rulers only. But we have oppression in every segment of the Muslim world. Muslims need to focus on proper education of the core concepts of Islam such as Tawheed before we can expect to be honored by Allah.

            Our situation is similar to the situation of prophet (peace & blessings upon him) in Makkah where the Muslims were in a weak stage. We need to be patient and use wisdom before any sort of conflict with any government or armies.

            Ibn Taymiyah says: รขโ‚ฌล“So whoever from the believers is weak in the earth or is weak in the time in which he is living in, must apply those verses of the Quraan which mention patience and forgiveness against those who are seeking to harm Allaah and His Messenger from those who were given the scriptures prior and also from the polytheists. As for those people who are in a state of strength then they are to apply the verses regarding fighting the leaders of kufr who slander the deen.รขโ‚ฌย (As-Saarim al Maslool, Vol 2, p.413)

            Yes, it is difficult to remain patient when being oppressed but realize there is no quick solution to such problems. It took us hundreds of years to mess up the situation. We canรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt just solve it in few days of protests and revolution.

  63. ummousama

    February 2, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    Assalamu alaikum,

    The Internet is coming back in Egypt. This is a quick answer even though I didn’t read any comments. I do intend to write some lessons I have learnt from living this even from within (I can send them to muslimmatters if interested). I can however say that I have been (and everybody around me too) very very very impressed by the Egyptians.

    If you were NOT in Egypt, how can you criticise what happened. I watched Al-Jazeera English, Al-Jazeera Arabic, Al-Jazeera Mubashir, BBC World, BBC Arabic, France24 Arabic, Euronews, TV5, CNN and, of course, Nile News, the official Egyptian television. That means 10 stations in three different languages. The reporting was different and the commentary was different in all of them.

    Of course, to top it, I experienced it and my son was out all day bringing news and helping near our house although not going to demonstrations.

    May Allah free us from oppression and demolish the munafiqeen who try to bring this Ummah down.

    • Mantiki

      February 3, 2011 at 3:07 PM


      whatever your views, your broad observations and experience would be interesting and enlightening to those of us who can only watch from the distance.

  64. Alomgir Ali

    February 2, 2011 at 5:00 PM

    Please watch the following:

    This is a well respected scholar in Egypt now speaking about what is happening.


    February 2, 2011 at 5:16 PM

    Can anyone give me the corresponding term to the Arabic ร˜ยฅร˜ยญร˜ยชร˜ยณร˜ยงร˜ยจ

    • inqiyaad

      February 2, 2011 at 6:54 PM

      As per the Hans-Wehr Dictionary,
      Ihtisaab means “Computation, calculation, consideration, reflection, debiting, crediting, valuation, contentedness, satisfaction.”

      Also, from the same root ha-sa-ba
      ihtasib รขโ‚ฌหœindallahi al-shai
      To sacrifice something in anticipation of Allahรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs reward in the hereafter.
      Allahu a’lam. I hope this helps.
      I had this question, with respect to the hadith regarding sawm. Does รขโ‚ฌหœihtisaabรขโ‚ฌโ„ข mean, in anticipation of a reward or reflection on ones spiritual condition?

    • Hassan

      February 3, 2011 at 1:51 PM


  66. Olivia

    February 2, 2011 at 5:22 PM

    This is an unarmed revolution, with people on the streets calling it like it is, so until they pick up arms they are speaking the truth to a tyrant ruler, which is one of the greatest forms of Jihad.

    for whoever said that this is forbidden and that the people are calling for democracy and secularism, the only thing i have seen them calling for his “down with mubarak.” what we can do is ask Allah to replace the ruler with someone who is just and leave it to Allah to decide who that person is. Justice is laudable, even if it comes from a non-Muslim. So regardless of who their leader is, secuarlist or fundamentalist, as long as he is just than the Egyptians will be in a far better place than they are today.

  67. Massoud V.

    February 2, 2011 at 7:38 PM

    The demonstrators have already looted certain buildings, like the NDP and Ezz Steel and many other sites . . .

    So how can this remain as an “unarmed revolution”?

    • F

      February 3, 2011 at 11:13 AM

      If you compare the number of people protesting to those looting, it is a very small percentage. If the movement was about armed revolution, Cairo would look like Iraq right now but it doesn’t.

      Even the violence only started after the thugs Mubarak paid attacked the demonstrators. After all, who would stand up for Mubarak for free?


    February 3, 2011 at 10:32 AM

    I asked the question for 2 reasons:
    1. To have an accurate translation of the word in the upcoming Dr. Salah Alsawy’s response.
    2. To prove to everyone who commented here to Sh. Yasir’s piece that your replies -specially when it comes to fundamentals and serious religious affairs- should not be about how you feel or what you just learned from one shaikh or another. It is rather a special field that only needs to be handled by specialist. By the way, I’m not insinuating that I’m one of them.
    Subhanallah, most of those who commented here – from all sides- started presenting their comments as if they are in a battle field and defending their, or more particularily, their school’s point of view as the Haqq (truth) and everyone else’s as worng and has to be expunged. This is manifisted in the way few have replied and how in more than one example diverted the conversation to a personal or rather an ideological vendetta.
    Even if we belong to different schools or mathahib, where are the akhlak (morals manners and etiquettes) of the student of knowledge? I haven’t seen one here who asked “what ahlul i’lm said regarding their issue or what is the stronger opinion and why?”
    What is that spirit of dispute and intolerance?
    Please read and study Sh. Bakr Abu Zaid’s Hilyat Talib Al-Ilm “etiquettes of seeking knowledge” with its brilliant explanation by Sh. Al-Othaymeen and the commentary of sh. Waleed Idrees.
    The commentary is in audio format and in Arabic. I believe the orignial text and explanation are enough. They are available in both Arabic and English. Allahul Musta’an

  69. noor

    February 3, 2011 at 1:04 PM

    assalkum i have an idea!! why don’t all the students of knowledge fellow their shaykhs??

  70. daibah

    February 3, 2011 at 1:28 PM

    Asalamu Alaikum everyone.Jazakallah for all your contributions.But as for those outrightly condeming the protesters I beg to differ in that opion.
    @sis fatima,I agree with u.Saudia is supposed to be a model state for an islamic nation but let’s ask ourselves if mornachy is islamic.I belive a democracy where the people choose a leader may even be a better way to get a desired islamic leader into power than a situation where a leader is chosen and placed in power by reason of birth and nothing else.Wa llahu a’alam.May Allah ease all difficulties for all muslims around the world.May He ease the plight of the egyptians and may the best for islam and them be chosen by Allah(SWT)and may He forgive us any error we may hav done in anything we say here.May Allah(SWT)have mercy on us all.

  71. Salman

    February 3, 2011 at 6:08 PM

    If anyone thought that Mubarek would just roll over without a fight, they are gravely mistaken.

