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Arab News: Mike Tyson to perform Umrah


While in Madinah, Tyson met Dr. Muhammad Al-Oqala, president of the Islamic University, who briefed the world heavyweight champion on the services being rendered by the university to students from across the world.

From Madinah, Tyson will travel on to Makkah to perform Umrah, press reports said. He will also visit Jeddah, Abha and Riyadh as part of his Saudi tour. His visit to Saudi Arabia was arranged by the Canadian Dawa Association (CDA) as part of visits it organizes for new Muslim celebrities to the Islamic sites in the Kingdom. Shazad Mohammed, president of CDA, was present at Prince Muhammad International Airport in Madinah to receive Tyson.

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Mohammed, an ambassador of peace with the United Nations, said Tyson would be in the Kingdom for one week, visiting the holy places as well as important landmarks in the country and meeting with Saudi people to get to know their culture and traditions.

Source: Arab News

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Muslim American born in Brooklyn, NY with Guyanese parents currently living in Virginia working full-time as a web developer.



  1. Ify Okoye

    July 20, 2010 at 7:44 AM

  2. Khazzanah Tour

    August 6, 2016 at 12:31 AM

    May Allah bless Mike Tyson in his live . Ameen

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