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The Dua Barometer: How Bad Do You Want It?


The Dua BarometerWhat do you make dua for the most? Do you look for the special times that dua is accepted only when in a time of difficulty? Do you pray for others?

“Remember Allah in times of ease, and He will remember you in times of distress. What hit you could not have missed you, what missed you could not have hit you. Remember that victory comes with patience, relief comes with affliction and ease comes with hardship.”

After listening to a halaqah on the hadith related to dua in Riyadh as-Saliheen, and reflecting on my own situation, I began to ponder about how we are in our relationship with Allah (swt), and how we utilize this magnificent tool of dua in our lives.

I do not think it is a far stretch to say that a person (or guys at least) make dua for marriage more than anything else in their lives. Every sajdah, the end of every prayer, after every adhan, every juma, and every late night is repetitions of “Oh Allah grant me a beautiful and attractive wife who is also very pious” – or something to that effect.

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In any case, the focus here is not on marriage, but rather a look at our relationship with dua. In this case, it is how a person’s desperation pushes them to such a high level of consistency and dedication. When things are good though, do we keep up that same level of dedication we had before? The time that we feel this regret most though, is when we step up our dua in face of a hardship, Allah (swt) answers our dua and grants us ease. Then when we face another hardship, we realize how negligent we were in that time of ease.

“Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible. [40:60]

Say (O Muhammad): My Lord only pays attention to you because of your du’a to Him. But now you have indeed rejected (Him), so the (torment) will be yours permanently. [Furqaan:77]

The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wassallam) said,

Whoever wishes that Allah responds to his dua at times of hardship, then let him increase his dua at times of ease!” (Tirmidhi)

To make fervent dua at times of relative ease can be a tough test for the heart, especially because the duress of an immediate hardship is absent.

What Do You Pray For?

What you ask Allah for most shows what the heart is attached to. If a person supplicates only for dunya benefits, then even though he is asking from Allah, his heart is attached to the material world.

When we look at the dua’s narrated in the Sunnah (the chapter of dua in Riyadh as-Saliheen is an excellent reference for this), we find general dua’s asking for goodness. We find the same with the supplications found in the Quran. We find supplications asking for good in this life, good in the hereafter, forgiveness, contentment, chastity, righteous offspring, forgiveness for our parents, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, victory, success, guidance, mercy, Paradise, and help in worshipping Allah more. We find supplications seeking refuge and protection from evil manners, cowardliness, miserliness, fitnah, debt, torment of the grave, hellfire, knowledge that does not benefit, a heart with no khushoo’, supplications that are not answered, sickness, and evil desires.

Think about if you are a parent, what do you pray for in regards to your children? Are the supplications oriented only around their worldly successes?

Who Do You Pray For?

We know that a prayer made for someone in their absence is one of the du’as that gets accepted, and an angel supplicates for us to be granted the same thing. One of the reasons given for this is that it shows sincerity in the supplication, to remember the needs of another person and to help them in the best way possible [by asking Allah for assistance].

But who you pray for is often a bigger test. Do you pray for your children? Do you pray for your parents? How often?

Do you pray for your teachers? I try to make du’a to Allah (swt) to cover the faults of my teachers from me, and to allow me to benefit from them, and to grant them tawfeeq and barakah in their efforts. If you are a teacher – do you pray for your students? Do you pray that Allah (swt) enables you to teach what is correct and beneficial, and for the students to learn from it and be successful?

Do you pray for those you do not like? Saying, “May Allah guide you” in an email or online chat is what comes to mind in this example, but this is usually more sarcastic than anything else. Do we actually sincerely pray for their guidance in our salaat, or our sujood? Do you pray for Allah (swt) to forgive the sins of someone who you dislike to a great extent? That is something that is really tough to do, but it is something that can humble us significantly.

Do we pray for our friends, and for their families, asking Allah (swt) to give them all the great things we wish for our own families?

I know that the articles and books on dua are quite numerous, so it is practically impossible to offer up anything that hasn’t already been covered elsewhere. I just hope that this might serve as a gentle reminder to us to revitalize the dua in our lives. I have felt many times in my life where I felt that I was making dua almost 24/7, and yet at other times it was nearly the opposite. So I hope that this might be a small nudge for those of us not at the level we know we should be at – especially with Ramadan quickly approaching.