    The looters and hooligans beating up reporters are from the secret police and those being paid by Mubarek’s ruling NDP party who stand to lose big if he is ousted. This story confirms what people on the street already know:

    Looters included undercover Egyptian Police, hospital workers tell Human Rights Watch

    what is really sad and tragic in all of this is the intellectual poverty and Islamic bankruptcy of leading “sheikhs”, one such luminary who earlier endorsed women led prayer:

    Sheikh Ali Jomaa, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, tells all Egyptians to go home.

    I greet President Mubarak who offered dialogue and responded to the demands of the people. Going against legitimacy is forbidding (Haram). This is an invitation for chaos. We support stability. What we have now is a blind chaos leading to a civil war. I call on all parents to ask their children to stay home.”


    and this for tomorrow:

    li Guma’a: “It is not necessary to attend Friday prayers tomorrow”

    This just came out live on Dream TV 2 in Cairo: Ali Gum’a declares that it is not necessary to attend Friday prayers tomorrow. He is now Allah he tells his deluded sheep when they can and cannot pray.

    • Abu Abdillah

      February 4, 2011 at 2:45 AM

      “He is now Allah he tells his deluded sheep when they can and cannot pray.”

      Please do NOT ever say anything like that again, even if sarcastic!

      • Salman

        February 5, 2011 at 11:54 AM

        If Muslims didn’t worship “sheikhs” the same way that jews worshipped their rabbis and christians worship their priests, I nor anyone else would have to say these things.

        • Siraaj

          February 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM

          The circumstances are extraordinary, he’s not passing a general ruling, but an exception due to the potential harm of going out. Let’s be careful of how we speak of others, and what we ascribe to them.


          • Salman

            February 5, 2011 at 10:32 PM

            Hopefully this will make it more clear and explicit for you:

            Al Azhar “Sheikh” Says it is “Haram” to Protest Against Mubarek (even Peacefully)


            A leading scholar from al-Azhar said on Friday that protesting is forbidden in Islam. Saeed Amer, head of the Fatwa รขโ‚ฌโ€œ religious opinions รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Committee at Al Azhar, Egypt and the Sunni Islamic world leading Sunni institute told al-Shourok newspaper that demonstrations that cause violence is รขโ‚ฌล“Haram,รขโ‚ฌย or forbidden, within the religion.
            Amer added that even peaceful protest is also forbidden.
            รขโ‚ฌล“As for peaceful demonstrations it is rejected in Islam as Islam never witnessed such phenomena,รขโ‚ฌย al-Shourok reported.
            Al-Azhar is the most influential Islamic institution in the country, however, in recent years it has become more in line with the government and most Egyptians have ignored fatwas that have been released.
            When asked about what thinks about the deaths caused by state security violence, Amer said that if the police was defending the country, then it is okay and those who die will be judged by God.
            รขโ‚ฌล“Only God knows if the deceased, civilian or police, is a martyr,รขโ‚ฌย the newspaper quoted him saying.
            His comments come as Egyptians continue mass demonstrations aimed at ousting President Hosni Mubarak from power. According to reports on the ground, over 100 people have been killed since protests began on January 25.

  72. Yasir Qadhi

    February 4, 2011 at 11:34 AM

    Salaam Alaikum

    A brief response to some of the points:

    – The claim that our religion prohibits the actions of the protestors is just that, a claim. I know some scholars are saying this, but there are far more scholars (that I am aware of) who are not only allowing it but actually participating and spending their days and nights in Tahrir Square.

    I find it rather amazing that a young person with very little training of the religion can be so adamant that one opinion is clearly right and the other is not just wrong, but actually a heretical opinion. Such rashness is not a sign of a true seeker of knowledge. The safest course for one who follows this opinion is to simply admit that he is a muqallid of such-and-such and Shaykh, and let the matter rest at that.

    – To quote Ibn Taymiyya and Imam Ahmad as somehow being against the protestors is (and again I must restrain myself from being more blunt!) shooting yourself in the foot. It really betrays a complete ignorance of the lives of these great men. If Ibn Taymiyya got into trouble with the authorities in the time of a Caliphate, and many times actually took the law into his own hands when he viewed the government as not doing enough, does anyone in his right mind think that he would not have gotten into trouble with regimes like these? Ibn Taymiyya was sent to jail numerous times for speaking out against what he judged to be un-Islamic actions, many times even directly disobeying the ‘wali al-amr’ because he felt the judgment of the ‘wali al-amr’ to be un-Islamic.

    To be brutally honest, and I do not like saying such things but the situation calls for it, had Ibn Taymiyya been alive today, living in the country that has scholars who would like to admit that they are his followers, these very scholars (according to their own fatawa and interpretations of ‘obeying the ruler’) would have had to jail Ibn Taymiyya (or do something even more drastic than that). Sadly, I do believe that had Ibn Taymiyya been alive, many of these people who are preaching such doctrines of not even speaking out against evil in public would have indeed jailed Ibn Taymiyya.

    The bottom line is that it is incidents like these (currently take place in Egypt) where the sheer ridiculousness of some of these interpretations are manifested. And make no mistake about it: these interpretations are, by and large, modern ones, and ones that will come back to haunt the very people who have been propagating them.

    – The claim that the protestors are not protesting ‘in the name of Islam’ might be true. I never said that they were asking for the Shariah! But a land of justice and opportunity is better than a land of injustice and tyranny, and from an Islamic perspective, there would be no problem in supporting the former over the latter as ‘the lesser of two evils’. Just because a revolution is not ‘Islamic’ doesn’t mean that we should wash our hands of it and be completely neutral. If a revolution will allow Muslims to practice their religion in a better climate, and allow scholars and preachers more freedom in talking about Islam, why would it be haraam to wish that revolution success? (And again, I caution that most revolutions do not actually attain their goal of ‘freedom’).

    – From the other side of the spectrum, I have been criticized as showing double standards. It is as if my tacit support of these protestors should automatically entail that I support militant activities around the world, and so those who approve of such activities question what they perceive as hypocrisy.
    Firstly, I seek Allah’s refuge from nifaq.
    Secondly, I have never commented on what local people should or should not do within their lands to repel any invading force that attacks their land. I leave it to the scholars of those lands to advise them.
    Rather, I have only commented and severely criticized the claims that Western Muslims should start initiating militant activities in Western lands. I believe this to be un-Islamic and counterproductive.

    In their anger, many of our brothers wish to read in matters that have not been said. This is a dangerous frame of mind, and clouds rational judgment. In the process, these brothers become even more isolated, and believe everyone in the world has left the straight path except for a handful of their group. Such an attitude is simply un-Islamic (and, I might add, extremely cultish).

    I have never supported ‘the West’ in its foreign policy, and neither have I supported Western Muslims attacking the West. The world is not in two simple parties with regards to these issues, and the sooner our youth realize this, the sooner they can start working on more pragmatic solutions rather than wasting their time and energy hating on fellow Muslims.

    To conclude, these are times of great fitan. Allah knows the wisest way forward; all we can do is strive to figure that out, and pray that we have indeed arrived at the truth.

