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“Muslim women will have to remove face-covering veils if they want to vote in Monday’s Quebec election, a government official said Friday in a decision that further stoked concerns over how Muslims are treated in the predominantly Roman Catholic, French-speaking province.”
“More than 50 Muslim organizations have issued news releases condemning the threat, which was left on the answering machine of a member of Muslim Canadian Congress on Tuesday.”
Okay, I don’t like the MCC either, but death threats are just plain wrong and stupid.
“Ontario colleges and universities are failing to accommodate Muslim students and doing little to curb the growing problem of discrimination on campus, says a report released Wednesday by the Canadian Federation of Students. “
If anyone else has more Canadian Muslim-related news on hand, drop a link! :)
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Zainab bint Younus (AnonyMouse) is a Canadian Muslim woman who writes on Muslim women's issues, gender related injustice in the Muslim community, and Muslim women in Islamic history. She holds a diploma in Islamic Studies from Arees University, a diploma in History of Female Scholarship from Cambridge Islamic College, and has spent the last fifteen years involved in grassroots da'wah. She was also an original founder of
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March 24, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Uhhh wait a minute…Why are they voting in the first place? Last time I checked, I thought you can’t vote for a Kafur leading a Kafur country.
Haha..WOW and I won’t be surprised if they did remove their veils just to vote another Mason in to rule the World.
It would be truly idiotic for a western/secular country to allow a woman to vote with her face covered by a veil. I can only imagine the amount of voter fraud that could take place by allowing such a thing. I’ve never liked Quebec and always considered them to be very xenophobic but I am 100% in support of them in this instance
The only way I would support veiled woman voting is if they had a little enclosed area where the women would remove their veil in the presence of a female poll worker so that it could be determined whether she is actually who she says she is. She could then put it back on and go vote. And don’t you need a picture ID to be able to vote to begin with? You do here in the States.
Actually, this kind of reminds me of a big issue that occurred awhile ago in the US involving a niqabi who wanted her license photo to be taken while she still had her veil on, which I think is about as dumb as you can get, no offense to any of you Niqabi’s out there.
Do Niqabi’s take picture ID’s by the way without their veils on btw?
Anon: Your idea (enclosed area w/ female poll worker) is a pretty good one, and practical. You should drop them a line! :)
“Do Niqabiโs take picture IDโs by the way without their veils on?” Yes, some do (I don’t know about all) – my mom is a niqaabi, and for her citizenship, passport, etc. her photo is taken without the niqaab on.
Muslims who want to vote really, really, really, really irritate me. I can’t seem to see why we so gag to get into electoral politics anyway.
Perhaps, it is just the Government Major inside of me speaking…but the idea of Muslims taking to the ballot box in order to be “heard” or “get a say” in matters seems a bit ridiculous.
Rather than spend our time in voting for the “best man for the job” — why don’t we focus or energy on smaller (yet equally important) issues and at least work for change at the grass roots level?
It seems that our “leaders” want to champion the major issues of the day – or at least the ones that garner the most political attention – all the while seeming to forget about what is going on in their own backyards.
Muslims took to the ballot box in droves for the 2000 Presidential Election…seven years later – and two wars later – we know where it got us.
Instead of championing the election campaign of a particular political candidate (or political party) — let’s champion real causes. Hunger, homelessness, drugs, gun violence, the environment etc. are all issues that, I believe, Muslims can make a difference for.
One doesn’t have to be a student of Government or Political Science to realize that political parties don’t particularly care about their constituents (as well as the issues of most concern to their constituents). What they do care about is their own political survival and grip on power — beyond that…they simply do not care, trust me. Politicians, backed by parties, simply want to bring home as much “pork” as possible in order to grease the wheels, so to speak, to secure yet another campaign run.
As Tip O’Neil (fmr. House Speaker) once said, “All Politics is Local”.
I remember reading in one of my BoxCar Children books, about how they make the maple syrup, let me type it down for you:
The hut where they make the maple syrup is called a
“cabane du sucre”
or sugar hut (the children go with their grandfather to a place where they speak French and English) [i’ll read from the book now]
Some syrup operations use tubes to collect sap from the trees, but in Nibelle (i think a city), they still use buckets. The best trees are Sugar Maples or Black maples, sap starts to run when the temperature is above freezing for a few days but still cold at night. First they drill a small hole in the tree, which does not harm the tree. Next they drive in a spile [1], which allows the sap to flow through the spout on the end. The bucket hangs from this hook and the sap drips into it. They collect the sap in a gathering tank and drive it back to the “cabane”. But the sap must be processed immediately. Thatโs why there operation runs the day and night during sugaring season.
They walked over a tube which is an evaporator, The lid keeps the syrup clean, The pipe carries the steam outside. That is why it smells so good!
Q: How does the sap turn into syrup?
A: the evaporator boils the water away, the channels at the bottom of the pan allow the sap to move up and down, which concentrates the syrup.
Q: how long does it take?
