There’s a mistake that many mothers of single daughters on the marriage market make: pressuring their daughters to change essential parts of themselves for the sake...
Maryam (an alias) writes about her painful physical, emotional, and spiritual experience with the loss of her dearest fetus, and offers some valuable advice. Trigger Warning:...
A Muslim woman (who chooses to remain anonymous) writes about discovering her husband’s porn addiction, and the struggle to rebuild her marriage. Discovering a Husband’s Porn...
Parents are constantly worried about how to raise their children to be good Muslims. Dr. Muhammad Wajid Akhter recently wrote on this topic in the article...
Yerusalem Work delivers a speech about faith and mental health and recites an original poem entitled “Love is the Cure” at This Is My Brave in...
Trigger warning: pregnancy loss and miscarriage Pregnancy losses in the first trimester of a pregnancy are so common, yet for some reason are taboo to talk...
Another Eid is around the corner for Muslims to celebrate, but the Ummah is hurting. What do those of us blessed with peace and prosperity do...
My Ramadan experience—like my health—has evolved throughout the years. I cannot help but reflect on previous Ramadans having arrived at this one as a 30-year-old. I’d...
Today’s podcast is a narration of the article “My Ramadan Plan For Life With A Toddler: Shifting My Mindset And Setting Humble Goals.” You can also...
The holy month of Ramadan fast-approaches and many mothers may be finding themselves in a predicament–a low spiritual state. Reflecting on the Ramadans of previous years...