Back to the Class-Room, but Where are my Friends? [Gaza’s Children]
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Shirien Elamawy
January 28, 2009 at 10:01 PM
inna lillahi wa inna illayhi rajioon, May Allah grant them the highest levels in Jannah. This is so sad, subhanallah.
January 28, 2009 at 10:37 PM
Need some REDDIT help… look at how the Israeli trolls want to hide this… Success of items on reddit depend on how many NET votes it gets. As you can see below, 5 yes votes were balanced by almost an equal # of down votes. Just goes to show how many Israeli online hasbara brigades are working online!
submitted on 29 Jan 2009
points 1
up votes 5
down votes 4
MM Associates
January 28, 2009 at 11:16 PM
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon. SubhanAllah, subhanAllah, subhanAllah.
abu abdAllah, the Houstonian
January 29, 2009 at 12:38 AM
inna lilAllahi wa inna alayhi rajioon. may Allah sustain the sabr of the parents of these martyred children, those parents who were not themselves martyred by Israeli-Zionist hate. may Allah reward their sabr with a joyous reunion with their children in Paradise. except for those who seek refuge with Allah in repentence, may those who slew these children be tormented in this dunya, and may those murderers be resurrected into an eternity of pain that cannot be expressed in words.
when President Obama speaks of peace — he must make himself aware of the suffering of these children. he must, or else any shell-game of peace the Zionists play will delude him into believing he has achieved something. until the Zionists are made to account for what they have done, for what they would have gladly pursued to a Nazi-worthy-solution, there can be no hope for a lasting peace.
and the self-righteous comments of Zionist-lovers — “oh, what about the children of sderot…” — Allah will not let any injustice to those children be unpunished. to compare what the rockets of Gaza ever did to the brutality of the Zionists in just three weeks — that is an insult to the victims of those rockets. not one of the victims of those rockets would take a seat in Gaza to wait for Israel’s rain of death to resume. not one of them. whereas any Gazan would feel safer in Sderot — but for being subjected to the murdering hatred of Zionists there.
January 29, 2009 at 1:16 AM
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^ Why does this a violation of terms of use?!
January 29, 2009 at 9:35 AM
innil lilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioun… :( subhanallah
Muhammad Ameen
January 29, 2009 at 2:07 PM
I have been having this message since a while !
What’s going wrong here ?
January 29, 2009 at 7:12 PM
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi Raajiyoon..Allah is watching…Lets us all put our complete tawakkul on Allah subhana WataAala and seek help….Insha allah, we will be victorious!!!!
Umm Reem
January 29, 2009 at 8:10 PM
January 29, 2009 at 11:04 PM
La ilah ila Allah.
February 1, 2009 at 11:10 AM
inna lilAllah. This is the problem, despite of the rapid growth of Muslims population in the western countries, we are losing our own friends in their own land.
February 4, 2009 at 1:39 PM
inna lillahi wa inna illayhi rajioon, May Allah grant them the highest levels in Jannah.
be patiance brothers and sisters those yahoods will parish in hell. and one of the signs of the last day is that we will gain vctory in isriel so be patience brothers islam is what you have.
August 26, 2009 at 11:58 PM
innalillahiwainnailaihi raajiuun…
ayo majuuuuuu! Lanjut Gan!!