This is a release sent to MuslimMatters. Please cross-post this on your blog or email lists to raise awareness. This is an important project with a...
It’s hot and its late. So, as requested, this open thread is posted on DST (desi standard time) schedule. Beat the heat with a cool sundae,...
This video comes courtesy of The Deen Show. [youtube BA92oxF9Bm8]
Big JazakAllahu khayr to Br. Nihal for the pictures from this year’s convention in Hartford. Some of our on-board writers were speaking there, including Yasir Qadhi...
Texas Dawah Convention just partnered up with to produce for the initial reliease of the audios for the lectures that have been recorded in TDC...
Our very own Br. Abu Bakr discusses the deeper meaning of the Quranic verse known as “Ayat an-Noor” (S24:35), in which Allah describes Himself as the...
It’s Open Thread Sunday once again, so comment away. As a nice refresher, below are some posts related to fiqh, some of its subtleties and the...
In this khutbah,ย Sheikh Younusย Kathrada from Dar al-Madinah Islamic Society of Vancouver, Canada, shares the divine wisdom behind trials and tribulations, explaining how to deal with calamities...
This is another Heavenly Hues paper from Qabeelah Haadi (San Fransisco Bay Area). Check out the previous papers, Nurayn (DC/Maryland) Hosna (Houston) Ittihad (Windsor/Dearborn) Haadi #1...
Download the latest MM podcast to hear Sh. Yaser Birjas talk about the importance of physical fitness in Islam. Does that mean the MM Staff have...