Will You Accept the Answer?

One thing I have personally struggled with, is coming to grips with the fact that I, in fact, have absolutely no idea what the khayr is in, no matter how strongly I may feel about something. In this vein, I find myself getting further away from asking for specific things (especially dunya things) and instead making supplication for the actual objective. Case in point, you may like a particular home that is close to the masjid. Instead of supplicating for the specific house you had your eye on, you may supplicate to be granted a house close to the masjid.

What happens though, when the house you are given is next to the masjid – but it’s not the masjid you had in mind? The du’a is answered, even though in the heart it is not what you were expecting. This is a small example, but it is something we may sometimes face. Are we willing to see though, when Allah (swt) opens up a path for us, for us to embark on it? How far does our tawakkul go in leaving our affairs up to only Him?

These struggles of the heart can only be put at ease with constant dua, and in fact also asking Allah (swt) to grant us contentment with whatever He decrees.

See Also: What is Your Favorite Dua?, and Dua: Weapon of the Believer

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The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.

Omar Usman is a founding member of MuslimMatters and Qalam Institute. He teaches Islamic seminars across the US including Khateeb Workshop and Fiqh of Social Media. He has served in varying administrative capacities for multiple national and local Islamic organizations. You can follow his work at



  1. MR

    August 6, 2008 at 3:48 PM

    My favorite time to make dua is during salah, when I’m alone in the sijdah position. BEST TIME!

  2. Omer

    August 6, 2008 at 7:37 PM

    I was talking to a brother and he was mentioning to me that Sh.Yasir Qadhi said that if you are not getting up for tahajud to make dua for something you want , then you really don’t want it. That is something that really struck me.

    I agree with you on this point:

    In this vein, I find myself getting further away from asking for specific things (especially dunya things) and instead making supplication for the actual objective.”

    But I also have heard that you if made istikhara about something and after that you decide to go for it. Then go ahead and run full force with making dua for that specific thing. I guess this is something that people may differ on . . .

    Great article over all! mashallah keep up the good work!!

  3. HalfDate

    August 7, 2008 at 6:33 AM

    Thanks for the reminder, as Omar (RA) said, โ€œIโ€™m not worried about whether my dua is being answered or not, but Iโ€™m worried about not making duas.โ€

  4. Asad S.

    August 7, 2008 at 11:29 AM

    Great Article! I like making dua in sujood as well! Feels like I am truly submitting myself to Allah Subhanna Wa Ta’ala! I also make sure to recite Ayat- Al-Kursi after every Salaat because of the Hadith that Paradise is given to the one who recites this Ayat after every salat.

  5. talib

    August 7, 2008 at 1:13 PM

    you r doing a gr8 job.
    absolutely wonderful site!

  6. Kadijatu

    August 7, 2008 at 9:24 PM

    MashAllah, this is such an insightful article. Just what I needed, SubhanAllah. JazakAllahkhair for this!

  7. Kadijatu

    August 7, 2008 at 9:25 PM

    MashAllah, what an insightful article! Just what I needed, SubhanAllah. JazakAllahkhair for this!

  8. Anonymous

    August 8, 2008 at 2:03 PM

    I’m a pathetic case. I used to be a very practicing Muslim (at least by modern standards). Then I started to make Du’a for something in specific. I used to have a lot of trust in Allah and awaited the result.

    It has been years now, and I still see no result in any way. Its has deeply affected my Emaan to where I started to doubt the Truth of Islam or even the existence of God (Am I just talking to myself?). I really think the Tawakkul I once had is all but gone. I dread the day when it is *impossible* for the Du’a to be answered (ie, the event I am praying for becomes irreversible).

    I’ve read a ton of books and spoken to a bunch of people, but I don’t like their responses and do not think they solve the problem at all.
    I don’t know what to do

    • shiney

      April 30, 2011 at 1:22 AM

      Assalamu alaikum wr wb,
      I don’t know if I’ll be of much help but I can try. I had the exact same problem several times in my life. There would be times when I would stop praying altogether and I would question the existence of Allah. It was killing me and what I did was constantly make du’a. I cried and begged Allah to guide me and help me and when i felt like everything was going to be over (i was afraid of dying as a Kafir), i went to my teacher for help. she told me that by delaying my du’as, Allah (SWT) was in fact helping me come closer to Him. I wrote an entire post on this in detail on my blog (i wanted anyone and everyone to benefit from it as it was one of the worst experiences of my life).

