On October 20th, 2023, Heba Abu Nada, a Palestinian poet from Gaza, shared on her Facebook page, โWe in Gaza are, in Godโs eyes, between a...
A new forensic report has tracked and mapped Israelโs ongoing destruction of Gaza by focusing on its operational patterns. In an eight-hundred-page report, the University of...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on various ayahs/surahs of the Quran, ideally...
The war on Palestinians in Gaza has been referred to as a war on men, a war on women, and a war on children. The war...
Statement from Dr. Abdul Nasser Al-Zayoud, representative of the Hashemite Charitable Organization, after his recent visit to Gaza: We’ve safely left Gaza and are en route...
This is a lengthy piece rebutting pro-Israel misinformation – you can review the intro / tl;dr if you just want a quick summary. If you only...
The khutbah notes below have been provided by Imam Abdul Malik and shared through Justice For All. Solidarity with Palestine ููุงย ุฃููููููุงย ุงูููุฐููููย ุขู ููููุงย ููููููุงย ูููููุงู ููููย ุจูุงููููุณูุทูย ุดูููุฏูุงุกูย ูููููููย ููููููย ุนููููย ุฃูููููุณูููู ูย ุฃูููย ุงููููุงููุฏูููููย ููุงููุฃูููุฑูุจููููย O you who have believed,...
Tuesday, the eleventh of July,ย one thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-five.ย (“I’d go back to die there!”) That date, around Srebrenica’s neck, was threaded up a thread...
What a shameful contrast there is between the November 2022 G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia and the upcoming Indian-sponsored G20 summit to be held in Srinagar,...
Ya Allah, Ya Rahmaan, Ya Raheem! Ya Allah, our sisters and brothers in the Central African Republic have been annihilated. Ya Allah, protect the few that...