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IOK Ramadan 2025: A Believer Always Sees the Good | Sh Tarik Ata


This Ramadan, MuslimMatters is pleased to host the Institute Of Knowledge‘s daily Ramadan series: Ramadan Reflections. Through this series, each day we will spend time connecting with the Qur’an on a deeper, more spiritual, uplifting level.

Episode 1, Episode 2Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6


There’s a verse towards the end of Surah Al-Ma’idah that took me a while to begin to appreciate the message and the meaning that it is offering us and teaching us.

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And it begins by saying, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala here is saying that He made the Ka’bah. He developed the Ka’bah in a way because Ta’ala means to develop something into something else. He developed the Ka’bah to where it served a few different functions. And among those functions is Qiyaman Linnaas. It is a place where people can get their livelihood and their provisions from. So it is a place where there’s, there’s money so that people can build businesses. It is a place where there’s enough food so that they can satisfy their hunger, among other things.

And Qiyaman Linnaasi wa Shahr Al-Haram, as well as the sacred months. So in Arabia, before Islam and during Islam, there were four months that were called four sacred months in which Arabia, as a custom, decided that in these months we cannot attack one another. We cannot raid one another. It’s times of peace. It’s times of ceasefire. And they did this so that there is enough room for travel, enough room for caravans to go to long distances and come back with trade, among other things. So it’s a type of way of stabilizing the economy and allowing some place for growth and for development. And Hadi refers to the slaughter of sheep that is done during Hajj. And a lot of people are able to eat and to be, and they are able to be satisfied, to satisfy their hunger, specifically the poor people, because of all of this sacrifice and slaughter and Qada’id, as well. And that’s something that I don’t want to explain right now. So here we have something that Allah is telling us about the Ka’bah.

When you think about the Ka’bah, what do you think of? You probably think of this massive, beautiful structure where millions of people gather to do Salah, to do Umrah. You have these beautiful malls. Right across from the Ka’bah, it’s a lot of, you know, things that you buy and you purchase. It’s an exciting time. It’s beautiful. It’s convenient. Everything smells nice. Everybody looks nice. And that’s kind of how we see the Ka’bah. But that’s not what Allah is telling us here. Now, all of that is true. What Allah is telling us is the following. The Ka’bah, Allah made it in a way where people can live and thrive because of it. In other words, Allah made the Ka’bah a means of people’s livelihood.

Yet, as I just explained and kind of reflected with you all, when people think of the Kaaba today, we think of it as a place of Ibadah and a place of Umrah. And no doubt that’s true. But it’s greater than that. What is the point Allah is making here? I think the main point, Allah is teaching us that sometimes there are things in our lives that are actually the source of a lot of good for us in multiple ways. Yet we never really realize it. And so I began this reflection by saying it was difficult for me to understand what this verse was actually saying, but I think that’s kind of the point. That’s part of the point.

There are things in your life, people in your life, realities in your life that are actually the source of your rizq, your livelihood, your well-being that you never once thought and considered to be providing you with that. Now, when we begin to look at the world from this lens, with this opportunity, we just open a door of seeing Allah’s Rahmah that we may have been blind to prior to that. Can you imagine your provisions are coming to you as a result of people or things that you have no idea about? When you even look at the trajectory, trajectory of your own life, how did you get to where you are today? When you think of areas in life that you are thriving, whether financially or health-wise or physically or mentally, whatever it may be, there are many factors, many things that Allah placed in your life that allowed you to reach that.

And we need to take some time. And reflect over this reality to try and find where Allah has placed these things in our lives so that two things happen. Number one, we better see Allah’s presence in our lives. You see, the more we’re able to see Allah’s presence in our lives, and what I mean by that is how Allah is helping us in life, what Allah is giving us so that we can thrive and we can succeed in this life. The more we see that, the more relevant Allah feels to us. The more relevant Allah feels to us, the more real this religion is to us, the more we engage it, the more we’re ready to submit to it in love of Allah, and of course, in Islam and submission to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

So that’s number one. Number two, the more we see that, the more gratitude we’re able to express to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. You know, thinking about someone or something being in my life, opening doors of opportunity for me, realizing this. And that’s coming from and realizing that it’s coming from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. What that does for me is now creates a sense of optimism, a sense of safety, a sense of security that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is assisting me, even in times where I might feel that I’m not getting much from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. It’s there. You probably just haven’t seen it yet. And now with all of this, this verse is teaching us something so beautiful that there’s always opportunity in life.

And so long as you feel that there’s opportunity, you feel hope. And when you feel hope, one of the primary facets of Iman is now properly intact. And then the verse continues and says, that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and that Allah knows everything. Allah made that, the Ka’bah, and how the Ka’bah is now a source of rizq for the people of Mecca. And even till our times today, it’s a source of rizq, right? Allah made it that way so that you get to know that Allah knows everything that’s going on in the heavens and the earth. And Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has knowledge of all things. In other words, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala made the Kaaba so that we can better get to know Him subhanahu wa ta’ala.

And when we see how Mecca works, how the Ka’bah works, how it brings people from all corners of the world, how it’s a source of massive rizq for people, how it’s a source of safety and security, repentance and Iman for millions upon millions of people every single year, now Allah is telling us, Allah made the Ka’bah in a way where it naturally creates that result. Now he’s telling us, look at the universe. Don’t you see the universe in order? You might be looking at the world today, you might be looking at the news today, and things seem to be in chaos. But when you feel that and you feel overwhelmed by what’s going on in the news and what’s being spewed in the news, take a moment, go outside and appreciate how the universe functions, how it’s in order. And remember the one who put it in order. And then remember and connect that to yourself, that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala will keep your life in order so long as you submit to Him.

And may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.

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