    And Allah knows best!


    • Slave of AllahSWT

      February 4, 2011 at 12:49 PM

      Walaikumassalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Dear Sheikh

      First of all please forgive me. I had previosly commented on one of the articles and i may have sounded a little harsh. But it was because of concern and frustration and confusion. :(

      It’s such a time of fitnah and people speak and argue in such a way that i just want to cry “what’s the truth?”
      i realized one thing…little knowledge can be more dangerous than complete ignorance…and i also realized the importance of this du’a : Allahumma Arinal Haqqa Haqqan warzuqna Tibaa’a wa Arinal Baatila Baatilan warzuqna jtinaabah BiRahmatika Yaa Arhama Rahimeen!

      but at the same time i realize scholars are at the end of the day falliable…may Allah Azzawajjal bless and grant Ikhlaas to the scholars of the ummah and help direct them to the truth!
      Having said that i dont want to fall into the fitnah of labelling any scholars including Sheikh Anwar Awlaki..Yes,I clearly dont agree to killing any innocent soul…i hope and pray that Allah ArRahmaan ArRaheem will forgive him and us and guide us all to what is pleasing to Him…

      Sheikh it will be really nice if you and a group of scholars can give a lecture about “the fitnah of blaming and labelling scholars” and ” dangers of little knowledge and PRIDE in religious knowledge…close to becoming like the shaitan (may Allah protect us!)

    • Mansoor Ansari

      February 4, 2011 at 2:28 PM

      Jazak’Allah khair for this post, I always valued u as my teacher & this post definitely cleared up any misunderstandings I had regarding what u were trying convey earlier (i.e. after reading articles by you & Dr. Ali Shehata on extremism). This one post answered questions that many prior articles & lectures could not so so, may Allah reward u for it.

    • Usama

      February 4, 2011 at 9:51 PM

      As Salamu Alaikum Sheikh Yasir,

      I regularly read the posts on this site, I listen to your lectures, and alhamduli Allah, I find your way of interpretation and aqeedah reasonable and truthful–I have learned a lot. I just have a problem with this euphoria.

      I was shown this hadith today:

      Hudaifah (RA) reported, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “There will come leaders who will not follow my guidance nor my Sunnah. There will be amongst them men, who will have hearts of devils and the bodies of humans” Hudaifah asked, “What shall I do O Messenger of Allah, if I reach that?” He replied: “You should hear and obey the ruler, even if he flogs your back and takes your wealth. Then still hear and obey” [Muslim 1847]

      Can you verify if it is authentic?

      I had a long discussion with someone and he had shown me other ahadith, about obeying your ruler even if he had been an Ethiopian slave. They seem very explicit to me.

      When I asked how it was possible that Allah would change things, I was told that they have to change themselves first, and therefore Allah will not put a ruler on them who is unjust. What do you think of all this?

      Jazak Allahu Khairan

    • Hassan

      February 4, 2011 at 10:23 PM

      If Ibn Taymiyya got into trouble with the authorities in the time of a Caliphate, and many times actually took the law into his own hands when he viewed the government as not doing enough

      Is taking law into own hands allowed?

      • Awesome-ness

        February 5, 2011 at 12:14 AM

        which law bro? Law and rule that is there only for the Gov and Elites of the society?

  73. Zahra

    February 4, 2011 at 3:44 PM

    Allah swt said:

    O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result (4:59).

    Hadith รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and other narration by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2867) and Ahmad (4/130).
    Allaahรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs Messenger (SAAWS) said, รขโ‚ฌล“He who sees from his ruler something he dislikes, let him be patient with him, for he who splits away from the Jamaaรขโ‚ฌโ„ขah by a handspan and then dies, dies a death of Jaahiliyyahรขโ‚ฌย and in a narration, รขโ‚ฌล“then he has thrown off the yoke of Islaam from his neck.รขโ‚ฌย

    {Miftaah Daarus-Saรขโ‚ฌโ„ขaadah, 1/177-178}

    รขโ‚ฌล“Ponder upon the Hikmah (Wisdom) of Allah (awj) where He has made peopleรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs kings, leaders, and those of authority over them, of the same kind as their own deeds. It is as if the peopleรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs deeds appeared in the forms of their kings and leaders.If the people are upright, then their kings and rulers will be upright, and if they turn away (from uprightness), then their leaders will turn against them. And if they oppress and tyrannize, then their kings and rulers will tyrannize and oppress. And if deception and treachery becomes manifest amongst them, then the same will appear in their rulers.If the people refrain from fulfilling the rights of Allah upon them and become niggardly (regarding their execution), then their kings and rulers will refuse to give them their rights and will become niggardly (withhold their rights from them). And if they take away from those whom they oppress that which they deserve not to take, then the kings will take away from the people that which they deserve not to take and will levy taxes and impose tasks upon them. And whatever the people unjustly take from the oppressed, their kings take the same by force from them. So those in charge of the people appear in the forms of their (the ruled) deeds. And it befits not the Divine Wisdom that the evil and wicked be ruled except by those of the same kind. And since the early [Muslims] were the best and most righteous of generations, their rulers were of the same standing. But when the people turned weak, their rulers turned to be of their own rank.

    So it befits not the Hikmah (Wisdom) of Allah in these times that rulers the like of Muรขโ‚ฌโ„ขaawiyah and Umar bin Abdulaziz, be in charge over us, and even less the like of Abu Bakr and Umar. Rather, our rulers are in accordance with our own rank and standing, and the ones who ruled those before us were (also) in accordance with these people own rank and standing. And both matters (the status of the former rulers and those of this time) are as necessitated and entailed by [Allah’s]

    • Ummi

      February 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM

      The quote is well taken advice from a great scholar to observe and be careful about the relationship between our inner and outer conditions. But we must be careful not to take out of context.

      Being oppressed is not evidence of deserving oppression.

      “And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors” (Qur’an, 28:5)

      Allah swt has every right with respect to granting favor to the oppressed, and in reversing their condition as He wills.

      And indeed we should fear the du’as of the oppressed and this is a great favor and closeness to Him bestowed by Allah.

