Following is the translation of an important lecture in Urdu by Mufti Taqi Usmani on the harms of arguments and disputation. Translators were Syed Junaid Hassan...
This khutbah was delivered at the Islamic Society of Delaware. Shaykh Abdul Hadi Al-Azhari studied with Shaykh Abu Ishaq Al-Huwaynee in Egypt. [audio:http://isdonline.org/imamcorner/khutbas/2009/Khutbah22May2009HadiImportanceOfTime.mp3] (download)
Presenting a brand new video from SignLabs.org: a translation of the first surah of the Qur’an into British Sign Language: Please rate, share & comment! No...
You are at a gathering in an unfamiliar area when suddenly, out of all the people assembled, you get the burden of determining the direction of...
In light of Shaykh Waleed’s son’s diagnosis of leukemia, this khutbah was meant to be timely. The prayer and post-prayer announcements are included. If anyone wishes...
NOTE: Be sure to check out Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s insider perspective on the debate here.
Extraordinary answers of Sh Al-Uthaimeen (Translated for MM by ibn Dhakir) ======================================= Questioner: Shaikh, my question is: About the young lady who has not reached adulthood,...
By Abu Noor Al-Irlandee Jason Perez had two dreams when he was growing up: that he would either end up dead before he was 21 or...