The photos below say it all, but obviously you won’t be seeing Faux Noise or any of the other MSM pick up these picturesย anytime soon....
*Before continuing, make sure to check out the ‘Follow MuslimMatters’ line directly underneath the Google ads on the top of this page Recently, I wrote a...
On this lazy Saturday, how about a little more on the state of the world economy, mixed with a tinge of humor? The following is a...
It’s not often that you can read a book that covers social technology that’s relevant now, but also gives universal lessons for utilizing them as they...
After the phenomenal internet success of the “a wife is a wife” photo-post, I couldn’t resist snapping some photos on the highway as I caught sight...
The British MP, George Galloway, has launched a bold, new initiative to help the beleaguered people of Gaza, called Viva Palestina. On February 14th 2009, he...
DIGG | REDDIT Next time, someone flashes a photo of a “Hamas kid with a gun” as proof of a “Muslim indoctrination of violence”, show them...
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Sister Na’imah B. Robert, author of “From My Sisters’ Lips” and editor of SISTERS magazine, has produced yet another fantastic work of literature for the Muslim...
In my last article, I mentioned the importance of the attribute of justice as a Muslim when it comes to not generalizing about other groups of...