As Tarek Othman ventures into the chaos of the undeworld city known as Bawah Dunia, his telepathic abilities begin to overwhelm his mind.
From the MuslimMatters Bookshelf is a monthly column from MM staff members on their latest reads – the good, the bad, the intriguing, and the Islamic....
Sometimes it feels like we are living in two parallel worlds. If you follow the media in certain countries, this is the worst World Cup in...
[Disclaimer: This film review contains spoilers] The Nakba, or catastrophe, of 1948 is a seminal event seared in the minds of every single Palestinian family across...
How can Muslim readers distinguish between flawed Muslim characters vs a book that glorifies sins? When Muslim readers pick up a book by a Muslim author,...
Rahman's life is saved. Ammar Abuzaid tells his story, and it's more shocking than Rahman ever imagined.
Captain Rahman wakes up from a dream to find his body and mind under attack.
From The MuslimMatters Bookshelf is a new monthly column from MM staff members -which you can look forward to on the last Thursday of every month...
Captain Rahman meets an old friend on the highliner, and is given a mysterious message.
In a cabin in the woods, Tarek Othman experiences a period of peace and happiness for the first time in his life.