Little face in the rubble!ย If you could speak From your midget-coffin,ย If your sweet voice could carry through Your little mouth- Cavernous and hollowed out...
[“What Did You Just Say?“, MuslimMatters’ new column, is a space for people to respond to corporate media and its shills. Our voices are often muzzled...
The War that has ensued in the aftermath of October 7th is the defining event of our generation, and a true turning point for all future...
When mainstream media (mostly) suppresses Palestinian voices, when you don’t know how you can help, when you want to support out Palestinian brothers and sisters in...
SubhanAllah, itโs been just over a month since the beginning of the Israel-Palestine War but nobody would have thought that this would have led to a...
Standing With Palestine All out for Blue and Yellow,ย fully behind Blue and Whiteย Jingoes bolster every war,ย reinforce every fight With hollow words and...
Although the title sounds like a clickbait one, I can assure the reader that it is rooted in the Qurโan itself. Permit me the indulgence to...
Statement from Dr. Abdul Nasser Al-Zayoud, representative of the Hashemite Charitable Organization, after his recent visit to Gaza: We’ve safely left Gaza and are en route...
Currently, there are several crises raging across the Muslim world. In the past few weeks, we have seen earthquakes devastating Morocco and Afghanistan, flooding in Libya,...
This is a lengthy piece rebutting pro-Israel misinformation – you can review the intro / tl;dr if you just want a quick summary. If you only...