      Think about the times when your du’as were answered as opposed to when they weren’t. That helped me a lot and just constantly thank Allah or remember Him and eventually, the help of Allah will come.
      The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
      The slave will receive a response so long as his dua does not involve sin or severing of family ties, and so long as he is not hasty.รขโ‚ฌย It was said, รขโ‚ฌล“What does being hasty mean?รขโ‚ฌย He said: รขโ‚ฌล“When he says, รขโ‚ฌหœI made dua and I made dua, and I have not seen any response,รขโ‚ฌโ„ข and he gets frustrated and stops making dua.รขโ‚ฌย Narrated by al-Bukahari, 6340; Muslim, 2735. I had to really remind myself of this hadith and when I stopped complaining, Allah really did answer my du’as (like all of them sometimes). It was truly a miracle. The key is to NEVER GIVE UP.

      Here is a link to a video that helped me a lot (it’s a short vid related to du’a): “Never lose hope in Allah.”
      Also, here’s the link to my blog post (hope it helps):

  9. Aysha

    August 8, 2008 at 3:46 PM

    Iโ€™m a pathetic case. I used to be a very practicing Muslim (at least by modern standards). Then I started to make Duโ€™a for something in specific. I used to have a lot of trust in Allah and awaited the result.

    It has been years now, and I still see no result in any way. Its has deeply affected my Emaan to where I started to doubt the Truth of Islam or even the existence of God (Am I just talking to myself?). I really think the Tawakkul I once had is all but gone. I dread the day when it is *impossible* for the Duโ€™a to be answered (ie, the event I am praying for becomes irreversible).

    Iโ€™ve read a ton of books and spoken to a bunch of people, but I donโ€™t like their responses and do not think they solve the problem at all.
    I donโ€™t know what to do

    I don’t know if this will help but………if we pray for and make dua for something and we dont receive it, I think the key is to have patience.
    “Allah surely loves those who are the Sabireen (patient)” (3:146)
    Also, if you dua is not answered, Allah may have better in store for you or He may decide to reward you for your patience in the hereafter.

    Please don’t forget that Allah is always there:
    Allah says: ” When a servant of mine advances towards me a foot, I advance towards him a yard, and when he advances towards me a yard, I advance towards him the length of his both arms spread out. When he comes to me walking, I turn to him running.” (Narrated by Anas(RA), Bukhari)

    Whatever it is that you’re making dua about, I think there are a few things to remember in general:
    Coping during tests:
    1) strengthening faith through worship
    2) turning to Allah in times of need
    3) placing hope and trust in Allah
    4) maintaining patience
    5) looking at people worse off
    6) detaching oneself from this world.

    Never lose faith!
    “On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear.” (2:286)

  10. anonymoos

    August 8, 2008 at 7:03 PM


    @ Anonymous, 2.03pm

    I strongly recommend the following two. Please read them – especially the first, right till the end. It is not your standard article.

    “Do not panic if duโ€™aaโ€™s are not answered

    She made duโ€™aaโ€™ and her prayer wasnโ€™t answered, and she said, There is no God

  11. khawla

    August 8, 2008 at 11:43 PM

    Remember the time when we wanted something from our mother and she said “NO, it is not good for you”
    Therefore, surely Allah knows what is best for us, more than a mother. Whenever a duaa is not answered, try to accept that it is actually what is best for us and say Alhamdulillah.
    He is the Merciful, He gave us things that we did not even ask for.

  12. khawla

    August 9, 2008 at 12:04 AM

  13. brocken heart

    August 30, 2008 at 9:40 PM

    Asalamalykum I know in time of stress and difficulity you should ask Allah (swt) for help which I’m already doing but like our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that before making any decision you should seek advise, so I’m going according to his sunnah.. the problem is.. my husband! he is having a hard time in life which is why he said that we should end our relationship, he is not willing to get settled yet and that really hurts me, everyone knows how much I love him and how much I care for him.. I dont want to end our relatioshp, how can we get back together again? any specific waziffahs or Dua’s? how can I successfully maintain our relationship?

