In scenes reminiscent of a police state, major university campuses across the USA have witnessed crackdowns against non-violent pro-Palestine protesters.
The Prophet ๏ทบ said, “A woman is married for four things: her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the...
The departure of Ramadan often makes me reflect on my past nine Ramadans as a mother. When I was pregnant with my first baby, I had...
Irtiza Hasan and Zainab bint Younus consider how to celebrate Eid while the Ummah’s hearts grieve with Gaza; being mindful in light of Eid consumer culture;...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on various ayahs/surahs of the Quran, ideally...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on various ayahs/surahs of the Quran, ideally...
by Wejdan Wajdy Abu Shammala Content writer, voice-over artist, and translator Ramadan is the time of year closest to the hearts of Muslims around the...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on various ayahs/surahs of the Quran, ideally...
By both lunar and solar calendars, this month (March and Ramadan) marks an event that changed the course of Islamic history for good: the Battle of...
After a post by an Imam, American's only black date farmer is happily flooded with orders from Muslims.