  74. Zahra

    February 4, 2011 at 3:45 PM

    The View of Fighting Rulers In Order to Usurp Authority is Corrupt and Leads to Much Greater Evil

    Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah wrote in his Minhaaj us-Sunnah (4/527-):

    For verily Allaah the Exalted sent His Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) for the attainment of the benefits and perfection of them, and for the negation of the harmful things and their reduction. And when one of the khaleefahs took authority, such as Zaid and รขโ‚ฌหœAbdul-Malik and al-Mansoor and others, then either it was said: It is obligatory to prevent him from this authority and to fight him until someone else is given authority รขโ‚ฌโ€œ as is held by those who consider it rightful to use the sword.And this view is corrupt, for the corruption in this is greater than the benefit. And there is hardly anyone who revolted against a leader with authority except that what arose from his action of evil, was actually greater than whatever good came from it, such as those who rebelled against Yazeed in Madeenah, or like Ibn al-Ashรขโ‚ฌโ„ขat who revolted against รขโ‚ฌหœAbdul-Malik in รขโ‚ฌหœIraaq, or like Ibn al-Mihlab also, who revolted against his son in Khurasaan, and like those who revolted against al-Mansoor in Madeenah and Basrah, and the likes of them.
    And their destination is that they are (either) victorious or they are defeated, then their rule (dominion) ceases, and so they do not have any end-result. For Abdullaah bin Alee and Abu Muslim, they are the ones who killed a great number of people, and both of them were killed by Abu Jaรขโ‚ฌโ„ขfar al-Mansoor. And as for the people of [the occurrence of] al-Harrah (in Madinah) and Ibn al-Ashรขโ‚ฌโ„ขat and Ibn al-Mihlab, and others, then they were defeated, and their associates were also defeated. So they never established the deen and nor did they allow the dunyaa (worldly life) to remain (as it was) (1).


    (1) This is the legacy of all of those who attempt to contend with the authorities in order to take power from them. They neither establish the deen by their actions, and nor do they allow the worldly affairs to remain. And the examples of this in the past and also in contemporary times are too numerous to mention.

    • Ummi

      February 4, 2011 at 4:15 PM

      The peaceful demonstrators in Egypt have not taken up swords or guns against Mubarak.

      In terms of obeying legitimate authority, it should be noted that the Egyptian people have demonstrated a steadfast closeness and even love to their army, which is very moving.

  75. Zahra

    February 4, 2011 at 3:52 PM

    “Corrupt creeds, lying, cheating, injustice, innovations, lowly desires, attachment to this life, ignorance, mysticism, grave worship, bigoted blind following, and so forth and we boast saying,Our Main Problem is in Our Leaders!!!”

    {Dr-Saleh as-Saleh The Inverted Priorities}

  76. johnsmithaustralia

    February 5, 2011 at 5:52 AM

    Yasir Qhadi,

    Why did you in a previous article titled With Scholars Like Theseรขโ‚ฌยฆ รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Yasir Qadhi on รขโ‚ฌล“Shaykh al-Azharรขโ‚ฌย Tantawi / Niqaab Incident and also posted on Muslim Matters

    state “the Great leader Husni Mubarak..”?

    1. Did you really think he was great?
    2. Do you still think he is great?
    3. Do you want to them to accept oppression and not rise up against it
    4. Now how about the other leaders of the Arabian state?
    5. Does your opinion change with the wind

    Please answer if you are what you claim you are, ie a person trying to give sincere advise to the muslims

    • Ify Okoye

      February 5, 2011 at 11:07 AM

      Clearly the comments were tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, the “great leader” line is common use for despots around the world from North Korea to Egypt.

    • Middle Ground

      February 5, 2011 at 10:02 PM


      Please read that article carefully, as has been stated here, it was sarcasm to refer to Mubarak in that way.

      • johnsmithaustralia

        February 6, 2011 at 6:48 AM


        …i’m not use to sarcasm

        Our hearts need to unite soon my brothers.
        And we must give these clear despots a clear and single message…at least that way we can honestly face Allah on the day of judgement and tell him that i have gave the message clearly ya Raab and my Allegiance was to you alone.

        …the most beautiful and exalting thing is that Allah has promised the believers his word will be supreme
        … And yet the early sahaba did not see any victory early in their acceptance of Islam. They only saw torture and exile but they truly believed. And they declared their tawhid clearly, and they faced the consequences…..and remember they were fighting there own blood (how hard would that be)

        …by Allah i do not need to see the promised victory, but i only want to die on Islam

        …and remember the people of the ditch..their clear declaration of tawhid was not their destruction, but there success!


  77. Abu.Abdullah

    February 5, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    รขโ‚ฌล“Whoever from amongst you sees an evil should change it by his hand, if he is unable to do so then he should change it by his tongue (by speaking against it), and if he is unable to do so then he should reject it in his heart รขโ‚ฌโ€œ and this is the weakest of Iman.รขโ‚ฌย (Muslim)
    He (saas) also said,
    รขโ‚ฌล“The best Jihad is the word of Justice in front of the oppressive Sultan.รขโ‚ฌย (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, ibn Majah)
    And the Prophet (saas) also said,
    รขโ‚ฌล“If the people witness an oppressor and they do not take him by his hands (to prevent him) then they are close to Allah covering them all with punishment.รขโ‚ฌย (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, ibn Majah)

  78. Mamdouh Mahmoud

    February 5, 2011 at 4:17 PM

    Please review Sh. Suhaib Webb’s translation to the original fatwa of Dr. Mohammad Abdul Maksoud from Egypt and my comment on the bottom of same page to one of the brothers that I found many like here. Jazakumullahu khayran

    • Mamdouh Mahmoud

      February 5, 2011 at 4:39 PM
      And this is the Arabic Fatwa issued 2 days ago and only surfaced yesterday after the internet was restored in Egypt. Please, if anyone can do a favor and translate it or at least sum it up for everyone here. This is only the arabic text. I’ll only mention the names who signed it:
      1. Dr. Muhammad Ismaeel Almuqadim. Great scholar and a very famous Daii in Egypt
      2. Dr. Nasr Farid wasil. previous mufti of Egypt
      3. Dr. Abdussattar Saeed. Professor of Tafseer and Quranic sciences at Al-Azhar and Um Alqura
      4. Dr. Ali Ahmad As-Salous. Professor of Fiqh and usool and vice president of AMJA
      5.Dr. Alkhushoiee Alkhushoiee. previous assistant dean of college of Usool Adeen -Al-Azhar
      6. Dr. Marwan Shaheeen. professor of Hadith at the college Usool Adeen -AlAzhar
      7. Dr. Omar Abdul Aziz. Professor at the college of Da’wa- Al-Azhar
      8. Dr. Yahya Ismaeel. professor of Hadith. college of Usool Adeen- Al-Azhar
      9.Dr. Abdul Munim Albirri. professor at college of Usool Adeen- Al-Azhar
      10.- Dr. Mohammad Abdul Maqsoud. Scholar of Fiqh and known Egyptian Daii (has a separate fatwa avove)
      11. Dr. Yasir Burhami. Scholar and propagator of Dawa in Egypt
      12. Sh. Moustafa Mohammad. Egyptian shaikh and Daii
      13. Dr Mohammad Yusri Ibrahim Consultant scholar at Madina international university.
      13. Dr. Saeed Abdul Azeem. Scholar and famous daii in Egypt
      14. Dr. Safwat Higazi. Egyptian Daii
      15.Dr. Mohammad Abdussalam. Egyptian Daii
      16. Dr. Ahmad Annaqeeb. Egyptian scholar and Daii
      17. Sh. Khalid Saqr.. Egyptian Daii
      18. Dr. Ahmad Fareed. Famous Egyptian scholarn and Daii
      19. Dr. Atyah Adlan. professor at Madina university
      20. Sh. Ahmad Hlayl. Famous Daii
      21. Dr. Hisham barghash. Daii
      22.. Dr. Hisham Oqdah. Daii
      23 Dr. Mohammad Rajab. Daii
      24. Sh. Nash’at Ahmad. Famous Daii
      25. Dr. Yasir Alfiqi. Assistant professor at the college of Islamic studies- Al-Azhar
      26. Dr. Waleed Algohari, Daii
      27. Dr. Midhat Abdul Bari. Daii

      • Mamdouh Mahmoud

        February 5, 2011 at 4:43 PM

        Dr. Salah As-Sawy’s fatwa goes along same lines

      • Yasir Qadhi

        February 5, 2011 at 7:40 PM

        Jazak Allah khayr for sharing.

