We may encounter emotional crises at some point in our lives, making it challenging to cope. These crises can arise from various sources, such as marital...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on various ayahs/surahs of the Quran, ideally...
After starting grad school to become a therapist, I learned that much of what we do as therapists is help people understand and navigate through their...
The Man 2 Man Podcast has Faizan Majid join us to discuss his work as a Licensed Professional Counselor and breaking down stigma about mental health,...
[Disclaimer: This article represents the author’s own views on Jordan Peterson and not that of MuslimMatters. MM’s views are best represented here.] For six years, not...
Life is hard. It is a testing ground in which we all face multiple trials. Some trials are easier to manage than others. Knowing that a...
Since my youth, faith has been my constant companion and guiding light. Growing up in a religious household, I embraced Islam wholeheartedly, studying Shari’ah and wearing...