Sunday Open Thread 08/01/10 | How to help the victims of the flood in Pakistan?
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August 1, 2010 at 9:30 PM
Assalamu alaikum
May I ask MM to review Oliver’s Stone’s new documentary “South of the Border”, about the American media’s treatment of South America? I suggest this for inspriration – AJE’s The Listening Post interviews Stone. When AJE’s Richard Gisbert asks about why the NYT ever so grudgingly apologized about cheerleading the Iraq invasion, but have done nothing of the sort for their coverage of South America, Stone replies that there is an element of racial superiority, of preservation of the Monroe doctrine, of protection of the ever-reaching influence of the “empire” (the US). Stone compares the American media to Raegan’s Star Wars, how Star Wars was meant to stop any missiles that cross American airspace, and that the American media similarly serves to thwart any criticisms of American foreign policy.
August 1, 2010 at 9:48 PM
So, Oliver Stone is making a new 10-hour made for TV documentary, called “The Secret History of America”. The man is known for questioning all kinds of things but it looks like he just might have stepped into the wrong termite mound by saying that
The ADL makes its appearance yet again.
Read the rest of the Wall Street Journal piece here – actually titled “Oliver Stone’s ‘Empathy’ for Hitler”. The headline pretty much sums the American media’s hysteria. Can’t wait to watch the new documentary . Hopefully it won’t be his last, for questioning That Which Cannot Be Questioned.
August 3, 2010 at 12:39 PM
What is that “That Which Cannot Be Questioned”?
If your referring to the Holocaust, then your greatly mistaken; His comments were of poor taste, esp. for Jews who had relatives who experienced the Holocaust.
If your referring to the Israeli lobby’s influence on American foreign policy, then I do agree with you: right-wing, Pro-Israeli organizations try to shut out true voices on American Middle Eastern policy. [Note: see MM’s post on ADL sad indifference to their charter regarding the issue of Cordoba/NYC mosque].
August 2, 2010 at 3:03 AM
May i ask MM to write something about the air crash in Margalla Hills, Islamabad.
Ify Okoye
August 2, 2010 at 8:02 AM
BintKhalil and Madeeha,
MuslimMatters is you and us, can either of you write a post on your suggestions so that we can publish them, insha’Allah?
August 2, 2010 at 3:40 PM
jazakAllah khayr for this.
August 2, 2010 at 11:41 PM
Islamabad Residents – To donate supplies for the flood victims(medicines, drinking water, blankets, sheets, clothes etc.) drop off at House 597 St. 48 G-10/4: c/o Shahab Khan.
August 3, 2010 at 12:40 PM
May Allah help the victims of the monsoon rains in Pakistan. The International Red Cross & Crescent Movement is also doing a lot to help out the victims. See also The Pakistani Red Crescent Society website on ways to help + donate.
August 3, 2010 at 2:54 PM
Following is a list of donation links, relief resources, organizations and individuals working to support flood victims of Pakistan.
If you are willing to contribute, or know somebody who can help, please contact the following:
Besides sending cash through below mentioned charity organizations, you can support by providing following commodities. Please do not donate old/expired stuff. Make sure edible items are hygienic and properly packed.
* Clothing: Clothes of various sizes, Beddings, Shoes
* Utensils: Jerricans (large plastic cans that hold 20 liters of water or other liquids), Crockery, Buckets
* Toiletries: Tissues, Soaps, Dettol (antibacterial cleaners), Towels
* Food: Rice, Sugar, Flour (Atta), Onions, Potatoes, Cooking oil, Tea, Milk (tetra packs or powder), Safe drinking water, Cooked Food
1. Water purification tablets.
2. Life saving drugs.
3. Vaccines for malaria, cholera, typhoid, influenza.
4. Pain killers including strong ones like morphine derivatives, tremadol, pethadine, kinz .
5. Antibiotics e.g. tetnus, amoxil, gentamycin.
6. IV cannulas
7. IV Drip sets
8. IV drips: normal saline, ringerlactate
9. Local anesthetics (injections)
10. Cotton bandages, cotton.
11. Surgical instruments: e.g needle holders, forceps, tweezers.
12. Suturing materials, Skin staples.
Charity Organizations in Pakistan:
Al-Khidmat Foundation:
Donate here:;
Edhi Foundation: Donate here:;
Donate here:;
Pakistan Red Crescent Society:
PRCS has offices in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Muzaffarabad. Please see:;
Pakistani Youth: Please see:
An independent group of students:
The Volunteers/ Voice of the Civil Society:
VOTCS with the help of our Pak Army jawans will be sending Provisions to the affectees. VOTCS is now a registered (No. DSW 3369-K) welfare organization in Pakistan, and is operating as a Non-Profit, Public Charity in the North America, Inc. – 501(C)(3) Organization(Tax Exempted)
For more info call:
Hadia khan@03018245999
Sadia Haroon@03218251122
Irum Farooque@03002332142
Samina Punjwani@ 786-367-6559 Miami Florida
International Charity Organizations:
Islamic Relief USA: Donate here:;
UNHCR: Donate here:;
You can also mail your donations to UNHCR:
Private Sector Fundraising
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genรยจve 2 Dรยฉpรยดt
UNHCR Canada:;
UNICEF USA- Donate Here:;
United Nationรขโฌโขs World Food Programme: Donations are tax deductible for number of countries. Donate here:;
Plan International ( Pakistan specific):;
International Medical Corps:;
IRC (The International Rescue Committee): donate here:;
Church World Service:;
Islamic Help (England): You can make a cheque/postal order made payable to รขโฌหIslamic Helpรขโฌโข and send it to:
Islamic Help 19 Ombersley Road Balsall Heath Birmingham B12 8UR
Please do not send cash in the post and please do not forget to write your name and address on a piece of paper.
Bank: You can put money directly in their bank account
Name: Islamic Help
Bank: HSBC
Account No: 41687425
Sort Code: 40-42-12
If you are in a country other than the UK, you can go into any bank in the world and quote the following International Bank Account:
Number (IBAN) and Branch Identifier Code (BIC)
IBAN: GB 72 MIDL 404212 41687425
Muslim Aid (England): Send a cheque or postal order made payable to รขโฌหMuslim Aidรขโฌโข, together with a note of your name and address to:
Muslim Aid, P O Box 3, London, E1 1WP
Donate directly to their bank account:
Name of the Muslim Aid Bank: LLOYDS TSB
Address of the Muslim Aid Bank:
To donate in pound sterling รยฃ
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID-DONATION AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 01436818
Iban (outside UK): GB25 LOYD 3094 2101 436818
To donate in euros
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID- EURO AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 86151365
Iban (outside UK): GB42 LOYD 3094 2186 151365
To donate in dollars $
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID-DOLLAR AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 12044226
Iban (outside UK): GB75 LOYD 3094 2112 044226
Muslims Hands: NGO in England. Donate Here:;
Save the Children:;
abu Abdullah
August 3, 2010 at 11:21 PM
gaza tunnels for luxury cars . should they not be smuggling…tomatoes?