        That list is a ‘who’s who’ of some major ulamaa of our times.


        • Mamdouh Mahmoud

          February 6, 2011 at 11:51 AM

          Wajazakum Aba Ammar
          May Allah bless you for the article. You are always on the vanguard. Barakallahu feekum

      • Student

        February 6, 2011 at 12:27 PM

        Here’s a statement from ร˜ยฑร˜ยงร˜ยจร˜ยทร˜ยฉ ร˜ยนร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร˜ยงร˜ยก ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร˜ยณร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร™ล ร™โ€

        and here is the translation of it:


        In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

        Muslim Scholars Association

        Rabiรขโ‚ฌโ„ข al-Awal 1, 1432 AH
        February 4, 2011

        Statement from the Muslim Scholars Association


        All Praise is due to Allah who has forbade injustice and transgression between his servants and has promised respite and victory to the supplication of the transgressed, even if after a while.

        And may His prayers and peace be upon the leader of those who are just and the master of the first and last of his creation, Muhammad; and also upon his family, wives, companions, and those that followed him in excellence until the Day of Recompense.

        The Muslim Scholars Association has been following the current events in Misr with the same pain and anguish felt by the Muslim masses, and witnessing the affect of great transgressions and injustices incurred upon them. Injustices that range from usurping freedoms, spreading corruption, increasing prices and the cost of living, medicine, and more.

        The Muslims Scholars Association severely rejects such occurrences in the country of Misr, and in particular the killing and injury of protestors in Tahrir Square.

        In light of these events, the Muslim Scholars Association wishes to address the following:

        1. A message to the ruler of Misr, itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs President, Hosni Mubarak: The just ruler is the one who strives in bringing about benefits to his people and removing harms from them, in compliance with the pristine legislation of Allah (the sharรขโ‚ฌโ„ขiah). His striving is in order to aid his people, provide for their necessities, and to remove their hardships and afflictions. He does so taking into account his people and abstaining from any form of exclusive treatment to himself and his family, not given to his people, or at the expense of their benefits. Unfortunately, none of this was achieved and resulted in the occurrence of injustices upon people, the spread of economic and administrative corruption, and unethical dealings from those in authority, transgressors amongst them, and their associates. The result of such was only widespread poverty and destitution of the people of Misr.

        Therefore the advice to the leader of Misr is to strive in the path that will please Allah, the Most High, saving himself from what was left of transgression and selfishness upon the nation. This is achieved by returning the rights of the transgressed, an immediate halt to corruption, freeing the people from wrongdoings that have been incurred upon them, and applying what Allah has legislated (the sharรขโ‚ฌโ„ขiah); even if it means stepping down from power and granting it to someone who is more fitting to lead the people with justice. And to take into light the reality of today and to stop tampering with the many souls who have stood out in many provinces throughout Misr.

        2. A message to the scholars and Imamรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs of masajid: You are the nobility in the eyes of people in every gathering. Their eyes follow your every action, and their ears attentively listen to your words. They are depending upon you in these times of trials and tribulations, so we remind you of your obligation of protecting peopleรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs faith, their safety, belongings, and honor. And of advising them to that which will bring about their benefit and take them out of this tribulation. And to not lose sight of the importance of being united in your ranks and statements in these events. You are deserving of this status, may Allah grant you all success and guide you to the right path.

        3. A message to people of wealth: Oh you generous, we call you to make use of your wealth in reform, in supporting and helping the poor, needy, sick, and afflicted, and supporting people and guiding them to matters of good. And to do what is in your capability so that this ordeal can be removed. Also, to form organizations with the cooperation of scholars, the protective authority, and the army in order to establish safety.

        4. A message to the civil authority in all itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs forms: It is upon you all to fear Allah Almighty, and to keep at bay your weapons from pointing them at any of your brethren. We urge you to contribute to the establishment of safety and deter chaos, thievery, and fighting.

        5. A message to the general people of Misr – itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs noble men, women, youth, and children: Indeed all of your general grievances are in accordance with what is legislated and it is your right that they be established. We stand by you in regaining these rights, and reject the transgressions that have befallen upon you in all its forms. Except, that we remind you that all grievances you have asked for will not be fulfilled to a level you will be pleased with, nor lift the transgressions upon you, nor aid you in your affairs, nor establish safety and protection except by establishing that which Allah Almighty has legislated. In this pristine legislation is irrevocable and complete justice, so we ask you that your grievances be clear in its direction. Thus, we urge you all to strive in patience, tranquility, gentleness and leniency; for leniency does not enter into anything except that it beautifies it, nor is it removed from anything except that it spoils it. It is upon you to refer back to your upright scholars that call you to reform Misr and itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs people and guard itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs safety, faith, and lifestyle. And be aware of the lurkers amongst you that wish to distort your grievances.

        6. A message to leaders of all muslim countries: We remind you with that which Allah has enjoined upon you with your people. Be aware from transgressing, Allah is a witness over you. Indeed transgressing, in turn, will see transgressions on the Day of Resurrection. Know that the supplication of a transgressed person has no partition between him and Allah Almighty. Allah has promised to give aid and victory to the transgressed, even if itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs after a while. Let the events of Tunisia and Misr be a great admonition to you all in what befalls the one whom transgresses upon people, robs the wealth of their country, and forbids them from having their rights. And know that nothing can save you from the likes of this occurrence except a true return to the commandments of the Lord of the Worlds, and in establishing His legislation upon all without any differentiation be it rich or poor and judging between them with justice. As Allah Almighty has said รขโ‚ฌล“And never think that Allah is unaware of what the unjust doรขโ‚ฌย.

        We ask Allah to grant our brothers in Misr and all of Muslim nations, honor, empowerment, and safety from all transgression.

        And may Allah send His prayers and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions..

