This year marks 20 years since the notorious US-run Guantanamo Bay detention facility was opened by President George W. Bush in response to the so-called ‘War on Terror’ post 9/11. Over the two decades of its existence, 780 men have passed through the detention camp; of which only 12 detainees have been charged, and only two have been convicted by the military commissions.
In this very special episode of the MuslimMatters podcast, Zainab bint Younus speaks to Mansoor Adayfi: former Guantanamo Bay detainee and author of ‘Don’t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guantanamo’, his memoir and winner of the 2021 Muslim Bookstagram Awards. Brother Mansoor speaks with grace and compassion, even as he describes the horrors he experienced for over 14 years as a victim of the American government’s illegal imprisonment and torture of Muslim men in Guantanamo Bay.
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You can purchase brother Mansoor’s book here, and read more about his experiences post-release here.
Related reading:
– The Stories We Tell: Guantanamo Bay In Normative American History And The Present
The Stories We Tell: Guantanamo Bay In Normative American History And The Present
– Letter to American Muslims from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Letter to American Muslims from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba