Are Muslims fulfilling our obligations to fellow believers who live with disability? Are our masaajid, Islamic centers, and communities welcome and accessible? How can we do...
I penned this short piece four years ago around the last US elections. In light of the general political landscape and atmosphere, I feel the message...
In part 5, Imam Priester expounds on the purpose of the Israeli project, while Imam Bajwa expresses admiration for protesting students.
META has ruled against a blanket ban on "from the river to the sea" on their platform, arguing that it depends on the context.
In Part 4 of the interview, the chaplains point out how American leadership is following the Israeli party line.
Just last month, Muslims entered their new Islamic year of 1446. Day one of the Islamic lunar calendar is based on a momentous event – the...
In Part 3 of the interview, the chaplains discuss the positions of American Christians and Jews on the Gaza genocide.