        Muslim Scholars Association

  79. Jane

    February 5, 2011 at 4:39 PM

    I ask you sisters and brothers to fear Allah and to bite your tongue

    “Part of the perfection of someone’s Islam is his leaving alone that which does not concern him.” [Hadith hasan – Recorded by Tirmidhi]


    lmaam al-Bukhaaree, rahimahullah, said: ‘Chapter: Selecting some people to impart knowledge to, fearing that others will not understand it.” [stated by al Bukhari in his saheeh [1/300]

    Ibn Masรขโ‚ฌโ„ขood radiallahu รขโ‚ฌหœanhu said: รขโ‚ฌล“No one relates something to a people which they do not understand, except that it puts some of them into trial and discord (fitnah).รขโ‚ฌย [related by Muslim in the introduction of his saheeh [1/11]

    • johnsmithaustralia

      February 6, 2011 at 6:54 AM


      …but you are right we should not indulge in petty gossip such as so and so divorced his wife becuase so and so or so and so is this


  80. Abu Abdullah

    February 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM

    Zahra – Im sure your sincere, but what you are saying is far from the truth. Its the lies you are spreading that hurts.

    Its easy to say these things whenyour living in the comfort of the west.
    Would you be saying the same thing If you gave birth to disfigured children (Allah forbid) caused by depleted Uraniun used by the U.S Govermnment on Iraqi civilians. And then saw the Saudi leaders dancing linking arms with these same people.(see youtube- bush dancing with Saudis). Would you say the same thing?
    The hadith you quote are not for the likes of these . Even the biggest oppressors like Hajjaj bin Yusuf were far from this. He implemented Islam Fully and spread it so people on this earth would not die in shirk destined for Jahanam. In the words of the SS(super salafi) dont blindly follow these scholars(in this case scholars for dollars)

    I know, I know, im probably just a Takfeeri, devient, khawaraji (save your breath)

    • Zahra

      February 11, 2011 at 7:45 PM

      Abu Abdullah
      Excuse me? what lies am i spreading? audobillah do you not fear Allah? everything i posted has been from major scholars, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim and present day scholars with PROOF!!! so how dare you accuse me of spreading lies. Just because you disagree. Fear Allah before you accuse people of things they did not do. If you consider those ulma to be liars than thats a different matter. I am done with this article dont know what the point was of posting this article it has only created fitnah amongst people. May Allah grant the Egyptians peace and all muslims all over the world. I have lived in Egypt and i know how it feels to have a war torn country such as my home land so dont accuse me of not knowing what its like when you dont even know me. Or do you have a crystal ball that tells you the unseen? ajeeb. I also know that the Egyptian people are not the nicest of people so perhaps allah is punishing them for this?? and allah knows best. May allah rectify all our affairs salaam

  81. Mansoor Ansari

    February 5, 2011 at 6:09 PM

    To those who are saying that that one should never rebel against the ruler & school of thought that is propagating this:

    what happened to these fatwas when Imam Abdul Wahab fought against his rulers, Why support the House of Saud when they rebelled against the Ottoman empire?

    And in current times, why were u on the side of those Iraqis & Afghanis who aligned themselves with America & rebelled against Saddam Hussein & the Taliban?

    Why the silence then, why those were far more gray issues than this one?

    • Hassan

      February 6, 2011 at 7:44 AM

      I am quite certain I was not born at that time

      • Mansoor Ansari

        February 7, 2011 at 9:22 AM

        may b u were not born at the time of the 1st two incidents but the scholars who r against rebelling against the rulers esp the Saudi king, supported the those past rebellions. But if u know the history then u should have the same disgust for the Saud family?

        I m sure u well born during the launch of Afghan & Iraq war unless I m talking to a 9 yrs old here.

  82. Holly

    February 5, 2011 at 10:43 PM

    Ameen -very well said

  83. Pingback: Weekly Thoughts « Ify Okoye

  84. ummousama

    February 6, 2011 at 2:32 AM

    Assalamu alaikum,

    I am living in Egypt although not Egyptian so maybe I can clarify some things but my first question though is where do you take your information from?

    1. The demonstrations have always been peaceful EXCEPT when they were attacked and thus they defended themselves.

    2. It started asking for reforms. On the first day, they DIDN’T ask for Mubarak to go down. Only after they were repressed and some were killed did they ask for Mubarak to depart.

    3. This is not somebody CALLING for demonstrations. It is EVERYBODY asking for corruption to stop. EVERYBODY speaking a word of truth against an oppressor.

    4. Police has never been on the streets to protect people. Police has always been there to steal from people. Egypt is a safe place with not too much crime WITHOUT the police doing its job. When they disappeared, Egypt became SAFER as everybody organised themselves to protect the neighbourhood. It also brought all the neighbours together, Muslims and Chrisitans, Egyptians and foreigners.

    5. Looters were from the police. Normal thieves were actually on their guard because they had A LOT to lose. So when the men watched at night, it was because they feared the actions of the police!!!!

    6. Some people do not agree with rebelling because of the harm that comes INEVITABLY from it. Let me tell you that lots of GOOD came from this.

    7. People demonstrate against CORRUPTION AND DHULM. NOT because of not having enough bread. This is a side issue.

    8. If people leave Tahrir Square now, they will most probably disappear from this world. This is why one requirement BEFORE negotiations can begin IS the safety of the protesters.

    9. The organisation is AMAZING. People do everything in THEIR power so that there is no injury. People are searched before entering the square and everybody submits to this. Remember the post a few weeks ago about driving chaos in Egypt? Let me tell you that this is COMPLETELY the opposite.

    10. Some people resigned from their job not to be part of the propaganda. One of such examples are the deputy editor in chief of Nile TV, English section. The second one is the spokeperson of Al-Azhar, i.e. a Shaykh. They both went to Tahrir. FYI, the Shaykh al-Akbar (even though I hate that title) of Al-Azhar is named by Mubarak itself and has the same wages as the Prime Minister so I wouldn’t really trust a fatwa from Al-Azhar in this case :)

    11. Mubarak’s second son (we never hear of him) made tawbah after going to Umrah. Since then, he has been under house arrest by his own father. :(

    12. The heart of the a hungry person is alive. Look at which food you feed your heart with because there is a link between physical and spiritual health. This is probably the MOST ignored Sunnah of our time!

    13. Look at the pictures of Salaat! Egyptians will pray ANYWHERE without people reminding them. Yes, there is one video where the police use water canons when they prayed. There is also another video where the protesters tell the police force on Jan28 to stop so they can pray. The police stopped, let them pray and the fight resumed straight after prayer.

    Egyptians have lots of wisdom. Allahu a’lam but they probably wouldn’t mind if Mubarak stayed in a palace somewhere on the Egyptian soil AS LONG AS the Mubarak REGIME is down. They don’t want corruption anymore!!!! They don’t want the police suddenly coming in their shop to steal all equipment, never to see it again.

    Until now, the GOOD that has come out of it surpasses BY FAR the bad.

    P.S. I did ask where you took your news from because this affects too much how you might perceive the event. I am also VERY PROUD that Al-Jazeera is doing and I am VERY PROUD of what is happening here. Muslims are doing the WORLD news in a POSITIVE manner. Shouldn’t we proud of that instead of criticising?

