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Readying the Ruh for Ramadan


Link to all Ramadan 2010 Posts

By Hina Khan-Mukhtar

The Ramadan moon is only a few nights away from being sighted, insha’Allah, and I am in the midst of last-minute preparations. The bulk of my worldly to-do list has been completed and I am finally beginning to feel at ease.

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The children were fascinated this past month to see all of the tasks that were being undertaken in the name of “preparing for Ramadan.”  I finally got around to calling my trusted carpet cleaning company so that they could take care of the stains that have accumulated over the past year. A window washing company sent out four employees to come scrub the windows inside and out, upstairs and down, so that the sunlight could sparkle through grime-free glass. My husband and I spent an afternoon, paintbrushes and touch-up paint in hand, inspecting the walls and floorboards for scuff marks and scratches that magically disappeared with a flick of the wrist.  The boys gave up a few hours of their carefree summer days to assist me in organizing closets and cupboards and cabinets. The hearts felt lighter as bags of clutter were taken out to the garage and bins for donations were set up. I am pleased to see that the flowers we planted a few weeks ago are now in full bloom outside my family room window. We are currently preparing to deliver cookies to neighbors and friends. Our next step is to assemble the family’s favorite egg rolls for the freezer in anticipation of upcoming iftars.

When the days of fasting begin, house and garden will no longer be my focus, insha’Allah. Aside from the necessary meals, the kitchen will take a back seat on my list of priorities. I hope to immerse myself in prayer and remembrance. I don’t want anything to distract me from the loftiness of the upcoming month, however, so I am trying to “set myself up for success” now. A scholar once advised that we should treat Ramadan like an “honored guest” and prepare for its arrival with proper planning so that we can benefit from its blessed presence once it is with us.

It is my sincere wish that when my children grow up to one day run their own households, insha’Allah, they will see Ramadan as a time not only for cleansing the body, the soul, and the mind…but for cleansing the long-forgotten recesses of the home as well. With the world around us in tidy order, the spirit feels better prepared to turn in complete focus on the worship of our Lord. May He grant us all success in our endeavors to please Him and allow us to live simple, clean lives that free up our time to do what is most important — remember Him.  Ameen.


Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah

Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.

The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.



  1. NaimaD

    August 10, 2010 at 3:12 PM

    Masha’Allah, this is a great part of the preparation for this month of khair! Psychologically, one of the biggest learning theories is that people learn through imitation and by observing others and insha’Allah, your children will grow up with those values in mind.

    We should lessen any worldy distractions as this month isn’t like any other, and by preparing our homes for Ramadan, we can at least ensure that our ibadah time is not taken by scrubbing walls and painting the rooms.

    May Allah reward you for sharing this, indeed there is a great lesson in it.

  2. Umm Bilqis

    August 10, 2010 at 11:38 PM

    Ramadhan Mubarak to All the Shuyukh, authors and commentators, let us race for Allaah’s forgiveness and His Paradise.

    Hadith – Sahih Bukhari 4:479, Narrated Sahl bin Sad

    The Prophet said, “Paradise has eight gates, and one of them is called Ar-Raiyan through which none will enter but those who observe fasting.” The Prophet also said, “If a person spends two different kinds of something (for Allah’s cause), he will be called from the gates of Paradise.”

    Turn your desires to paradise and away from dunya and compete!

  3. Bushra

    August 11, 2010 at 2:04 PM

    Masha’Allah, such great advice! Especially the bit about welcoming Ramadan like an honoured guest. Shame I didn’t read this before :(

  4. Simi

    August 11, 2010 at 4:11 PM

    Assalamu Alikum

    This article, though short, was really inspiring and had a great impact on me. I remember those good old days of my childhood in which I have an everlasting picture of my grandmother preparing to welcome the month of Ramadan. I really feel discontented when I see my life not being able to catch up with those old good traditions. In fact they were good practices rather than traditions to set our body and soul ready for honoring and making the most out of Ramadan. Your article conveyed exactly that which I was looking for. May Allah bless you and your family.

  5. UmmYousuf

    August 12, 2010 at 6:17 AM

    Subhan Allah exactly what I went through!

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