A: generally, it takes a few hours to reach the sugar stage, When the temperature reaches 218 degrees, the syrup is ready. But very quickly, the syrup can burn, so timing is critical.
[1] a spile is a spout for conducting sap from the sugar maple.
March 24, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Uhhh wait a minute…Why are they voting in the first place? Last time I checked, I thought you can’t vote for a Kafur leading a Kafur country.
Haha..WOW and I won’t be surprised if they did remove their veils just to vote another Mason in to rule the World.
Mujahideen Ryder
March 24, 2007 at 3:01 PM
To sheHATEme2: You can vote. Please see this post on my blog.
Mujahideen Ryder
March 24, 2007 at 3:01 PM
For some reason the link didn’t work. So I am trying again.
March 24, 2007 at 8:25 PM
It would be truly idiotic for a western/secular country to allow a woman to vote with her face covered by a veil. I can only imagine the amount of voter fraud that could take place by allowing such a thing. I’ve never liked Quebec and always considered them to be very xenophobic but I am 100% in support of them in this instance
The only way I would support veiled woman voting is if they had a little enclosed area where the women would remove their veil in the presence of a female poll worker so that it could be determined whether she is actually who she says she is. She could then put it back on and go vote. And don’t you need a picture ID to be able to vote to begin with? You do here in the States.
Actually, this kind of reminds me of a big issue that occurred awhile ago in the US involving a niqabi who wanted her license photo to be taken while she still had her veil on, which I think is about as dumb as you can get, no offense to any of you Niqabi’s out there.
Do Niqabi’s take picture ID’s by the way without their veils on btw?
March 24, 2007 at 9:17 PM
Anon: Your idea (enclosed area w/ female poll worker) is a pretty good one, and practical. You should drop them a line! :)
“Do Niqabiโs take picture IDโs by the way without their veils on?” Yes, some do (I don’t know about all) – my mom is a niqaabi, and for her citizenship, passport, etc. her photo is taken without the niqaab on.
abu ameerah
March 25, 2007 at 2:38 AM
Muslims who want to vote really, really, really, really irritate me. I can’t seem to see why we so gag to get into electoral politics anyway.
Perhaps, it is just the Government Major inside of me speaking…but the idea of Muslims taking to the ballot box in order to be “heard” or “get a say” in matters seems a bit ridiculous.
Rather than spend our time in voting for the “best man for the job” — why don’t we focus or energy on smaller (yet equally important) issues and at least work for change at the grass roots level?
It seems that our “leaders” want to champion the major issues of the day – or at least the ones that garner the most political attention – all the while seeming to forget about what is going on in their own backyards.
Muslims took to the ballot box in droves for the 2000 Presidential Election…seven years later – and two wars later – we know where it got us.
Instead of championing the election campaign of a particular political candidate (or political party) — let’s champion real causes. Hunger, homelessness, drugs, gun violence, the environment etc. are all issues that, I believe, Muslims can make a difference for.
One doesn’t have to be a student of Government or Political Science to realize that political parties don’t particularly care about their constituents (as well as the issues of most concern to their constituents). What they do care about is their own political survival and grip on power — beyond that…they simply do not care, trust me. Politicians, backed by parties, simply want to bring home as much “pork” as possible in order to grease the wheels, so to speak, to secure yet another campaign run.
As Tip O’Neil (fmr. House Speaker) once said, “All Politics is Local”.
Reem Shaikh
March 25, 2007 at 11:00 AM
I remember reading in one of my BoxCar Children books, about how they make the maple syrup, let me type it down for you:
The hut where they make the maple syrup is called a
“cabane du sucre”
or sugar hut (the children go with their grandfather to a place where they speak French and English) [i’ll read from the book now]
Some syrup operations use tubes to collect sap from the trees, but in Nibelle (i think a city), they still use buckets. The best trees are Sugar Maples or Black maples, sap starts to run when the temperature is above freezing for a few days but still cold at night. First they drill a small hole in the tree, which does not harm the tree. Next they drive in a spile [1], which allows the sap to flow through the spout on the end. The bucket hangs from this hook and the sap drips into it. They collect the sap in a gathering tank and drive it back to the “cabane”. But the sap must be processed immediately. Thatโs why there operation runs the day and night during sugaring season.
They walked over a tube which is an evaporator, The lid keeps the syrup clean, The pipe carries the steam outside. That is why it smells so good!
Q: How does the sap turn into syrup?
A: the evaporator boils the water away, the channels at the bottom of the pan allow the sap to move up and down, which concentrates the syrup.
Q: how long does it take?
A: generally, it takes a few hours to reach the sugar stage, When the temperature reaches 218 degrees, the syrup is ready. But very quickly, the syrup can burn, so timing is critical.
[1] a spile is a spout for conducting sap from the sugar maple.
Thatโs all, I just hope you liked it!
March 30, 2007 at 6:53 AM
Anon, you’re an idiot. Xenophobes and their red herrings…If you’re so worried about voter fraud, stop using electronic voting machines.
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