    • Umar

      February 6, 2011 at 7:25 AM

      Very interesting post.

      Can I ask you to elaborate or clarify this line: “Let me tell you that lots of GOOD came from this.”

      Egypt has lost ร‚ยฃ200,000,000 a day, for each day these protests have taken place & people have died. .

      The pros I can see are: possible change of leader (not at all a pro if the next leader is similar).p
      No tangible evident goodness has come out yet…

      • Mezba

        February 6, 2011 at 8:48 AM

        Who says your action has to have results? Imam Hussein fought against Yazid even though he “lost” the battle with almost all his side being killed.

        In Islam Allah will question you for your actions and intentions. The result is immaterial and should be left to Allah.

      • ummousama

        February 6, 2011 at 11:22 AM

        Assalamu alaikum,

        From another post you made:

        The biggest regret I have and the saddest thing about it is the way they have chosen to protest. 174 people dead, rioting, looting, no police etc.
        If they were going to protest, why not protest in a more civilised manner? There was no need for a single soul to die, no need for vans to be set on fire, and 5,000 prisoners to escape.

        As I said, they DID protest in a peaceful manner. The oppressor did oppress and started the violence.

        As for the dead, I ask Allah to forgive them if they were Muslims and for their niyyah of standing against an oppressor to be accepted.

        As for the money lost, I am not worried about that. Egyptians have money. They will rebuild it. Lots of the money lost is haraam money anyway. The money lost is again a tactic from the government as they put the curfew so that people couldn’t go to work or open the shops (many many shops open at 12.00 pm – 12.00 am except for food shops). Even with the current curfew (which is useless), lots of money is lost and that is the ONLY goal of the curfew.

        As for putting things on fire, this was on the 28th of January. The things that were put on fire by protesters were things linked to the government OR the people in government. It has never been on looting everything and anything. In fact, as soon as there was danger to the Egyptian Museum from the fire of the NDP building, the protesters formed a human chain so that nobody goes and loots the musuem until the army arrived. This is why I am puzzled at WHO looted the musuem. ;) Looting is much much less than what is described in the media.

        Which good came from of it? Renewed relations between neighbours. Solidarity between people. Showing who is patient and who is panicky. I wouldn’t be surprised if people started praying after seeing the protesters praying. I wouldn’t be surprised either if people become Muslims after it. Lots of people have lost their fear and apathy. This might even have an effect, wa Allahu a’lam, on relations at work.

        As for the police, people are HAPPY without police. They do not miss the police. The prisoners freed were freed by the police. The police was there to steal from people and to receive bribes. If you had a car accident, there was no point of asking the police to come. They would do nothing. NOTHING. You would just have to work out a deal between the parties. One such thing happened just in front of my door. The one who was at fault refused to pay anything. The neighbours said we’ll block your car until you pay or we do the same damage to your car as you did to the other car. He then agreed to pay for the repairs. Other examples are stealing from shops in the pretext that the shop owner didn’t follow completely the law (for example, Internet cafes are required to log in all the names and ID proof of everybody coming to use its services. Impossible to apply so we steal some equipement so taht we get money from you).

  85. Hassan

    February 6, 2011 at 12:36 PM

    Why there is violence in Tunisia, although the leader has left?

  86. slaveofAllah

    February 7, 2011 at 12:32 PM

    I remind myself and all the brothers and sisters to fear Allah and this dunia is only a temporary enjoyment and the hereafter is better. May Allah guide us all to the truth, May Allah give us the ability to see the truth as truth and give us the ability to follow it and may Allah give us the ability to see the falsehood as falsehood and give us the ability to avoid it Aameen.

  87. Pingback: Yasir Qadhi’s Voice on the Situation of Egypt « The Muslim Voice

  88. Justice

    February 9, 2011 at 1:03 AM

    Interesting answers to the current crisis in Egypt:

    May Allah protect the people of Egypt!

  89. Yasir Qadhi

    February 10, 2011 at 1:56 PM

    Fatwa from AMJA regarding the situation in Egypt:

  90. Ummi

    February 10, 2011 at 3:25 PM

    Is Mubarak insane? Even, criminally insane?

    When one witnesses the oppression, tyranny, the megalomania, the delusions. One wonders.

    How would that be handled, islamically? If the ruler becomes insane?

    Is there provision for that in the Egyptian constitution?

    May Allah swt protect us all.

  91. Ibn Abdullah

    February 10, 2011 at 11:45 PM


    Could any of the one’s who claim to follow the way of the salaf PLEASE explain the context in which this quote should be understood:

    Rabee al Madkhali says the following:

    ร™ห†ร˜ยญร™ล ร˜ยซ ร˜ยฑร˜ยฃร™ล ร˜ยชร™โ€ฆ ร˜ยญร˜ยชร™โ€ฆร™ล ร˜ยฉ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยตร˜ยฑร˜ยงร˜ยญร˜ยฉ ร™ห†ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™ห†ร˜ยถร™ห†ร˜ยญ ร™ห†ร˜ยฃร˜ยฑร˜ยฌร™ห† ร˜ยนร˜ยฏร™โ€ฆ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™โ€ฆร˜ยคร˜ยงร˜ยฎร˜ยฐร˜ยฉ ร™ยร˜ยฅร™โ€ ร™ล  ร˜ยฃร™โ€šร™ห†ร™โ€ž ร˜ยฃร™โ€ ร™ฦ’ ร˜ยงร™โ€žร™ล ร™ห†ร™โ€ฆ ร™โ€ฆร™โ€  ร˜ยฃร˜ยนร˜ยธร™โ€ฆ ร˜ยฒร˜ยนร™โ€ฆร˜ยงร˜ยก ร™โ€กร˜ยฐร™โ€ก ร˜ยงร™โ€žร˜ยฃร™โ€ฆร˜ยฉ

    ”I say that you (husni mubarak) belong to one of the greatest rulers of this age”


    Considering that this was taken directly from his website, I figure it is pretty safe to say that the quote is from him.


    • ummousama

      February 12, 2011 at 12:45 AM

      If you go to the end of the article, it was said 8 years ago because (if I understood well) Mubarak said that Muslims have to find strength in their own instead of relying on external forces.

      • Ibn Abdullah

        February 12, 2011 at 8:51 PM


        JazakALLAH Khair for elaborating. If that indeed is the case, then regrettably, that statement by the sheikh is truly ignorant, disgusting, and severely damaging to his credibility. Mubarak is the same person now, as he was eight years ago. While that statement is correct, uttering that statement alone does not justify the acclaim given to him in the above quote. Not by a long shot. George Bush has on many occasions (including in front of the U.N. assembly), glorified Islam. This by no means, make “dubya”, a “great” leader, as attested by history.

        May ALLAH grant us scholars who are not afraid of speaking the truth against the tyrants, instead of scholars who praise, and glorify them.


