In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful When Israel, a nuclear state with the 18th most powerful army globally, kills civilians under...
The khutbah notes below have been provided by Imam Abdul Malik and shared through Justice For All. Solidarity with Palestine ููุงย ุฃููููููุงย ุงูููุฐููููย ุขู ููููุงย ููููููุงย ูููููุงู ููููย ุจูุงููููุณูุทูย ุดูููุฏูุงุกูย ูููููููย ููููููย ุนููููย ุฃูููููุณูููู ูย ุฃูููย ุงููููุงููุฏูููููย ููุงููุฃูููุฑูุจููููย O you who have believed,...
In times like these, I frequently get asked โwhat can I do to help Gaza/Palestineโ. I created this comprehensive document in response. Note: it does not...
Ahh, niqabโฆ the face veil that evokes so many emotions amongst so many people. And it just so happens that youโve now decided that you want...
This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran. The goal is to help the reader appreciate the amazing coherence...
Disclaimer: This episode is not discussing abusive relationships. For anyone experiencing domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, please seek out the appropriate resources. In this episode...
This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran. The goal is to help the reader appreciate the amazing coherence...
Dressing modestly can be very expensive! Between the rising prices of “hijabi fashion” stores (online and offline), trying to avoid fast fashion, and genuinely seeking to...
Authored by Umran Khan โThere is no more significant pointer to the character of a society than the kind of history it writes or fails to...
It’s that time of year again! The Summer holidays have come to an end and all we’re hearing is back-to-school everything. Whether you’re home-schooling, embarking on...