This article in the latest issue of Maclean’s magazine highlights the alarmingly growing trend of racism, bigotry, and prejudice in Canada… or, if you’re to look...
Nothing really earth-shattering here. Bush’s regime has been always one that wanted to expand executive powers, while compromising the basic tenets of the Constitution of the...
To become a member, go to and click on “Donate.” We urge all brothers and sisters to join and support CAIR. We believe that CAIR...
Cross-posted (slightly modified version) on and When I first heard of Mukasey’s name being waved around for attorney general, I did the obvious: I...
Apparently, the TSA believes that the hijab or the turban is a great place to hide dangerous objects. Why these two pieces of cloth are different...
Update: Please check this new article in the NYT defending Sr. Debbie and spread the word on your blogs (hat tip to br. Tariq and muslimmetthod)....
For easier reading, the analysis will be split betwen three posts. Please read background and first 2 parts in order to better digest the information in...
Zbigniew Brzezinski takes on this really meaningless mantra in The Washington Post: The “war on terror” has created a culture of fear in America. The Bush...
Now the brave Jewish Senator from Plano, Ms. Florence Shapiro, a lady who truly believes that freedoms and rights have been granted to all US citizens...
As some of you may be aware, the Australian government recently intervened to stop Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips entering the country to attend a conference.(incidently...