  92. LIES

    December 1, 2012 at 12:36 AM

    Yasir Qadhi has been refuted by the Imam of the Prophet’s Mosque in Saudi Arabia.

    Protesting is NOT FROM THE SUNNAH.


  93. littoabraham

    August 22, 2013 at 1:29 AM

    The call of Shaykh Sรขlih as-Suhaymรฎ to the Egyptians

    Shaykh Sรขlih as-Suhaymรฎ said:

    This is from the signs of the Hour. That which is happening now in the Muslim countries in particular and in the countries of the world [in general], is from the signs of the hour. The Prophet – salla Allaahu โ€˜alayhi wa sallam – informed us about the large amount of turmoil. Sometimes the killer doesnโ€™t know why heโ€™s killing; he sees the people doing something so he starts shooting. As is the situation of the people of the Arab Frost (instead of Arab Spring); they are shouting to each other and braying – refuge is sought with Allaah – like the braying of the animals! And they hit each other. Why? Because of revolution, because of bread, because of hunger, because of so and so; โ€œwe want to redeem so and soโ€, and the one they want to redeem might be a Taaghoot from the Tawaagheet! And everyone is a shaheed (martyr) [according to them], even if he is a Christian, a Jew or a grave-worshipping polytheist! Everyone is a martyr according to them. Allaah forbid!

    It is sad and regrettable that one of the โ€œscholarsโ€ of the TV channels – and he has reached an extreme old age – says that they are shuhadaaโ€™ (martyrs)! And he asks for shahaadah (martyrdom)โ€ฆ I myself have not heard him asking for martyrdom. As for him giving a fatwaa that they are martyrs, then I have heard him [saying this]. But it has been said that he says: โ€œO Allaah! Make me a martyr like them!โ€ And this is deviation and misguidance – refuge is sought with Allaah! Have mercy upon yourself, Yaa akhi, worship your Lord! Seek refuge with Allaah, while you are 90 years old or more. And everyone is exposed to death; the old and the young. But you come and beautify falsehood for the people?! And you dare doing the likes of these deeds? Beware, O brothers! Supplicate to Allaah for the Muslim countries where these fitan (trials, tribulations, calamities) are being spread, and supplicate to Allaah that He protects all of the Muslim countries from these fitan, in which the killer doesnโ€™t know why he killed or the killed one why he was killed, except that he will stand before Allaah, carry his head and say to the killer: โ€œWhy have you killed me?โ€ He will carry his head in his hands and meet Allaah – the Mighty and Majestic – and say to the killer: โ€œWhy have you killed me?โ€

    Besides: why do you participate in this rabble-rousing? Millions [are participating]! Millions! Where is the religion?! Where is the Islaam?! Where is your intellect?!

    Yaa akhi: when Sumayyah was killed in a horrible way, the Muslims did not go demonstrate and shout in the streets. When the Jews tried to kill the Prophet – salla Allaahu โ€˜alayhi wa sallam -, they (i.e. the Prophet and the Companions) did not demonstrate. Instead they went to do Jihaad in the Path of Allaah and drove the Jews out of al-Madeenah, with the command of the Messenger of Allaah – salla Allaahu โ€˜alayhi wa sallam -.

    The issue is not an issue of demonstrations orโ€ฆ You fill up the public squares while the men are mixed with the women, and then raping takes place, violation of honour, zinaa (fornication), khumoor (alcohol), lack of shame, singing and free mixing between men and women! Is this from the religion of Allaah?! By Allaah, verily, the West beautifies this to you, O you dead people who are braying in these public squares!! They bray like the braying of the donkeys! Fear Allaah and return to your houses!! Convey to them this message! Tell them to fear Allaah and to return to their houses!! And to stay in their houses instead of this shouting, braying and barking! Fear Allaah – the Mighty and Majestic – with regards to Egypt, which – by Allaah – is beloved and of great value to us, but to many of its people it (i.e. Egypt) is not beloved and of great value, otherwise they wouldnโ€™t have done these thing to it.

    I ask Allaah to protect them from the evil of this fitnah (trial, tribulation, calamity), to return them to their senses and to keep those hiding [agitators] away from them, those who hide between them and excite these dangerous fanatical instincts.

    Right now, the West manifests itself: โ€œAnd we (the West) are reconciling between the Islamic Ahzaab (parties), between the Ahzaab there.โ€ America and other than America (is doing this). You (the West) are the ones who encouraged them [to do this]!! And now they want to interfere, maa-shaa-al-Laah. Even the Jews who are occupying Palestine say: โ€œWe want to interfere to reconcile between the clashing groups in those countries.โ€

    O people, fear Allaah! Return to your houses and this problem will be over! And be patient upon your rulers! Correct, we disapprove of their first revolt when they revolted against the first one (i.e. Mubaarak). This act of them is baatil (falsehood). But after they overcame & took power, it is obligatory that we are silent and acknowledgeโ€ฆ Yes, we demand through the Legislated ways, not by gathering, killing and breaking into [government] buildings!

    They are the Ahzaab in itself! All these Tahazzubaat (partisanships) are baatil (falsehood)! All of it is imitation of the Jews and the Christians, even if they call themselves โ€˜Islamic Ahzaabโ€™. But I say: right now they have no other choice than to fear Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic! Then: according to their way – even though I do not believe in elections – they should be patient until other elections come, and then they elect other than him. Even though all of these elections in itself are Taaghoot, I do not believe in them!

    But, O brothers: convey [this] to them, let them fear Allaah with regards to the blood of their brothers. Let them fear Allaah with regards to their destroyed country! Let them fear Allaah with regards to Egypt! Convey this message to them! Return to your senses! By Allaah, nobody does this; no child, no insane person and no idiot [does this]! Never! These demonstrations are the action of the idiots! The action of the insane people! The action of those who have no intellect at all! And everyone shouts the name of so and so: โ€œLong live so and so, down with so and so.โ€ We ask Allaah for well-being and safety.

    And the religion is done; no one calls to the religion of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic! Our brothers, who stayed away from this fitnah – and all praise is due to Allaah -, call to the religion of Allaah and call to the Sunnah. And they are safe from entering into these fitan and from participating in the killing of Muslims and non-Muslims.

    I ask Allaah, the Most Generous, to be kind to the Muslim countries, to have mercy upon them and to unite their word upon Tawheed.

    Return to the Sunnah, O people of Egypt!! Return to the Tawheed! Get rid of the tombs that are worshipped besides Allaah! Get rid of Hizbiyyah (partisanship) and the Ahzaab (parties)! Return to your Lord, the Glorified and Most High! And unite upon the tahqeeq (actualization) of โ€˜Laa ilaaha illal-Laah, Muhammadun Rasoolul-Laahโ€! Convey this call to them, even if [you convey it] through some websites!

    I ask Allaah to be kind to the Muslims in every place. And may Allaah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammed, his family and all of his Companions, grant them peace and bless them.

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