A very inspiring story, from Arab News (follow link for photo). What really inspired me – more than the story of this orphan teenage convert who...
. . . Let’s see… Birds & Bees (Hmm, some inspiration from the Sex & The Muslim Ummah reaction?) Parenting with purpose (Do you have one?)...
Apparently, the TSA believes that the hijab or the turban is a great place to hide dangerous objects. Why these two pieces of cloth are different...
Note: This has been written in direct response to something that happened locally, but which I think is general enough to apply to everyone and everywhere...
AlMaghrib Radio on Demand is back. Thursday, August 30, 2007 7:00pm – 10:00pm (EST) This time with one of AlMaghrib’s newest instructors – Shaykh Riad Ouarzazi...
ย In many religions and cultures, children go through an important rite of passage to mark their transition from child to adult. In Christianity, Roman Catholics...
Masjid administration has approached you in hopes that you can single-handedly do something to revive youth participation in the Masjid. The youth in this particular masjid...
Alhamdulillah AlMaghrib is growing and has added on a new instructor who is not unknown to many of us, Ustadh Suhaib Webb. He also has his...
There has been a cross-cultural migration of sorts in the past few years. The first is the migration of Muslim youth towards hip hop (aka the...
A couple nights ago I went to a planning meeting for an event at a newly-built local masjid. When I walked into the building a brother...