    • Sobia

      September 13, 2010 at 12:38 PM

      Salaam sister.. I feel ur pain my best friend went tru da same thing.. Bt she never lost hope every tym u read namaz read ya wudud an read it every Friday after jummah 1000 tyms.. My friends husband bak with her mashallah an he makes more effort in they marrage bt never stop reading it if things get better.. An il do dua 4 u.. Take care.xx

  14. zaynab

    September 19, 2008 at 2:17 AM

    Assalamu alaikum My allahu reward you all give you good in this life and next.

  15. anonymoos

    January 8, 2009 at 1:39 PM

    I just broke up with my husband because of things he was dealing with and am afraid that I ‘all never get married because this is the second time this as happened to me. I donโ€™t understand what to do because night after salute a make a dua to Allah to help me understand whatโ€™s going to happen it just seems like nothing happening I really donโ€™t know what to do I donโ€™t eat anymore or sleep all I do is think about what happened to me and why it keep happening sometimes i think to myself maybe Iโ€™m not meant to be with anyone but leave with my parents for the rest of life please help understand what I should do

    • Sobia

      September 13, 2010 at 1:20 PM

      Salaaam.. Don’t lose hope am going tru da same thing I was married an my ex husband treated me really bad I was married 2 him 4 5 years his family treated me bad I didn’t have no 1 not even my own family I never used 2 pray just used 2 think y is this happening.. My ex husband mentally abused me he used make me take over doses an watch me I thought I was in love with him I was only 17.. I didn’t have no1 2 turn 2 I was always in hospital b4 I new it I was 4 stones an really ill I took so many overdose which am not proud ov an may Allah forgive me.. I couldn’t see a way out I didn’t read namaz just used 2 sit an think I was lyk a slave 2 him he cheated on me right infront ov my face tht used 2 kill me.. He used 2 say 2 me am so ugly tht no1 will be with me.. I used 2 cry lyk mad after 5 years I couldn’t take it an I walked out I was 20 only a kid didn’t knw nothing accept 4 cooking an cleaning I was num with no feelings suffering from depression my sisters didn’t want 2 knw me my family didn’t chat 2 me I never been loved in my lyf all I got told tht am stupid an no gud.. I ended up on a muslm hostol it was better thn bein on streets I didn’t have no 1 2 help me da gals in hostol used 2 steel from me I didn’t have no money no food.. They used 2 drink an take drugs an they faces were so messed up .. U se it was easy 4 me 2 get on wrong path bt I stayed on da rite path mashallah.. I got really ill an I used 2 see stuff thts not real it was scarry I used 2 suffer from panic attacks an anxiety attack lyf was so hard.. Dis gal in refuge locked me out at nite whn I went 2 corner shop 2 get food for my self an I ended up on streets it was dark am cold an raining an I ended up having a panic attack on streets no 1 help me acept 4 these 4 White lad they called me a ambulance.. Then da hospital ppl put me in dis home 4 Muslim women tht suffer from mental problems an depression.i felt so sad an lonely I didn’t have no1 I stayed in tht place 4 a full year my support worker was Muslim I forgot hw 2 read namaz so she help me mashallah I start pray 5 tyms an b4 u knw it I was on my feet I got better got a job moved bk 2 my parent even tho I still feel lonely an sad an left out from family bt I aways say allahs watching over me…my ex husband wants me bk he begs me every day bt I don’t love him I don’t have no feelings 4 him I don’t hate him guz he’s getting punished from Allah. I just pray 5 tyms am at nite I read namaz e haajat aswell Allah swt has gave me everything I can’t belive better an on my feet.. I still have my ups an dwn bt I have faith in Allah tht things will get better..

      • ameena4allah

        February 19, 2016 at 5:32 AM

        May Allah grant us all with d halal tins our heart desires.verily after every hardship comes ease.

  16. Plz make dua if this helps!!!

    January 27, 2009 at 9:09 AM

    If you make intense supplication and the timing of the answer is delayed, do not despair of it.
    His reply to you is guaranteed;
    But in the way he chooses;
    Not the way you choose.
    And at the moment he desires;
    Not the moment you desire.

    -(Ibn Ata’illah Iskandari)

    Also remember when we look for strength in ourselves, we will be weak.
    When we look for strength in Allah, we will be invincible.
    Without Allah, life is not worth living;
    With Allah, life is worth dying for.

    Plz make dua 4 me if this helps!

  17. Fadi

    January 28, 2009 at 1:23 PM

    Salam alekium to all my brothers and sisters, inshAllah our dua’s will be answered in which it may benefit us in this Dunya and in the Hereafter..Amen.

  18. sadia

    February 9, 2009 at 11:28 PM


    please do dua for me the boy that i love (abbas) i just broke up with him for no reason i really want to be with him i cant live without him ive had alot of problems cant sleep or eat i really want him back and elso pleaseeeeeeee make dua 4 me that we get married like we promised each other and the time pleaseeeeeeeee ma muslim sis and bro;z remember me in ur prayersโ€ฆโ€ฆ

  19. Plz make dua if this helps!!!

    February 10, 2009 at 8:14 AM

    Dear Sadia

    First and foremost i have no idea how your relationship works…as boyfriend and grlfriend…do you link up randomly? Does your parents know about it? Does the relationship entail you to engage in actions which are against principles, because it is better to have a nail pierced through the hand than touching a ladies hand who is not married to the man! These are questions you need to ask yourself…because in an ideal Islamic world you are not living to the standards expected from you.
    The fact that you have broken up for no reason kinda shows that either he was never really interested and was keeping you along with him or it was weak a relationship with no future progression.
    What we should really be doing is loving Allah and having Taqwa to the extent that we cant sleep and dont feel like eating…because our hearts are designed to constantly yearn for him. But instead we tend to feed the heart with other wordly things, whether its a partner, wealth, children and so on. Perhaps this a great test from Allah…where you have the oppurtunity to become beloved to Allah by giving up all that your heart desires for the sake of Allah. Remember: without Allah the world is not worth living, with Allah the world is worth dying for.
    I pray Allah helps you through this.

  20. mystrugglewithin

    February 11, 2009 at 10:49 AM

    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, ” Ask for others what you ask for yourself, and you will be the most just of men.” [Ahmad]

    Awesome article. I pray mostly in my witr sujoods. I try to cry and let go all feelings of hopelessness before raising up my head. Sometimes, my mood changes from one Rakah to the next, and so a bunch of tears followed by a big smile :)

    Alhamdolillah, I am more of a perfectionist and my trust on Allah SWT goes to the extent that I ask him for the best of this world, and I try to make a very powerful and impressive speech sort of conversation. I also make a context before I start asking for something. A context can be the fact that there is nothing that I deserve, and all that I have, is because Allah SWT blessed me. I’ll stop here, i can talk a lot about it.. :)

    Jak. Ws.

  21. sadia

    February 11, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    ma parents knw about it? and we did had sum futures planes bt still things gt out of hand dnt kno y bt allah knows best…and yea i understand wat u try 2 said bro abt da boyfriend and da gurlfriend bit its mad bt i just want him as husband from now on insha-allah and i think he;s da right 1 4 me if u could pray dat 4 me dat would be nice …bt i hope u gt da point am try 2 make and i pray 4 u 2 insha=allah

  22. Anonymous

    May 4, 2009 at 3:01 PM

    I need help.. please can someone help me?? i know it is haram in islam to have a boyfriend.. bt i really love him and cant live without him.. but i dont know about the future and my parents also dont know about him.. my parents will not have a problem because he is also a muslim, from a good family and everythig is perfect about him… but im scared of the future.. and i cant live wih any1 else also.. we are not upto anything stupid and know our limits as well.. is it still haram?
    please helpp me.. i need help and i dont want to go on the wrong path as im veryy scared of the life after death..

    • tanveer

      March 27, 2013 at 1:28 PM

      ive got a lot of true and practical infos masha allah…!!! I want to know that wether i can ask allah to give me a shahidi mauth…..!!! coz its been said that the shahidi pple will be in the first heaven…!!! insha allah make duaa for me for jannah and protection from punishment of grave…!!!

  23. mystrugglewithin

    May 4, 2009 at 3:21 PM

    try this – Nikah -e- Kitaba

    • Angel1

      March 14, 2010 at 3:17 PM

      Jazakallah for the information on .. Nikah – Kitabah. =)

  24. Anonymous

    May 4, 2009 at 3:42 PM

    thanx alott.. gr88 article.. dint know about Nikah -e- Kitaba
    we have broken up just cz we both are scared of Allah.. and its haram in islam.. but still feels soo impossible.. cant stay a day without speaking to him… and always end in tears… i know it is impossible.. i reallyy love him… i always be depressed.. just dont feel like doing anything.. please give me some advice..

  25. mel

    May 30, 2009 at 11:31 AM

    You dnt need tp feel like its the end of the world…turn to allah swt and u will fell at peace…also believe everything hapens 4 a reason…an 1 more thing sister having a boyfriend is haram…I dnt mean to judge as I have made the same mistake myself in life…I payed a big price for it aswell…dnt put your life in the hands of the devil…have faith in islam….the world is a wicked an horrible place my dear sister…so follow the word of allah swt an you won’t be let down….all the best take care ……xxxx

  26. Anonymous

    July 13, 2009 at 10:08 PM

    a salam

    can any1 tell me is it possible 2 delete pre’s comment from dis page…thx

  27. summra

    December 14, 2009 at 2:25 PM

    assalamu alaikum, i am writing this message because i am in a time of extreme hardship. i have lost everyone who has been there to guide me the right way. i am 21 years old female and have experiened life very difficultly. . please i ask anyone who reads this message to pray for me. i pray that allah doesnt put anyone in my situation.

    • sadi

      March 17, 2010 at 6:21 PM

      allah will help you..don,t worry.keep going

  28. coveredmuslimgirl

    February 9, 2010 at 4:42 PM

    great article, i just realized all the stuff that i have been doing and alhamdullilah i guess u can say that i “saw the light”, even though i have been born muslim. I got myslef in serious trouble and ended up hurting myself and others at the same time. Im still scarred, but i now know that Allah (SWT) has forgiven me because i repented, came back to the right path, and because Allah (SWT) is the Most Merciful, alhamdulliah….
    however, i am making dua that my parents do not figure out wat i did, and that idea is making my stomach turn in knots because i love my parents and they will be extremely sad/upset if they know wat i have gotten myself into. I make dua everyday and tell my friends to make dua for me (please if ur reading this, make dua for me)
    idk if this is considered as a materialistic thing, because the only thing that i want at the moment (and for the rest of my life) is for my parents not to get upset with me ever. i love them very much, and i know they try their best and i feel very ashamed for wat i did.
    again, please make dua for me, for the power of dua is incredible

    • Angel1

      March 14, 2010 at 3:13 PM

      Mashallah, Covered Muslim Girl, You have realised what you did was wrong. Now that you know what you did was wrong and you repented, It is just a psychological thought of having the feeling of if your parents are going to find out or not. Let it go. Allah (swt) will surely protect you as he is the protector of everything. You’ve come back on the straight path with the help of allah (swt) so this surely suggests that allah (s) has helped you, and inshallah he will protect you. Stay on the right path and alhamdulillah for realising what you did was wrong ! My duas are with you. =)

  29. Angel1

    March 14, 2010 at 3:08 PM

    Salaamz, I am a young muslimah girl who lives in a western society. I’ve seen many girls that go out with boys and I strongly do not want to do such acts. I am of a very young age and I would like to get fixed with a boy for the future. I would like both of our parents to know about it from now so that I can build a good strong relationship with his mother and be the best daughter in law and wife I can. Also, I would like to get fixed for an age which is still young, Inshallah. Preferably 18 – 19. Do you think this is a good idea? I have a very nice understanding boy in mind. Is there any dua which I can pray so that Allah gives me such a wish? I have perform Salaatut Tahajjud and Salaatul Hajaat prayer which is a prayer when in need of something.
    Please reply back as soon as possible and may allah accept the duas for everyone on this site and rewards the owner of this site. Ameen. =)

  30. filgash

    October 19, 2010 at 6:26 AM

    I have only son who is deep in relation with a christian girl. He was a practiceing muslim but not now. I pray for the relation to end from both sides.
    We are in pain his father and me, he is a loving and careing boy, who just turned 18years.These are his foundation years for education but she is keeping him occupied on internet day and night what du’a should we make and how should we deal with him. Please remember him in Du’a.

  31. Sakina

    November 1, 2010 at 7:52 AM

    Very very beautifully written!! Jazakallah for writing this. I wanted to make so many duas, but i just didn’t know how to put it in words.
    ” …good in this life, good in the hereafter, forgiveness, contentment, chastity, righteous offspring, forgiveness for our parents, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, victory, success, guidance, mercy, Paradise, and help in worshipping Allah more. We find supplications seeking refuge and protection from evil manners, cowardliness, miserliness, fitnah, debt, torment of the grave, hellfire, knowledge that does not benefit, a heart with no khushooรขโ‚ฌโ„ข, supplications that are not answered, sickness, and evil desires.”

    This is what we all should ask for. This one paragraph encompasses so much!

  32. sayo

    January 21, 2011 at 2:04 AM

    Hi my brothers and sisters in islam, I am a sinful person, my parents are even making me commit more sin because they too strict,I have been searching for a job all this while my boy friend the person I planned to spend the rest of my life with, is cheating on me, and I love him so much,im tired of my life, people please pray for me, may allah forgive me and erase all my mistakes, and everything I lay ??my hand on becoming successful (Ameen) please I need all of you dua. Thanks

  33. mobin

    March 14, 2011 at 12:21 PM

    My family and I are going through some very rough time, we pray to Allah day and night,
    we fast and pray, we ask all out brothers and sisters to pray for us please Ammeen
    Allah thanks to Allah and you all
    May Allah make it easier for all of us

  34. Ahmed

    May 9, 2011 at 11:48 AM


    I have been praying from a long time for a job and righteous girl.Every time I do istikhara and apply for a job I get main aim of getting a job is help me to take the next step of marrying a religious girl.I dont understand what I should do? I know allah delays but dosen’t deny but I have no idea what in the world to do??Like I have almost lost hope of getting a job and from last few months haven’t bothered to apply..and I have also lost hope like wise in getting married too. My tawakul in allah is really sufferring.But I have improved in many other things like I pray 5 times a day allhamdulila, I read quran, I do a bit of zikhr , I make lots of dua’s…I used to not do that before. Now days when I try to apply for a job it look more harder than climbing mount everest eventhrough I know that back of my head that if Allah wants to give it is very easy for him.Every time I try even before applying I give up saying maybe this is not good for me.I have come to a point where from the last one month I am still trying to resume applying for a job but I just cant over come this fear of failure barrier.

    If anyone sees this comment please pray for me that I get a good job&righteous wife…and I somehow overcome the fear of failure behaviour.

    • Hass

      May 12, 2011 at 3:01 PM

      Assalamu alaykum Brother Ahmad

      I felt rather impelled to reply back to your post, as it sounds like you’re troubles are really getting to you. Insha’allah I pray from the bottom of my heart that you get rewarded immensely for your patience and may Allah increase you in your tawakkul.

      First and foremost, It’s essential to remember that we are in hard times in terms of our economcy and stability in this country. Jobs and financial prosperity seem to be a thing of the past. Nevertheless, despite the circumstances if we earnestly make du’a, Allah will provide for us, as he is the Razzaq (the Provider). However, at the same time perhaps you ought to ask yourself a few questions if you haven’t done so already i.e. Could my CV/ resume be improved? Are my skills and previous experiences being demonstrated aptly? Is my qualification relevant to what you’re applying for? etc. Equally important is that you don’t give up on applying for jobs because by doing that you’re cutting your chances by 100%. If an employer has many applications and amongst those applications he has yours- you still have a chance, it may seem like a small chance but at least there is some chance. Now, if you don’t apply at all and your application is not amongst those applications, you have 0% chance. Therefore its vital that you are not the perpetrator of obliterating your own chances.

      With reference to your search for a pious, upright sister who can help you with your deen and inturn you can support her too, its an imperative that you don’t lose hope. The more hope and patience you have in Allah the better the reward of that patience will be inshallah. Victory follows patience, relief comes with affliction and ease comes with hardship. At the same time, its worth asking yourself whether you’re being proactive about it? Are your parents/family/friends all informed that you’re searching for a wife and are they available for help? Do you have a marriage cv/ bio data which may get requested?
      I highly recommend that you couple your dua’s with the repetiton of verse 36 from Surah yaseen and pray salatul Tahajjud everyday since you’re not working. Inshallah that will really help.

      All I can say brother is that well done for continuing in your prayers and if possible increase your ibadah as once again by doing that you’re only increasing your chances of your dua’s being accepted.

      If this help, please make sincere dua for me. I am in the exact same boat as you- job and spouse needed!

      Take care,

  35. Pingback: The Dua Barometer: How Bad Do You Want It?

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